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  UK - find UFOs in your local area.
Posted by: OneStepBack - 04-26-2024, 07:58 AM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (1)

To celebrate Alien Day (26/4) my local paper are allowing readers to search the 'UFO Identified' database for reported sightings of unexplained flying objects across the UK from January 2021 to December 2023.

Quote:The research group UFO Identified has documented 1,789 sightings of unexplained objects in the skies above the UK since 2020. That includes 395 sightings last year alone.Information was taken from social media, newspaper reports, and Freedom of Information requests, as well as from reports made directly to UFO spotter groups around the UK.

The group’s research shows that people living in the South East have the best chance of seeing a UFO, with 233 documented sightings since 2020, followed by the North West (218) and the South West (193).

You paste your postcode in to find your local area sightings. There is nothing to sign up to.


PS - The postcode input at the bottom of the page is for something completely different.

I have found 9 sightings within my area, mainly white orbs.  I an going to do some research on them.

End Note:  I had deja vu while writing this thread but have checked on here and ATS and I have not posted a new thread on this previously.

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  Alternate Angles history, pop culture, landmarks etc
Posted by: putnam6 - 04-26-2024, 03:20 AM - Forum: History - Replies (2)

Found this sub reddit Alternate Angles, shows cool pictures of historic and pop culture, in different angles not normally shown. Always have heard how massive the pyramids are. This angle shows how how long did they take to finish lets not forget they were originally covered in white granite 

[Image: this-view-of-the-pyramids-in-egypt-v0-66...67d1b89a99]

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.ecotravellerguide.c...ipo=images]

Alternate angles 

The cover of Rush's Moving Pictures album

[Image: alternative-angle-of-the-rush-album-movi...2c4bebaedf]

Alan Rickman filming his fall from the Nakatomi Building in "Die Hard"

[Image: alan-rickman-filming-g-his-falling-scene...c0e65b7e06]

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  CyberPeeWee 2077
Posted by: Lysergic - 04-25-2024, 11:53 AM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (1)


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  This is still developing, so I just wanted to bring it hear for discussion
Posted by: guyfriday - 04-25-2024, 11:24 AM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (10)

Possible UFO reported over NYC's LaGuardia Airport (

Quote: A plane passenger has claimed she spotted a possible UFO flying high over the Big Apple.
Michelle Reyes said she caught sight of a mysterious “flying cylinder” out of her plane window while above LaGuardia Airport.
“The first thing I did was email the FAA to let them know what I saw,” she told NewsNation Wednesday.
“Maybe it was a safety hazard, but unfortunately I haven’t heard back from them, they didn’t acknowledge my email.”
with a picture of this: (sorry for the size but that's what was from the article)
[Image: laguardia-flight-ufo-seen-03.jpg?quality=75&strip=all]

Now the article has a quote from former FBI and tv personality Ben Hansen saying that he doubts that the passengers faked this. Hey that's great and all, but it this a real UFO/UAP from aliens, a new type of Drone, a possible Military Aircraft of some kind, or what? The interesting thing about this was that this story comes out the same day as Weinstein gets his New York Rape charges dropped, and the Dow Jones takes a 600 point dump due to the poor economy report. 

Did they actually try to use a UFO/UAP as a distraction? What does everyone here think about this event over the skys of New York?

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  A Collection of Creative Couplets
Posted by: CCoburn - 04-25-2024, 07:34 AM - Forum: Music - Replies (9)

A thread for associating literary pieces with musical tracks.


The primordial consciousness
being born
within the suffocating confines
of a zero-volume existence

The only way
in which it could move
was inward

An inward dream
to cast
the illusion of space
within the mind
of the primordial


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  The tyranny of "non-compete" clauses is ending, maybe?
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-25-2024, 12:36 AM - Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest - No Replies

The idea that a non-compete clause is for the protection of the company always seemed improperly imposed to me.  

I can understand it from the point of view of the executive body, policy-makers, and strategic trade-secret holders... they should be honor-bound to not interfere with a business they are departing by exploiting their inside knowledge.  But it seemed wrong to me to apply it to anyone under that highest executive level.  Yet it often is...  there are some 30 million citizens in this country that are basically tethered to their employers by a non-compete clause... they cannot leave their job without leaving their employability behind...

(By the way, a noncompete clause is not the same as a non-disclosure clause...)

From Ars Technica: FTC bans noncompete clauses, declares vast majority unenforceable
Subtitled: Chamber of Commerce vows to sue FTC, will try to block ban on noncompetes.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today announced that it has issued a final rule banning noncompete clauses. The rule will render the vast majority of current noncompete clauses unenforceable, according to the agency.

"In the final rule, the Commission has determined that it is an unfair method of competition and therefore a violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act, for employers to enter into noncompetes with workers and to enforce certain noncompetes," the FTC said.

The US Chamber of Commerce said it will sue the FTC in an effort to block the rule, claiming the ban is "a blatant power grab that will undermine American businesses' ability to remain competitive."

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the Chamber of Commerce can make a go of the legal challenge.  But it seems like outside of the executive level they seem ludicrous and imposing.

"Noncompete clauses keep wages low, suppress new ideas, and rob the American economy of dynamism, including from the more than 8,500 new startups that would be created a year once noncompetes are banned," FTC Chair Lina Khan said. "The FTC's final rule to ban noncompetes will ensure Americans have the freedom to pursue a new job, start a new business, or bring a new idea to market."

The Chamber will contest these statements, and the FTC will have to revel it's reasoning to a court... should be fun... fetch the popcorn.

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  Everything's a "smart" device now...
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-25-2024, 12:20 AM - Forum: Computer Help - No Replies

Back when I started the never-ending process of "keeping" a computer (when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth) it was pretty easy.

Back then PC's were mostly not networked, and if you wanted a network-type connection to another PC you needed to "work it out" by physically connecting them... (If you are older, like me... remember gathering to play "DOOM" .. and everyone bringing their PC, a router and/or ethernet cable?)

Now most connectivity is manufactured into the device... everything from doorbells and toasters, to televisions and media players.  And it is done without wires.  There's a lot of noise around them, wirelessly announcing, constantly pinging for contact... and most people setting up their own "home" network leave the work to their router, or cable-box... the perennial source of Wi-Fi for many households...

Your PC is also "listening"... and sometimes it answers... Therein lies the problem:

From Ars Technica: The spam came from inside the house: How a smart TV can choke a Windows PC
Subtitled: The curious case of a living room screen making Windows' Settings app disappear.

This is an interesting story about how a mysterious difficulty in Windows came from an unlikely source... a "SMART" television.

User Narayan B wrote in Microsoft's forum that the issue is the Hisense TV generating "random UUIDs for UPNP network discovery every few minutes." Windows, seemingly not knowing why any device would routinely do this, sees and adds those alternate Hisense devices to its Device Association Framework, or DAF. This service being stuffed full of attention-grabbing devices can hang up Task Manager, Bluetooth, the Settings apps, File Explorer, and more.

The fix is deleting hundreds of keys from the registry. Narayan B wrote that he noticed his Hisense TV flooding Windows' device discovery systems before but "didn't think Windows would go for a toss due to this." Snow did the same, and everything—Task Manager, MIDI keyboard, remote desktop, even a CRT monitor she had assumed was broken—started working again.

I thought I'd share this as one more thing to add to your list of "Hmm, that's weird" troubleshooting sessions...

Edit to add a good link.

From How-to-Geek: What Is "Device Association Framework Provider Host" and Why Is It Running on My PC?

Pay attention to your processes... Many of them may not be "yours."

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  Has Anyone Else Here Seen the Triangles?
Posted by: Schmoe - 04-24-2024, 02:33 AM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (14)

I've posted about this at a few other sites, but I always like to get new opinions and stories.

I've seen two craft in my lifetime that I can't explain, both happened at night. The first time was over 10 years ago. I went outside at work for a smoke, and looked up to the stars like I normally do. I saw what appeared to be a satellite, they look like stars moving in a steady trajectory.

I got the feeling this thing was very high up, or in space. It was slightly bigger and brighter than other satellites I've seen, but it moved in the same way, straight and steady. All of a sudden it moved in a strange way, along the same trajectory, but it looked like it was repeatedly being shot out of a cannon. A rapid acceleration/stop/acceleration/stop. That happened a few times until it went beyond my line of sight past some buildings.

Now for the triangle I saw, this happened about 2 years ago. I left work, and at the time I took a train to get home. It's a 3 minute walk to the station, down a single road. I'm walking down this road, about 9:30 pm, and this craft flew directly over me, I'd say it was roughly 90 feet in length, and about 400 feet up in the air. I couldn't make out the shape of the craft, but it had 3 white lights in a triangle formation, with a blinking red light in the center.

It wasn't going particularly fast, it cruised a long until it went beyond a tree line maybe half mile away. To give a speed reference, from the time I saw it overhead until the time it was gone, was about 15-20 seconds. It didn't hit me until it was gone that it was completely silent. It was a calm, quiet night, and it didn't even produce a hum. There's a lot of air traffic where I work, I often see Cessnas and larger craft, you can hear them clearly even at a far greater distance. This craft also lacked the red and green lights which I thought were required by law.

I used to make fun of people for not capturing these things on video, but it never crossed my mind until it was well gone. I was trying to wrap my head around what I was seeing.

Anybody seen anything similar?

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  The tax issue regarding income
Posted by: Cre8Chaos - 04-24-2024, 01:59 AM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (4)

Hi party people. 
      I am writing this annoyed as a person who flatiron their hair when it was going to rain and then got my hair wet in the rain. So, yes I understand I do have a choice and I am about to get movin'. 
So for 10 years I have been divorced. Not wanting to be all on my lonesome and having to leave a second relationship which was bad. I left florida on the advice of my father. I moved home to California. Now the whole time I have not been able to find accommodation in a decent neighborhood with my income despite working in my current field for 9 years. Apartments want 3x the rent. I could not afford it until now. Even then, it is unobtainable. So I go to school, paying my way so I fo not get taxed by the government for a loan to the best of my ability. 
Being in the preschool profession is a monetarily unfulfilling job. Parents need to pay and the overhead is huge. The money on insurance for the center to operate alone is huge. Every year we get raises. Usually a dollar or more. It's nice. But because we live in Cali we get taxed out the yang. The state takes about 450 a month out of my paycheck every two weeks. I do not claim anything.     Here's why I am going to move to a no state tax state. My child's friend is making 22 an hour in florida and is bringing home only 100 dollars less that what I bring home in a paycheck despite me making almost six more dollars an hour.

        I may not want to go to florida, but I would like to keep the money I eaen or at least would like something to show for it.  If I brought home what my kids friend. Brings home, I would be living well in the area of florida they live. 

There is a catch, beeing a preschool teacher with ten years of expertise and way to many early child hoood units to think about, it is reletive to where I reside. Here I am making about average for the area. If I move I would probably be looking at a pay cut of eight to ten bucks. But I would still come out where I might afford a place. 
I did the math. Where I work my pay is equivalent to approximately two to two and a half childrens tuition. I work with fifteen children. Like I said before overhead is astounding. 

Anyhow I guess my question would be... where is a good safe place to live making lower income that won't be devoured by CA or have me attacked for leaving the house?
I have family now in florida ( northern central), Texas ( 4 hours east of Dallas), and rural Maryland. I also have family on the western tennesee/Kentucky Boarder. I would like to live near family. If not somewhere by these areas. Any ideas would be great. Oh  i forgot to mention I am a teacher and a teacher in training for elementary however, I do not agree with the political bias in school. There is no space for it in a true environment for learning as far as the teaching staff goes ( yes, I have had to bite my younger in the break room when people were bashing Trump and talking about the news headlines about falsehoods they say trump did. When it was someone else....  anyhow, I am a bit sleepy and my ADHD is showing. So imma leave this. I will respond tomorrow and I appreciate all advice.

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  NASA back in contact with Voyager 1
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-23-2024, 11:22 PM - Forum: Space - Replies (1)

I had almost lost hope for the little probe that could.

Absolutely no one could have planned for Voyager 1 to last as long as it has.  In a testament to sound engineering and design, our ability to continue to conduct scientific measurement using this probe has exceeded all expectations.

From Universe Today: NASA Restores Communications with Voyager 1

The venerable Voyager 1 spacecraft is finally phoning home again. This is much to the relief of mission engineers, scientists, and Voyager fans around the world...

Eventually, they found that the flight data subsystem (FDS) was having an issue. In the spacecraft’s data handling pipeline, this system takes information from the instruments and packages it into a data stream for the long trip back to Earth.

It turns out that the FDS has a bit of a memory problem. The engineers found this out by poking at the computer—literally sending a “poke” command to Voyager 1. That prompted the FDS to disgorge a readout of its memory—including the software code and other code values. The readout showed that about 3 percent of the FDS memory is corrupted due to a single chip failing...

They started out by taking the code that packages engineering data and moving it to a safe spot in FDS. Then they sent some commands to the spacecraft for the FDS to do some tasks. That worked because, on April 20th, they heard back from the spacecraft with clear, intelligible data. Now, they just need to do the same thing with other bits of code so that the spacecraft can send back both engineering and science data.

Let's hope that they can continue to get data from the probe until she finally fails due to power depletion somewhere around 2030. 

Good luck Voyager!

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  Animal consciousness... have we been wrong?
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-23-2024, 02:26 PM - Forum: Science & Technology - Replies (19)

A little over a decade ago, at a meeting at Cambridge, a group of respected scientists and researcher published a statement indicating that creatures of all types have everything neurologically necessary to manifest true consciousness... sentience of a sort [1].  They proposed that we should openly recognize that we have been mistaken by accepting Descartes's statements that indicated animals were a sort of biological automata ... without feelings, without a mind.

A short while ago, another group of academicians and thinkers at a New York conference made a similar 'declaration' [2] ... that animals may very well be conscious.

A flurry of reporting has occurred in the media, with several outlets publishing on this subject...

From Quanta MagazineInsects and Other Animals Have Consciousness, Experts Declare
Subtitled: A group of prominent biologists and philosophers announced a new consensus: There’s “a realistic possibility” that insects, octopuses, crustaceans, fish and other  overlooked animals experience consciousness.
From NatureDo insects have an inner life? Animal consciousness needs a rethink
Subtitled: A declaration signed by dozens of scientists says there is “a realistic possibility” for elements of consciousness in reptiles, insects and molluscs.
From The HillIt’s ‘irresponsible’ to ignore widespread consciousness across animal world, dozens of scientists argue
From NBC NewsScientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient
Subtitled: Far more animals than previously thought likely have consciousness, top scientists say in a new declaration — including fish, lobsters and octopus.
From Animal Ethics.org10th Anniversary of the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness

That's a lot of attention for a very simple scientific declaration.  Even minimized, the assertion is important... It is not impossible that non-humans lack a sense of experiential existence.  They may well be sentient in some analogous way to human consciousness.  I offer some excerpted examples from the various articles to give you some ideas of what's in there...

The [NY] declaration, signed by biologists and philosophers, formally embraces that view. It reads, in part: “The empirical evidence indicates at least a realistic possibility of conscious experience in all vertebrates (including all reptiles, amphibians and fishes) and many invertebrates (including, at minimum, cephalopod mollusks, decapod crustaceans and insects).” Inspired by recent research findings that describe complex cognitive behaviors in these and other animals, the document represents a new consensus and suggests that researchers may have overestimated the degree of neural complexity required for consciousness.

On a side note, the first such declaration presented practically the same message.  It was a bit wordier, (the New York declaration is impressively brief) but the idea was never stated then, or now, that animals "are" conscious... only that we have inadequate scientific standing to say they can not be. 

(I like reiterating the meaning because I have seen people re-brand scientific utterances to serve their own ends...)

I have been an on and off pet owner for many decades... I know each of them had some kind of consciousness, by long observation... but I can't state it scientifically because even the scientists are still hammering out what 'consciousness' is exactly...

There is not a standard definition for animal sentience or consciousness, but generally the terms denote an ability to have subjective experiences: to sense and map the outside world, to have capacity for feelings like joy or pain. In some cases, it can mean that animals possess a level of self-awareness. 

Some encouraging observations, from my perspective, is summed up well...

The new declaration expands the scope of its predecessor and is also worded more carefully, Seth wrote. “It doesn’t try to do science by diktat, but rather emphasizes what we should take seriously regarding animal consciousness and the relevant ethics given the evidence and theories that we have.”

[Underlining is mine]  I love that it was openly acknowledged, that often these 'declarations' are, in some sense, "Science by diktat" (science by decree... as in the Descartes pronouncement of 'material automata.')

It may seem obvious to us that mammals, birds, and octopuses are conscious because of the way they act and the way they react to pleasant and unpleasant things. When he heard about the Cambridge Declaration, ethologist Marc Bekoff said he thought it was a joke because animal consciousness is something so obvious to anyone who works with or lives with nonhuman animals.

So why did it take so long for scientists to declare this, and why was their wording so careful? Instead of directly claiming that the nonhuman animals they mentioned are conscious, they said that other animals have “the substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors.”

Each of these articles has good material in it... well presented and worth reading... for once.  Beer

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  Perhaps a new world order isn't such a bad idea, depending on the order...
Posted by: setemkamaat - 04-23-2024, 10:27 AM - Forum: New World Order - Replies (4)

Let's be real, fuck the government. I don't care what country you is from, fuck the governments. We need common sense and real education, not institutionalized brainwashing and programming. We need personal accountability and societal pressure to enforce it, not gestapo out there murdering folk. We need as a global society to come together under principles of personal responsibility, self improvement, and compassion and end all governments. Dosnt that sound better than voting for Trump or Biden in America, watching Putler and Zelinskiy fight it while Israel and Gaza accuse each other of genocide?

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  Final countdown
Posted by: pianopraze - 04-23-2024, 06:43 AM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (49)

It’s the final countdown….  Thumbdown Thumbdown Thumbdown


look down  Thumbdown ​​​​​​​ Thumbdown ​​​​​​​ Thumbdown


 Lol ​​​​​​​ Lol ​​​​​​​ Lol

29:16:16 as of this post.

Really need a jokes and humor forum.

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  Happy to be Here!
Posted by: Schmoe - 04-23-2024, 01:50 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

Hi everyone,

I'm another coming over from ATS, as I'm hearing the days are numbered there.

My interests include all things fringe, consciousness, NDEs, ETs, ice hockey, candle-lit dinners, long walks on the beach, and bashing government and politicians, left and right.

Happy to be here, thanks for having me!

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  Another 1 Coming from ATS
Posted by: Macenroe82 - 04-22-2024, 10:00 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (15)

Like the title says, coming here after hearing about the uncertainty of ATS.
been a long time member there, and am looking forward to what we can make DI into in the long run.

For those who don’t know me from ATS, I’m Macenroe82 over there as well.
I host a podcast on Spotify and YouTube.
im the former National Chief Investigator for MUFON. I retired from my position due to some shady dealings I came across in the org.
However, if there is ever a credible CE2 or above, then I will be deployed to the area for an investigation as part of STAR Team. 

I am a licensed Commercial Drone Pilot.
Not sure if I was the very first person to fly a drone underground beyond the visual line of site.
But I most definitely was the first person to be recognized as such and for setting a new safety standard with the use of drones in mining.
I was even awarded as such By the Institute of Mining.

One of the drones I helped develop (Test and crash  - sometimes on purpose… sometimes by accident) was featured on the Discovery Channel.
I was also a Mixed Martial Artist as a youth, before it was legal in my Province. 

So I have many interests and dable in a bit of everything.

Im looking forward to carrying on our conversations with those coming from ATS and with new members coming across D.I for the first time.


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  Call For Artists
Posted by: Velvet Elvis - 04-22-2024, 04:34 PM - Forum: Member Art - Replies (6)

Okay who are all of my art peeps?  I want to know who you are and what you do. 

As for me. I got my start as an inker in the comic book industry.  I have published work in titles for DC, Marvel, Dark Horse and Image.  After that I worked for "the mouse" for 14 years and now I'm at an independent studio doing virtual production. I build out sets and environments using Unreal Engine, Maya and a bunch of other 3D software.  

I still do traditional art in my spare time as well. In fact, I'm currently working on a little comic book idea that I hope to share here in the near future. But more on that later... 

If you're an artist (professional or hobbyist) share a little about what you do. I want to know who my people are.

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  "Deepfake" host sites blocked in the UK... are we next?
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-22-2024, 04:07 PM - Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest - No Replies

I believe this is an important issue.  I feel that people generally, and children specifically, should never be subject to the kind of "image abuse" made casually possible by those who use technology for making a person into an object... be it sexual, shameful, or other malicious end.  I find encouragement that people have been inclined to consider this.

But I have some concerns about this response proffered by the government in this case, and some question about this article.

From Wired: The Biggest Deepfake Porn Website Is Now Blocked in the UK
Subitled: The world’s most-visited deepfake website and another large competing site are stopping people in the UK from accessing them, days after the UK government announced a crackdown.

Two of the biggest deepfake pornography websites have now started blocking people trying to access them from the United Kingdom. The move comes days after the UK government announced plans for a new law that will make creating nonconsensual deepfakes a criminal offense.

Nonconsensual deepfake pornography websites and apps that “strip” clothes off of photos have been growing at an alarming rate—causing untold harm to the thousands of women they are used to target.

Clare McGlynn, a professor of law at Durham University, says the move is a “hugely significant moment” in the fight against deepfake abuse. “This ends the easy access and the normalization of deepfake sexual abuse material,” McGlynn tells WIRED.

Since deepfake technology first emerged in December 2017, it has consistently been used to create nonconsensual sexual images of women—swapping their faces into pornographic videos or allowing new “nude” images to be generated. As the technology has improved and become easier to access, hundreds of websites and apps have been created. Most recently, schoolchildren have been caught creating nudes of classmates.

I am not particularly interested in what some people say about this, as most journalists and editors are... I'm not looking for 'quotables' to embrace... but when I read the article, I do want information...

Over 700 words, and not one reference identifying the actual sites which are guilty of normalizing the exploitation... I wonder why?

WIRED is not naming the two websites due to their enabling of abuse.

"Ignorance is strength," eh? Or perhaps "knowledge is weakness?"  "We can't tell you, because you'll go look." is the message there... But it sort of denies the fact that the only reason this is a problem is because of how the industry has been allowed to monetize people simply 'looking around'... hmm, food for thought.

And of course, the situation is - since identified as a crisis - immediately becomes justification for the suggestion that ...

...  Ajder adds that search engines and hosting providers around the world should be doing more to limit the spread and creation of harmful deepfakes.

Oooh lookie here!... another call for a middleman to obscure access to the internet. 

Let someone else decide to block things, rather than prosecute offenders... I know it seems contrary to my position, but this is clearly not a deterrence for the act of 'making harmful imagery'... it's a deterrence for anyone accessing it... does that seem wise?

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  Hi Everyone :)
Posted by: NeoAstra - 04-22-2024, 11:20 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Long time ATS user/lurker jumping ship, I am really looking forward to this site becoming what ATS was in its heyday,
Stoked for the discussions to come! Much love to you all. stay safe!

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  No more cavities! But is it safe?
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-22-2024, 01:18 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (3)

I suffer from severe tooth problems (or lack thereof,)  so when I ran across this article, it definitely caught my attention...

From Ars Technica: The GMO tooth microbe that is supposed to prevent cavities
Subtitled: Some experts have concerns over the safety of the genetically modified bacteria.

About seven years ago, Aaron Silverbook and his then-girlfriend, a biologist, were perusing old scientific literature online. “A romantic evening,” joked Silverbook. That night, he came across a study from 2000 that surprised him. Scientists had genetically engineered an oral bacterium that they said could possibly prevent tooth decay: “I read it and sort of boggled at it and said, ‘Wow, this is a cavity vaccine. Why don't we have this?’”

So, Silverbook tracked down the primary author, Jeffrey Hillman, a now-retired oral biologist formerly at the University of Florida, to see if he could pick up the torch.

While I always remind myself that many of these kinds of announcements are what I call "press-release" journalism, this article described an encouraging possibility.  The idea of eliminating tooth decay really 'speaks to me' if you'll pardon the stretch for a pun.  

It appears that someone went the full commercial development route and marketed the treatment as a "cosmetic" product, thereby avoiding human-trials.  They had to rethink their website and changed some claims... 

As recently as last month, a website for the product included language about cavity prevention. And a previously available press kit stated that “a one-time brushing with this genetically modified bacteria could indefinitely prevent dental cavities.” By the time Lumina became available for pre-orders last week, however, that wording and the press kit had been removed. Silverbook—who does not have a background in dentistry or microbiology—told Undark that his lawyer advised the change in wording on the website, as Lantern Bioworks is bringing the product to market as a cosmetic, meaning it can’t make health claims about Lumina. Cosmetics don’t need to go through the same rigorous trials a drug would. “If anything I said sounded like a medical claim,” Silverbook told Undark in an interview earlier this year, “it wasn’t.”

However, you can't say it was cheap... initially offered at $20,000 for a treatment, they now claim they have reduced that to $250... (before taxes and shipping fees.)

The author reports that "experts" have safety and ethical concerns citing a lack of human trials... adding...

There’s also no data about whether it could spread between people, which brings up questions of informed consent. If someone doesn’t want to risk taking the untested bacteria, but kisses or shares spoons with someone who got the product, would it be transmitted? No one is quite sure.

Well, maybe fairy tales do come true...

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  Is it just me?... a photo in the news
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-21-2024, 06:36 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (1)

Scanning around, I often see lots of stuff attached to articles and news, and also within videos (where they flash images as they narrate, monologue, or use someone else's voice over.)

I can complain about how this production techniques is abused, but it would be to no avail.  So I just grin and bear it.

But this time, since it was a fluff-piece about astronomic stuff (the Leonid Meteor Shower) I was expecting photos of past events, etc.

From Fox: Lyrid meteor shower 2024: When and where to look up

Within it, this image appeared... 

[Image: GettyImages-1393058175-copy.jpg]

With the following caption:

The annual April Lyrids meteor showers illuminate the night sky over the Jinshanling Great Wall on April 22, 2022 in Luanping County, Chengdu City, Hebei Province of China. 
(Zhou Wanping / VCG  / Getty Images)

Now here's my question... Is this really a photograph of a meteor shower?  It seems awfully consistent... not like anything I have ever seen.  I suspected that this as an overlay of the Great Wall's silhouette over a time-lapsed photo of stationary lights... or am I mistaken?

If it is an error, I wonder if they will correct it eventually (not that they spotted it); or if it isn't, how is such a photo possible?

Just something to ponder.

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  Hello from the US Northern East Coast
Posted by: CCoburn - 04-21-2024, 04:07 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Been over at ATS for a bit and the Flying Spaghetti Monster told me it would be prudent to secure a reservation at this place. We've been delving into a lot of theological and philosophical stuff lately, but it varies.

It's good to be here. Thank you.

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  17 Places That Undercover Cops Will Always Monitor
Posted by: Waterglass - 04-21-2024, 01:38 PM - Forum: The Gray Area - Replies (5)

Online Forums and Social Media

First of all I am a former invitee and participant into the "Watcher" program for the FEDS. I am not here gatherng INTEL nor am I an undercover anything. Back at the old place I dropped alot of crumbs assumming that someone at the FED level was reading or using AI to gather. My cause is to stop both the drug and possibly child trafficking in my lilly white one percenter neighborhood.

So, since last August I have been banned from posting yet they allow me to clock in now and then to make it appear to the public that I am still a member. 

I also have my opinion as to why the "happening" happened over there but  I dont need the MOD squad chasing me over here.  In my opinion much was developing on the subject of UFO and Paranormal hence the great reset. Sort of what happened say 10 to 15 years ago. Oh I have no proof other than my opinion and observation as to the historical threads that remain as posted threads. You get that? 

So now the QANON fun bunch has resurfaced. So assume that someone is keeping an eye on you as it isnt me as I have no coin in that game as I am done with Mr. T and I am just bidening my time until our INTEL takes back the USA.  Yes, I am assumming for the best as I do hope and pray for the existance of the USA under law and the Constitution as my FED contacts havent been giving me squat for several months. I am now in a total blackout phase to only discuss milk and cookies with my FED handler. My guess is that USA has recalled all retired Special Agents to actuve duty again as the last time he was activated way back in April of 2020 when Covid-19 became a thing as back then that bat  and fish market story was absolute bull sheep as I read the emails from my POC.  

His last rant several months ago is that if Mr. T is NOT elected as President that riots would enchew along with the possibility of a civil war. 

So watch what you read, write and whom you support as its getting really frosty out there. I also know a secret about Mr. T and it has been vetted among many at the federal level. So I and Melania have something in common. Knowlege. 

Plus dont Fauci Up as hes now in the meat grinder. Thats a TBD

Yes, big brother is watching the hives. 

Waterglass Out!

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  Columbia University has fallen
Posted by: putnam6 - 04-21-2024, 01:03 PM - Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest - Replies (149)

What is occurring at Columbia and other universities is absolutely nuts, Im for free speech etc.but this is 1930s and 1940s type of racism in NYC. We had better find a better way, and we need to follow the money behind all of this seriously

[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-21-20-23-47-236.jpg]

Quote: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators have also been critical of Columbia's response to the conflict and have called on the university to divest from Israel. 
On Saturday, a large group of protesters gathered outside the university gates, while student protesters returned to the main lawn on campus. Four more people were arrested and released with summonses, according to NYPD. 
The day before, protesters were sprawled in sleeping bags and on mats with banners and Palestinian flags laid out around them.
Students at other colleges, including Boston University, Harvard University and Ohio State University, called for rallies in solidarity with Columbia students, CNN reported

[Image: GLs44ppWoAAHCHf?format=jpg&name=small] 

[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-21-13-37-18-862.jpg]

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  Another former ATS member here
Posted by: VulcanWerks - 04-20-2024, 10:35 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (12)

Greetings, folks.

I’m another ATS transplant. You may recall my username VulcanWerks from ATS. If so, it’s me!

If no, hi there.

looking forward to contributing.

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  "Don't forget to be afraid..." FBI given time to preach
Posted by: Maxmars - 04-20-2024, 02:43 AM - Forum: Propaganda Mill - Replies (3)

I wanted to place this in the less contentious "Current Events" forum, I really did.  But this piece of reporting just reeks of "message" and I hate it.  I hate it because there is news value in the story, but they turned it into a propaganda piece.  It's the kind of piece that forces associations, and obfuscates reality.  We really need to stop doing that.

From Fox News:  Chinese hackers preparing to ‘physically wreak havoc’ on US critical infrastructure: FBI director  
Subtitled: FBI Director Christopher Wray said that the hackers want to 'induce panic'

I will begin by dosing the story with something to remember... What the "hackers" want is to be paid.  In the media, "Panic" is a social engineering term.  And finally... we must never stop living in fear (according to the 'voices' in government.)

Chinese hackers are developing the "ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing," FBI director Christopher Wray said this week.

He added that the hackers are waiting "for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow."

Notice, if I may, that the Director does not point out that "Forewarned is forearmed" thereby instilling confidence in our vigilance and preparation.  Nor does he mention that the "vulnerabilities" of which he seems to be aware for some magical reason "can't be fixed."  Nor will he acknowledge that the hackers in question are 'contracted' entities that might just serve the paycheck and not the ideology of the signers of the paycheck.

Instead, he says...

"Its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic," Wray said Thursday at the 2024 Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats.
"There has been far too little public focus on the fact that PRC [People’s Republic of China] hackers are targeting our critical infrastructure – our water treatment plants, our electrical grid, our oil and natural gas pipelines, our transportation systems. And the risk that poses to every American requires our attention now," Wray told lawmakers at the time. 

It's most definitely NOT the "public" who needs to know and act on this.... it's the people he works with everyday, you know, the ones who get paid to protect systems, remedy deficiencies, and generally be prepared.  But no, he is not functioning as one of them, instead he is evoking fear and stress over "The last Red Menace" China.  (This is not to say that there aren't those who DO want to "hurt the bad Americans" ... and even some who will pay other to do it...  But this thespian crap from our government has to stop.)

Wray also said that "today, and literally every day" Chinese hackers are "actively attacking our economic security, engaging in wholesale theft of our innovation, and our personal and corporate data." 

"And they don’t just hit our security and economy. They target our freedoms, reaching inside our borders, across America, to silence, coerce, and threaten our citizens and residents," Wray testified.  

This is text-book.  Be afraid... now wait for it... "give us money" will be the next message.

Just as an add-on to the above tail.. here comes the flip side:

From HITBSecNews: China urges U.S. to immediately stop cyberattacks against China

China urges the United States to immediately stop its cyberattacks against China and stop smearing China, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on Monday.
Lin made the remarks at a daily press briefing when asked to comment on the report and repeated U.S. accusations that the Chinese government supported Volt Typhoon's cyberattacks. "According to the report, 'Volt Typhoon' is actually a ransomware cybercriminal group that calls itself the 'Dark Power' and is not sponsored by any state or region," said Lin.

"Ransomware cybercriminal group"... "Dark Power" ... yeah thanks... that clears things up, doesn't it?  It seems like we're not gonna get answers anywhere...  

Or at least certainly not from any 'spokesperson' from either camp.

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