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Registration Date: 11-22-2023
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-21-2024 at 09:58 PM
Status: Offline

Oldcarpy2's Forum Info
Joined: 11-22-2023
Last Visit: 12-19-2024, 10:15 AM
Total Posts: 64 (0.16 posts per day | 0.29 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 1 (0 threads per day | 0.05 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 1 Day, 1 Hour, 43 Minutes
Members Referred: 2
Reputation: 28 [Details]

Oldcarpy2's Latest Threads
Hello it's Oldcarpy2 here
Forum: Introductions, 11-22-2023, 03:03 PM
Replies: 32, Views: 2,555 Hiya.� New to this place.� Are the locals friendly?

Oldcarpy2's Latest Posts
RE: Music that Imprinted on you as a Child
Forum: Music, 12-04-2024, 02:51 PM
First single I bought was Crazy Horses by the Osmonds (apologies - I was little.). Then My Sweet Lo...
RE: Age old debate - Turkey and Stuffing/Dressing
Forum: Food & Cooking, 11-29-2024, 11:26 AM
Top tip - roast the bird upside down with butter under the skin and turn over halfway through. Stuf...
RE: Age old debate - Turkey and Stuffing/Dressing
Forum: Food & Cooking, 11-29-2024, 11:23 AM
We don't have Turkey at Christmas anymore but when I did I'd do the stuffing separately in a small ...
RE: The Fall of Modern Art
Forum: Chit Chat, 11-21-2024, 01:53 PM
What about that banana duct taped to the wall? That some mug paid paid millions for?!!!!
RE: Your Monicker - How Did You Come Up With It?
Forum: Members, 11-21-2024, 12:13 PM
I feel old! Had a new hip a while back and probably need a new knee. Makes me grumpy.
RE: Your Monicker - How Did You Come Up With It?
Forum: Members, 11-21-2024, 07:06 AM
I'm old (62) I like Carp fishing and have done this since I were a lad. So, that's me!
RE: Russia has practiced delivering a retaliatory nuclear strike
Forum: World War III, 11-21-2024, 07:02 AM
So, RT. UK made and supplied Storm Shadows have been flown into Russia. Are you going to nuke us?
RE: Brilliant Songs
Forum: Music, 11-18-2024, 05:31 PM
Nightwish. Operatic metal: https://youtu.be/wEERFBI9eCg?feature=shared
RE: The Fall of Modern Art
Forum: Chit Chat, 11-16-2024, 02:33 PM
As per Sir Thomas Beecham: "Have you heard any Stockhausen?" Beecham was asked. "No, but I believe...
RE: What they are saying in Russia about Trump's victory
Forum: Countdown To Inauguration, 11-09-2024, 05:50 PM
This weekend we here in the UK we have Remembrance for all those that gave their today's for our to...

Oldcarpy2's Signature
I now know why I am called a grown up. Every time I get up I groan.

Oldcarpy2's awards.
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