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  Bob Has Been Around For A Very Long Time
Posted by: TSK - 12-14-2023, 03:41 PM - Forum: Member Art - Replies (15)

[Image: 0NFake0l.jpg]

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  New Phone, Who Dis?
Posted by: dothedew - 12-14-2023, 02:22 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (4)

I'm just kidding, I have the same number and everything.

So, we're back to the good ol fashioned conspiracies, wild, weird, and left of center paranormal over here? I like it, I like it a lot.

I think that's why a lot of my thread starting died out elsewhere..... nothing really got traction or a good discussion without politics.

Super stoked. I'm going to have to start looking through my old drafts of "what could've been" and see what I can put up here for discussion and dissection.

Thanks for the invite, it feels good to be onboard!

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  Caves supposedly dug by giant sloths 10,000 years ago in Brazil.
Posted by: putnam6 - 12-14-2023, 02:12 PM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (11)

Wasn't sure where to put this cryptozoology seemed the best fit

Caves supposedly dug by giant sloths 10,000 years ago in Brazil...

I suppose 10,000 years ago giant sloths were much more active, not saying sloths did some of the digging bu that looks finished off by somebody or something else

[Image: jjkpqnma3a6c1.jpg]

[Image: tvnynxeb3a6c1.jpg]

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  Leave the World Behind
Posted by: Helig - 12-14-2023, 10:23 AM - Forum: Movies - Replies (7)

I was recommended to check this out by my boss the other day, so I gave it a try and I think I only made it like 15 minutes in (out of a whopping 2 hours 21m) and it gave me the distinct impression the director wanted to give a very Stanley Kubrick kind of feel but with the usual modern trappings of film. The whole premise (gleaned from reading the description on IMDB) basically was a Y2K styled event and just did not seem to come across very well due to a slow start and some disjointed dialog.

Has anyone else watched it further or to completion and found it to improve further in?

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Posted by: Helig - 12-14-2023, 10:12 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (6)

Figured I should go ahead and secure my username at least, now to find time to actually post...

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  The Dulce Papers
Posted by: putnam6 - 12-14-2023, 07:13 AM - Forum: Area 51 & Other Facilities - No Replies

Perhaps the single most reason I ended up on ATS, I can remember finding a link and downloading it on my shitty little modem. It took hours one chapter at a time, though I was and still am incredulous by the whole claim, story, or concept. The story the formatting the tone made me search for more information and opinions. Leading me eventually to ATS, looks like they added a lot of new chapters in this revised and updated revision.  

Reads like a schlocky sci-fi/alien story used to love that shit and probably still do...

our story begins

Quote:The following article comes from the ‘TC TECHNICAL CONSULTANT’, Nov.-Dec., 1991 issue:

“The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications…

“What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of journalists all over the world.

“The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel ‘Danny‘ Casolaro was found dead August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia. His wrists were slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note was found nearby. The only manuscript of his book, with accompanying notes, WAS MISSING.

“The book, provisionally titled ‘The Octopus‘, was meant to be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department under the Reagan administration. Time Magazine also reported that Casolaro’s research centered on gambling and attempted arms deals at the Cabazon reservation near Indio [California].

“Indeed, the scope of Casolaro’s investigation was so large that anyone of a large number of areas of research could have been the trigger for a possible hit.

“While authorities declared his death a suicide, his relatives definitely stated that Casolaro’s mental state was sound, indeed upbeat, after the completion of his book.

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  Law links, not legal advice but resources for those inquisitive.
Posted by: BeTheGoddess - 12-14-2023, 06:32 AM - Forum: Education & Media - Replies (1)

Sometimes we need to know what legislation miht be relevant to the topic, its not official source, but its kept up-to-date mostly.

Hope it could be of use.

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  The Dulce Papers
Posted by: putnam6 - 12-14-2023, 05:33 AM - Forum: Area 51 & Other Facilities - Replies (5)

Perhaps the single most reason I ended up on ATS, I can remember finding a link and downloading it on my shitty little modem. It took hours one chapter at a time, though I was and still am incredulous by the whole claim, story, or concept. The story the formatting the tone made me search for more information and opinions. Leading me eventually to ATS, looks like they added a lot of new chapters in this revised and updated revision.  

Reads like a schlocky sci-fi/alien story used to love that shit and probably still do...

Quote:The following article comes from the ‘TC TECHNICAL CONSULTANT’, Nov.-Dec., 1991 issue:

“The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications…

“What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of journalists all over the world.

“The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel ‘Danny‘ Casolaro was found dead August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia. His wrists were slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note was found nearby. The only manuscript of his book, with accompanying notes, WAS MISSING.

“The book, provisionally titled ‘The Octopus‘, was meant to be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department under the Reagan administration. Time Magazine also reported that Casolaro’s research centered on gambling and attempted arms deals at the Cabazon reservation near Indio [California].

“Indeed, the scope of Casolaro’s investigation was so large that anyone of a large number of areas of research could have been the trigger for a possible hit.

“While authorities declared his death a suicide, his relatives definitely stated that Casolaro’s mental state was sound, indeed upbeat, after the completion of his book.

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  Hey, Missed Ya
Posted by: NoRegretsEver - 12-14-2023, 01:38 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Its been far to long, hope I can find a new home, its been a while.

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  On Losing Weight and Diet Pills.
Posted by: DontTreadOnMe - 12-14-2023, 12:07 AM - Forum: Diseases & Pandemics - Replies (25)

Diets do not work.  Neither do diet pills.  Same goes for all those food plans.
Not unless you make changes to the way you eat after you get to goal weight.
Trust me on this.

And all those "fad" fixes.  Wiring your jaw shut.  Stapling your stomach.  How does that help when you were consuming vast numbers of calories and your body got used to that.
Then your body gets used to way fewer calories and goes into starvation mode...and you stop losing weight consuming too few calories.
Yo yo diets, anyone?

These current new stories about celebrities and diet pills just goes to show the rich fall for these get thin quick plans just like us regular folk.

Oprah Winfrey Just Set the Record Straight About Her Recent Weight Loss

Sharon Osbourne on Her Ozempic Weight Loss: "I Didn't Actually Want To Go This Thin"

And just look at all the wondrous little pills OKd by the benevolent FDA
What's the difference between Ozempic and Zepbound? Our comprehensive guide to weight-loss drugs

Yep, the FDA and it's cousin the USDA have nothing but our best interests at heart.

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  Former NOAA head says Ufos are real
Posted by: pianopraze - 12-13-2023, 11:32 PM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (1)

Quote:Retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral @GallaudetTim tells @RossCoulthart he believes the U.S. military is covering up the existence of non-human intelligence in relation to UAP. “We are in contact with non-human intelligence.”
Twitter video link

Disclosure is happening!

I’ve gone from complete non-believer to believer this year and it’s exciting to see high level officials in the know public stating UFOs are real.

This is high ranking Navy officer who then became head of NOAA.

He was getting sent the original footage of UFO/UAP while in office. 

Now he’s coming forward.

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  Hi, Im Beth
Posted by: BeTheGoddess - 12-13-2023, 10:39 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (6)

Do any of you remember, when that went dead there was a lot of mirrors people put up just to keep the content alive, this seems a little more thought out and I hop it doeess succeed.

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  Made it
Posted by: jaded - 12-13-2023, 08:09 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

What time is happy hour? Nice digs!!

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  I Investigated the City Made of Trash...
Posted by: Lysergic - 12-13-2023, 05:52 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (7)


Was watching this earlier and was shocked when it said 1.2 million people per year die in India from respiratory illness from the filthy air.

Literal mountains of garbage.

He claims he got salmonella filming this.

The most feces I've ever seen chillin' in public.

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  Unleashing the Ancient Marvel: The Pliosaur
Posted by: Lysergic - 12-13-2023, 05:01 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - No Replies

The skull of a colossal sea monster has been extracted from the cliffs of the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, UK.It belongs to a pliosaur, a ferocious marine reptile that terrorised the oceans about 150 million years ago.The 2m-long fossil is one of the most complete specimens of its type ever discovered and is giving new insights into this ancient predator.The skull will be featured in a special David Attenborough programme on BBC One on New Year's Day.


The Pliosaur, with its massive frame and fearsome appearance, reigned supreme in the seas approximately 250 million years ago. This extraordinary creature, belonging to the order Plesiosauria, was a true marvel of evolution. Its name, derived from the Greek words "pleion" meaning "more," and "sauros" meaning "lizard," perfectly captures the essence of this colossal predator.

Imagine a creature that reached lengths of up to 50 feet, sporting a streamlined body and powerful flippers that propelled it gracefully through the water. Its elongated neck, equipped with a set of razor-sharp teeth, struck fear into the hearts of any unfortunate prey that crossed its path.

One of the most striking features of the Pliosaur was its enormous head, housing a set of formidable jaws capable of delivering a bone-crushing bite. With teeth that measured up to a whopping 12 inches in length, this apex predator was more than capable of tearing through flesh and bone, making it a force to be reckoned with.

But what truly sets the Pliosaur apart from its underwater counterparts is its adaptability. With its streamlined body and flipper-like limbs, it was built for speed and agility, allowing it to chase down its prey with astonishing efficiency. Its ability to regulate its buoyancy gave it the freedom to explore various depths of the ocean, making it a truly versatile predator.

In addition to its physical prowess, the Pliosaur possessed a remarkable intelligence. Recent research suggests that this ancient reptile had a complex social structure, with evidence of nurturing behavior and maternal care. Imagine a world where these colossal creatures swam in family groups, protecting their young and working together to secure their next meal. It's a fascinating insight into the social dynamics of an extinct species.

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  Missiles from rebel-held Yemen miss a ship loaded with jet fuel
Posted by: putnam6 - 12-13-2023, 06:52 AM - Forum: The Middle East - Replies (10)

Missiles from rebel-held Yemen miss a ship loaded with jet fuel, is it me or are TPTB just going to wait till the Houthis are actually successful in attacking a ship?

Doesn't one blown-up ship spike oil prices? Is that the goal here, or does TPTB want the attack so they can justify going to war and ridding the Saudis of the thorn in their side?

Quote:DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Two missiles fired from territory held by Yemen’s Houthi rebels missed a commercial tanker loaded with Indian-manufactured jet fuel near the key Bab el-Mandeb Strait on Wednesday, a U.S. official said. It is the first time they target an energy shipment heading to the Suez Canal.

An American warship also shot down a suspected Houthi drone flying in its direction during the incident, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters. No one was hurt in the attack, the official said.

The assault on the tanker Ardmore Encounter further escalates a campaign by the Iranian-backed rebels targeting ships close to the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and also widens the international impact of the Israel-Hamas war raging in the Gaza Strip.

The Marshall Islands-flagged tanker was traveling north toward the Suez Canal in the Red Sea, satellite tracking data analyzed by The Associated Press showed. The vessel was on its way from Mangalore, India, and had an armed security crew aboard it, according to data transmitted by the ship. Those guards apparently opened fire to drive off skiffs loaded with men trying to board the vessel, the private intelligence firm Ambrey said.

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  I'm Here
Posted by: Kenzo - 12-13-2023, 05:27 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Hello ladies & gentlemens Cool

I got intel about this place .... Wow  This is  best invention since sliced bread! 

[Image: 8vofb1h.jpg]


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  Trying to resolve 9/11
Posted by: Kwaka - 12-13-2023, 05:17 AM - Forum: 9/11 Conspiracies - Replies (3)

The one moment that kicked me hard


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  Kwaka signing in
Posted by: Kwaka - 12-13-2023, 02:31 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

Hey, crazy time with this next generation war going on and the information battlescape of public opinion. I like the name of the site. I did not sign up with rogue nation, but can see the importance of such things as the flack from ignorance can take its toll.

Pushing the boundaries against the official narrative can be a dangerous place to be, plenty of examples of what happens when one rocks the boat too hard. Doing nothing is also a risky place as those with an advantage exploit their position. It is a fine line knowing when to hold them, fold them, walk away or run.

Some good voices got silenced with Darko, some long overdue upgrades also happened. The politics of reality is a dark and ugly place at times. As freedom of speech is valued, it does give common sense a chance to find some way out of the mess and find a better way. To hit the ban button due to a different perspective just keeps us all in the dark. It is ok to not agree with another perspective, it opens up a blind side to not even know that perspective exists.

In going through the T&C's, 3 Data mining prohibition looks unrealistic as AI and bots are gaining capability to soak up as much data as they can. Having places like this just might help the algorithm find a clearer picture of reality from all the woke censorship going mainstream? As for personal member details, try and keep them protected. With the internet designed to communicate, don't expect it.

13. Self harm also raises some questions. As a mod I can see that is an easy one to delete, not my problem. As for providing some support when having too many red and black pills, there is some experience around here. Mental health is tricky, especially with some of the topics going around at times. Not a lot of professional psychological support services, some battle hardened veterans in dealing with the head bangers. I don't know, some comments to consider. The rest of the T&C looks good.

The ATS family offered a beacon of hope as it kept topics like 9/11 alive as so many websites caved to the political and economic pressures behind the scenes. Plenty of arguments as families do, sure I will be disagreeing with someone soon.

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  The Official I Need Some Help With My Avatar Thread
Posted by: DontTreadOnMe - 12-12-2023, 11:57 PM - Forum: Member Art - Replies (51)

Some things never change.  One of those things for me, and maybe for many of you, is the ability to make cure and/or clever avatars.
I'm all thumbs, or wrong left brain/right brain situated for artistic endeavor with size limits.  

Therefore, I am here to start a thread where the art-challenged can get a shiny new avatar....
And make the first request.

Can someone here please size this Christmas avatar for me:
[Image: eg5680bbbd.jpg]

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  I'm old, cranky, & set in my ways, but I'm heeerre...
Posted by: lostgirl - 12-12-2023, 07:11 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (7)

Hello all!
Despite my username, I am staring down the barrel of birthday #60 (I was a still youthful 39 yrs old when I joined ATS - it's been a rough 10 years!)

I do a lot more reading than posting these days, and have a deep appreciation for a great many longtime members of ATS, many of whom seem not to be around there much anymore...

I joined Rogue Nation during one of the ATS 'glitches', but I find it a bit overwhelming 'user-wise' so not sure how often I'll 'visit' here -

- But, I am grateful for the opportunity to join the "Deny Ignorance" forum and thank you to KKLOCO from ATS for the link over there, which brought me here.


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  Peru region attacks
Posted by: pianopraze - 12-12-2023, 04:30 PM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (29)

So my whole outlook on aliens and what is going on has changed this year. I’ve always thought aliens were like Bigfoot and other fun but probably not real experiences. 

Peru has changed all that. 

There is a long history of alien history in Peru - hell it’s on half the Anchient Alien TV shows. 

For the past 50 years the Amazon basin has been experiencing wave after wave of what they called alien experiences. Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and to a lesser extent Columbia. 

Spring of this year starting early spring on the Western edge of Brazil bordering Peru attacks started happening.  They followed a C line mostly following a river. Starting in Brazil they went west into Peru, north towards Ecuador, then turning east followed the river back into Brazil. This occurred all the way into October.

They attacked remote villages one after another. All the villages describe the same experiences. Tall 7-9 foot individuals in black armor with elliptical helmets with yellow eyes, riding 1 meter radius floating disks. They said it was similar but different to green goblin armor from spider man. The black armored individuals always went in pairs. Sometimes multiple groups of pairs. They had boots with two round circles that slowed them to hover or jump very tall and far. These boots hooked into the disks. Sometimes they were seen in larger acorn shaped craft that could be see through. The boots, the disks, and the larger craft made very little noise,- described as air hissing or electrical humming but only barely audible under extreme acceleration. Otherwise completely silent.

In Late July early August a video went viral of one of the villages begging for help. Begging government to come intercede, navy, police, or even reporters with better cameras.

YouTube video

Responding to their call, a group of ufologists went down to give aid and see what was going on.  By the time the group arrived the aliens had moved further East into Brazil. But they took the testimony of the villagers including a young lady Talia who the black armored individuals had attacked. 

YouTube video of their report.

Talia said they were attempting to peel off her face. Many others have been abducted and their faces removed. The pelecaras or face peelers had been in the region doing this for about 50 years but no one believed the villagers. Sometimes they paralyze people with lights. Some of the people hit by the lights are paralyzed. A couple have died. 

The attacks moved village to village into Brazil after this. One of the locals on the border filed a video of one of them in a tree:

Twitter video thread link

Two downed ufos had been reported in the region during those last 50 years. One by an army sergeant who said they came upon a crashed ufo. And another where a ufo crashed and there was a fire fight between military and survivors. Brazil also had a famous crash and retrieval in Varginha which supposedly included a live aliens as well as waves of ufo of activity similar to what was reported this year with the black armored individuals. 

A lot to unpact. Centuries of UFO reports spanning multiple civiliazations in Peru. Ufo crashes and retrievals in the last century. And now these black armored individuals the locals call face peelers - pelecaras. 

I think this years reports are real. I think they are humans. I think they are using advanced technology, possibly reverse engineered. 

[Image: 2]

This is not the first year this has happened. It’s been going on for 50 years. They go in waves. The technology seems to be improving year over year. People are abducted and go missing. People are found dead. People are being rescued with their faces partially removed.

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  Hi, a lot of old timers here…
Posted by: pianopraze - 12-12-2023, 03:00 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (13)

Man I hope a site I won’t mention doesn’t sink.

But I’m here with all you other old timers. 

How do I do a cheers?  Beer

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  Time Zone Options Missing
Posted by: MissBeck - 12-12-2023, 11:22 AM - Forum: Board Questions & Business - Replies (4)

I looked to see if I could change the time zone in the edit options, and it says to choose from the zones listed below, but there were non listed. Am I being thick? Again? Lol

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  Is this a private club??? :-D
Posted by: MissBeck - 12-12-2023, 11:08 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (16)

Not sure if I'm welcome here but I'm from ATS, saw a link by KKLOCO in a thread and didn't want to be left behind.

I'm not much of a poster because I work 2 jobs, so will probablyonly pop in on an evening to catch up with everything going on in the world, but glad I saw the link. :-)

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