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  I like the new house :)
Posted by: asabovesobelow - 11-26-2023, 10:08 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (4)

Just a quick hello and letting everyone Know I'm in the new house .      Love that New Car Smell.


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  The Decemberists
Posted by: guyfriday - 11-26-2023, 08:27 PM - Forum: Secret Societies - Replies (2)

A slight preface, the quote and source for this thread are from a book written by John Michael Greer. 
The book is titled “The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies” (ISBN: 978-0-00-861625-0).

Quote:On December 14,1825 a group of officers led 3000 fully armed soldiers into the Senate Square near the center of the imperial capital, St Petersburg, hoping to spark a rising in the Russian army. The attempt failed, and later that afternoon troops loyal to the Tsar opened fire on the would-be revolutionaries, killing many and scattering the rest. Another rising a few days later in the Ukraine met a similar fate. Members of both risings were called “Decemberists” after the date of their attempted revolts. When the government commission investigated, however, it discovered that the rising was the product of secret societies who had been busy for most of a decade.

Oh geesh, wow! So why bring this up now, a hundred and ninety-eight years later? Well, recently Representative Mike Johnson (R-LA) made a statement about a secret cabal of power elites that are controlling the US government and will attempt to take away many constitutional rights during 2024.
Now I find this not as likely, but still possible given how many members of Congress are mysteriously retiring due to different reasons, though spending time with family seems to be the most common excuse. I digress, many members of politics seem to be fleeing from something. Either someone/group is telling these people to not run or are having them go away for a while.

Often times when a secret society is getting too much exposure they tend to go quiet for a while. Such actions can be seen in the way the Masonic Lodges went quiet after a few very bad press issues popped up. They didn’t go away; they just went quiet. These groups behind the “Decemberist” movement were suspects behind the Bolshevik revolution as well as the National Socialist movement in California and Germany. Could it be that the turmoil we are seeing today in America and its allies are a result of this group?

If someone wants to look this group, they should be prepared to read that most of the group was rounded up and executed for their actions. That said Stalin had also rounded up a group and executed most of them as well. Trotsky was allowed to live in Mexico while his followers had been executed and even today groups like Socialist Alternative still push a Trotskyist agenda. So just because a group is “mostly” delt with doesn’t mean that the ideology is killed. It just goes quiet.

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  When does Today begin?
Posted by: DISRAELI - 11-26-2023, 04:49 PM - Forum: Board Questions & Business - Replies (2)

For a long time, my normal home on ATS has been the "Recent Posts" page, which seems to give the best "feel" for the current topics of conversation.

I explored this site looking for an equivalent page, and it looks as though "Today's Posts" is doing much the same job. (Rather than "New Posts", which dosen't seem to go back very far)

My only question, then, is when "Today" begins for the purposs of that page? Midnight in which time-zone? Or does it go back exactly twenty-four hours?

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  Rallye or F1, what's your favorite
Posted by: TDDA - 11-26-2023, 12:33 PM - Forum: Automotive - Replies (16)

To all the gear heads, what is your favorite motor sport if you had to choose between the two? What would you choose if you had the chance to drive in any of the two classes?

Remember, it's less about what sport has the better drivers, as they can't be really compared. Rallye has no safety net, cars are easier to handle, but F1 has a lot more G-forces and precision necessary during those G-forces. So it can not be compared directly.

I would choose Rallye. For the simple reason that it's raw, dirty and build on a car with a normal chassis. It's competitive but the drama around the drivers is way less. Less glory and more about the sport itself. More room for innovations and in terms of driving awareness, a lot harder than F1, where you know the track has 15 curves you drove through a couple hundred times already. Rallye you drove the curves 2-3 times a week or longer ago. You might be relying on a team mate telling you what's up next. Since then, rain, snow, drought. Never know what's behind the corner. No one to help you if something breaks down. That's raw motorsport for me. This whole package is what would lead me to Rallye instead of F1.

What's your choice and why?

[Image: t8VlDQC.jpg]

[Image: sQoVJdM.jpg]

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  How is "absolute zero " defined
Posted by: music is magic - 11-26-2023, 01:24 AM - Forum: Science & Technology - No Replies

Absolute zero is the theoretical temperature at which all substances have zero thermal energy. Originally conceived as the temperature at which an ideal gas at constant pressure would contract to zero volume, absolute zero is of great significance in there modynamics and is used as the fixed point for absolute temperature scales. Absolute zero is equivalent to 0(o)K , -459.67F or -273.15(o)C.
The velocity of a substance's molecules determines its temperature; the faster the molecules move, the more volume they require, and the higher the temperature becomes. The lowest actual temperature ever reached was two-billionth of a degree above absolute zero (2x10(-9)K by a team at the Low Temperature Laboratory in the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, in October,1989.

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  Terms & Conditions Of Use
Posted by: TSK - 11-25-2023, 09:39 PM - Forum: Board Information - No Replies

Terms & Conditions
  1. Accuracy and Truthfulness: Do not post any content that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate. Do not solicit personal information or use information gathered from the website to harass, abuse, or harm others.

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Posted by: ANNEE - 11-25-2023, 07:45 PM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (12)

They came from the fields.  Men, women, children, mothers, fathers, the young, and the old.  Every able-bodied citizen.
Pre-dawn was creeping closer.  Soon the twin suns would bring the heat.
The agrogeologists and laborers filed out from under the tarp covered fields to return to the safety of their homes.  Thick walled, insulated, prefab identical structures.  All white and sparkling under the morning glow, like a sea of crystal salt poured over boxes all lined up in perfect order.
Systematically, one by one, washing off the muck of their labor in sun warmed, crystal clear water, piped from underground aqueducts.  Each home or group complex following the same order.  This is the beginning of the end of their day. 
Fresh fruits and vegetables are set out on platters and in bowls.  Individuals and families gather together in picnic style assemblage, laying their sitting mats on the cool floor.  Enjoying conversation of their current interests.  Sometimes they talk of older times, but not often - - as it disrupts the harmony of life as it is today.
Soon the sleep meditation will begin.  This is the morning respite.  A time of calmness, tranquility, and rest to relieve aching bodies from the labors they endured tending their fields of growing edibles.  The harvest is months away.  This is a critical time to ensure that plant growth is healthy and abundance assured.
Sleep will come.  This is the daily ritual.  The body and mind expect it.  The body responds to the internal Circadian Rhythms.  It is the way of this life, as the suns bake the outside, threatening, but not touching this inner peaceful sanctuary.
Later in the day, alarms will sound to awaken the homes of those at rest.  It is a new day, that starts when the suns have passed a safe distance from midday.  This is the time of personal responsibility and education through interactive video programs.  For soon, all will exit their dwellings, and begin the evening social exchanges and festivities.  Each home has a small courtyard in front, with a cooking grill.  There is no cooking within the house, where heat is forbidden.  Each family is responsible for cooking a portion of the feast.  The children and adults alike then visit and mingle among the neighboring homes, choosing delicacies and staples of food from each. 
The festivities wind down, with a short siesta following.  Then the workday begins again.

(If it's not clear -- this is about a new start-up farming colony "collective" established on a new planet)


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  Veterans Describe Killing during Wartime
Posted by: TSK - 11-25-2023, 03:25 AM - Forum: Warfare - Replies (2)

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  Hello, Hola, Howdy, Hey Yall....howl
Posted by: CoyoteAngels - 11-24-2023, 01:09 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (16)

Good to see so many familiar faces!    

Just know I love you all...   even those I've done battle with on other fronts.

We have a common enemy you know....   THEM    call 'em what you want.    They got a nice little club, and we aren't in it.   

Happy Black Friday, everybody!    Please join me in not spending a penny today!   Beer

My complements on a really nice user interface.

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  Amaterasu particle
Posted by: sprocketuk - 11-24-2023, 07:01 AM - Forum: Science & Technology - Replies (1)

So, astronomers have discovered an extremely high energu particle fallingto Earth and hve named it after Amaratsu a Japanese Sun Goddess.

It's energy has been measured at 240 exa electron volts which is millions of times what the large hadron colider can achieve.  (Exa is 10 with 18 zeros following it)

‘What the heck is going on?’ Extremely high-energy particle detected falling to Earth | Particle physics | The Guardian

it has come from a part of space with not much observable going on, outside the galaxy. What could produce such a massive energy? Its already estimated to be far larger than what could be created by a supernova for instance.

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  Hello everyone.
Posted by: Freeborn - 11-24-2023, 02:46 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (21)

Just like to say a big HELLO to everyone from here in North East England.

Great to see so many familiar faces, and hopefully a few unfamiliar one's too.

This does have the feel of old-school ATS.

Busy, busy day today but I hope to drop in some time later tonight.
Hopefully with a few cold one's and a bit of a catch up. Beer

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  "Suckerbait" | Nazi Spy Tactics
Posted by: TSK - 11-24-2023, 01:45 AM - Forum: World War II - Replies (2)

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  Skinny Bob and the Ivan0135 videos
Posted by: JRod - 11-23-2023, 02:02 PM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (10)

To date this is one of the most convincing images out there. If it's CGI, it is really good, especially for 2011. [Video:]


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Posted by: JRod - 11-23-2023, 01:17 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (7)

Good to see some familiar names here. It will be fun to see how this sight evolved.

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  Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by: Encia22 - 11-23-2023, 07:36 AM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (4)

Wishing everyone and your loved ones, wherever you may be in the Universe, a Safe, Peaceful and Joyous Thanksgiving Celebration.

  Beer Smile

... And careful not to overcook the turkey!  Ats2494_flame

[Image: ed655f45cd.png]

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  CIA MKUltra: Psychosis Induced by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
Posted by: TSK - 11-23-2023, 03:41 AM - Forum: Black Projects & Coverups - No Replies

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  Hello it's Oldcarpy2 here
Posted by: Oldcarpy2 - 11-22-2023, 03:03 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (32)

Hiya.  New to this place.  Are the locals friendly?

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  JFK Remembered 60Years Later
Posted by: DontTreadOnMe - 11-22-2023, 12:08 PM - Forum: Black Projects & Coverups - Replies (27)

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing 60 years ago today.  
Anyone old enough on that day likely has similar memories.
Starting on that horrible day and for the next 3-4 days, the USA and much of the world face the horror in Dallas.

JFK assassination remembered 60 years later by surviving witnesses to history

Ex-Secret Service agent reveals new JFK assassination detail

Where were you?
And who do you think dunnit?

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  The Patterson-Gimlin Footage.
Posted by: Kurokage - 11-21-2023, 12:41 PM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (33)

We really need to start this part of the site off with some Patty vids for those new to Cryptozology.
So this is the most recent stabilized HD footage of Patty I could find.
What's people's opinion on Patty after all these years? Was it just a guy in an ape suit or was it an unkown homind?


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  Hello all!
Posted by: Kurokage - 11-21-2023, 09:10 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Nice to join a like minded community and to see some familar names I recognize. 
What a neat and tidy little site you guys have made
I promise not steal anyones tin-foil hat and will make my own this time...

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  Is sea salt tasting a bit less salty these days
Posted by: music is magic - 11-21-2023, 01:12 AM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (12)

We get our salt off the east coast of Japan, and I really think their is something wrong with the sea salt for the last several years. I'm really concerned about all the tiny ( don't know the science word for it ) tiny particles of plastic that we might be digesting by using this sea salt.

What do you folks think?

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  Tap myself…Trains…
Posted by: Quantum12 - 11-21-2023, 12:47 AM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (8)

I tap myself with trains that connect the world with our body and minds. Long ago the beautiful mind loved kissing and taping trains. She was so unique in her way to connect souls.

Apart from love she found connections from minds to make new minds. Some people call that mine over matter. She calls it minds of love. 

16 years ago the track had a disconnect, she ended up moving her mind into the field of sight. Her green glowing eyes made beautiful contact with new lands, lands of time. 

Her mind drifted into worlds of the unknown love she once had back on earth. She is now bracing time for this new world. Her thoughts were off the chart. 

As she turned around to change time, he once again showed up at her doorstep…

 The moral of this it that the world changes all the time but there is always someone for everyone!

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  Did A United Monarchy of Israel Actually Exist?
Posted by: IdeomotorPrisoner - 11-20-2023, 03:42 PM - Forum: Ancient & Lost Civilizations - No Replies

The Historicity of The Kingdom of Israel

Quote:The study does not purport to prove that the United Monarchy of the Israelites described in the Bible was a historical reality. But it shows that the kingdom’s existence and involvement in major construction at Gezer cannot be ruled out, the authors say.

While some archaeologists praised the team’s efforts, others dismissed the study as irrelevant.

Much research in the last four decades has shown that ancient remains scattered around Israel and once attributed to David and Solomon were in fact dated to about a century after the supposed time of their reign – meaning there was no concrete evidence supporting the historicity of their kingdom.

However, some archaeologists have pushed back against this paradigm, unearthing in recent years impressive 10th century B.C.E. remains at different sites, particularly in central and southern Israel, and averring that these may be evidence that David and Solomon’s kingdom did exist after all.

That has always been the crux of the debate. 

Archaeological evidence is finding it harder to validate the biblical claims.  Settlements have always been dated to the 9th and 8th Century BCE leading up to the Assyrian siege around 701 BCE. 

On the Temple Mount there is not much between the archaeological layers between The Canaanite Red Brick City, and the Assyrian layer. 

It's called the "slum layer".  It was inhabited during the 900s, but evidence of a greater and advance Kingdom have always been lacking. 

Yadin interpreted these standardized Iron Age structures as the hallmark of a strong, centralized state that stretched across the land. The archaeologist promptly assigned them to Solomon, based on the biblical verse that this king built Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor (1 Kings 9:15). The Bible doubles down on this claim specifically for Gezer, saying that Solomon rebuilt it after an unnamed pharaoh set it on fire, and then gifted it to a daughter he gave in marriage to the Israelite king (1 Kings 9:16).

Archaeotheology bugs me. Sometimes it seems they want really hard to validate the historicty of the dates.  And this one has its doubters, but don't dismiss it as irrelevant after the carbon dating checks out..

[Image: 19115-t655361c0-m800-xqhwrlq-e.jpg]

Quote:Accordingly, Finkelstein and others have since assigned these structures to the Omride dynasty, which ruled over the northern Kingdom of Israel (as opposed to its smaller, southern neighbor, the Kingdom of Judah) in the first half of the ninth century B.C.E.

If the city gates were only built a century after the theoretical time of the purported United Monarchy of David and Solomon, then nothing was left to shore up the historicity of the United Monarchy. If David and Solomon did exist, they may have been merely local chieftains ruling over a tiny Jerusalem and little more, according to the scholars in this camp.

Naturally, the new dating evidence is getting dismissed by the mainstream opinion.

I often thought the Post-exilic writers of the Old Testament took some liberties, as the 2nd temple victors did a RETCON of history. Even Exodus was last edited in 3rd Century BCE. 

So, Biblical Historicity has a lot of propaganda to sift through. I felt they overhyped David and Solomon to make themselves more significant than those renegades that split off from The Canaanite and created their own varient myth, and then found life hard doing so...

[Image: infogdsk.jpg]

Interesting none the less.

There's a poll option, going to try that out..

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  Hello and other words that follow
Posted by: BiothermalReactor - 11-20-2023, 01:43 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (9)

Thank you so much for inviting me to the after party.  Cool

Me likey.

Hmm, it seems my posting in Your Message: is going straight to my signature...
What am I doing wrong?

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  Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home...
Posted by: Encia22 - 11-20-2023, 07:56 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (14)

Happy to be here amongst old friends and new acquaintances.

I come in peace with offerings of cookies and lemonade, and a musical interlude…

[Image: kx655b5755.png]

Ats2508_cheers Ats2485_banana

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