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Baal's Arch Goes On World Tour.
Following on from these very weird shenanigans back in 2017 at the 'World Government Summit' involving 'Baal's Arch'.

[Image: 86b8745edaa29b8fa054b9c13bb03bf7.jpg]

Quote:World Government Summit Brings Together Top Globalists Under Baal’s Arch


The World Government Summit in the United Arab Emirates brought together leading globalists, communists, and crony capitalists under a replica of the Arch of the Temple of Baal.

Looks like the 2023 version of the event also featured such people as the WEF's Klaus Schwab, the WHO's Tedros Ghebreyesus and the IMF's Kristalina Georgieva.

In fact it looks like Baal's Gate has been on a bit of a global whirlwind tour.

A bit too overtly religious for me but thought this chap raised some interesting points.

Timing seems to be a thing (especially in London) and apparently due to absolute 'outrage' in New York they had to change the name to the 'Palmyra Gate'.

Apparently It even turned up as the opening attraction at Italy's 'G7' meeting.

Background info on Baal worship (viewer discretion).

Quote:We explore the history of two demons of human sacrifice worshipped in the holy land. The cults of Moloch & Baal plunged the middle east into the ritual of child sacrifice. We learn more about them, their rituals and how these ancient abominations were eventually defeated.

Also discussed are the archeological findings at the Phoenician colony of Carthage and 'The Act Of Laughing'.
It is an ancient faith... or perhaps I should say religion.

That there are those who still observe it demonstrates how robust that community remains.

I think part of the 'staging' is about sacred lies.  It's what they appear to be all "about."
Yes am a big fan of anthropology (rather than theology) mate so this is all pretty fascinating to me.

We humans sure are a crazy bunch.

Following on from this image there are some extremely strange antics shown below from Chicago's 'World's Fair' in 1933.



The unedited footage can be found in the post above but here's the stock footage released from Soldier Fields at Chicago's 'World's Fair' in 1933.

Incidentally thought a great point was made here (around 26:40) about Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
It's just incredible that someone thought it 'creative' and 'instructive' to convey this ritual as a performance piece... or did they?  Sorry conspiracy theory thought... shame on me."
Yes it truly is incredible my friend and I appreciate the input.

The unedited footage clearly shows them popping a baby in.

The simulation would all be pretty hilarious if it wasn't so insanely disturbing.

Whoa hey man stop noticing.
(06-25-2024, 02:16 PM)Karl12 Wrote: Following on from these very weird shenanigans back in 2017 at the 'World Government Summit' involving 'Baal's Arch'.

[Image: 86b8745edaa29b8fa054b9c13bb03bf7.jpg]

Looks like the 2023 version of the event also featured such people as the WEF's Klaus Schwab, the WHO's Tedros Ghebreyesus and the IMF's Kristalina Georgieva.

In fact it looks like Baal's Gate has been on a bit of a global whirlwind tour.

A bit too overtly religious for me but thought this chap raised some interesting points.

Timing seems to be a thing (especially in London) and apparently due to absolute 'outrage' in New York they had to change the name to the 'Palmyra Gate'.

Apparently It even turned up as the opening attraction at Italy's 'G7' meeting.


I think a better understanding of the worship of Baal is to look at it without the Jewish/Christain hangups, as Baal was a competiter of Yaweh, as both Yaweh and Baal were originally storm gods before becoming what we think of today.

Quote:Baal (also given as Ba'al) is a Canaanite-Phoenician god of fertility and weather, specifically rainstorms. The name was also used as a title, however, meaning "Lord" and was applied to a number of different deities throughout the ancient Near East. Baal is best known today from the Bible as the antagonist of the Israelite cult of Yahweh.
Quote:Baal's cult was eventually replaced by the cult of Yahweh and his name became synonymous with the enemies of the one true god.

"Denial is a common tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning." 
Charles Tremper
Playing with fire.
Showing archeological stuff for historical reasons is good.
But I have a feeling this is more than just that.
make russia small again
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.