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  Looking for information on this NOTAM Potential loss of life Radiation Hazard
Posted by: putnam6 - 01-13-2024, 12:29 AM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (5)

Where's Zaphod did he make it to DI?


A Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) has been released by the Federal Aviation Administration for Kwajalein Atoll within the Marshall Islands in the Central Pacific on December 28th till January 31st, with the Notice stating that there is a Potential for Loss of Life due to Radiation Hazards for any Aircraft which operates from above the Water Level within the Zone; however it is currently Unknown what has caused this NOTAM.

[Image: GDstLIsXMAANgH-?format=jpg&name=large]

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  Freezing my butt off!
Posted by: Tecate - 01-12-2024, 02:33 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (21)

Good day all! Back in the frozen north since Tuesday night, and drove 4 hours further to get my dog from my daughter’s place where she stayed for 8 weeks while I did renovations, etc in Mexico. -37°C on the drive up!! Holy hell, what the serious f**k? This morning -45°C!!
It’s supposed to warm up next week for back to work, but really??

Really beginning to hate the deep cold and would rather be down south touring around on the bike…

Keep warm all!!

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  Synthetic Milk
Posted by: Kenzo - 01-12-2024, 09:55 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (14)

I recommend adding this stuff your " avoid at all costs list "  Shocked  Do not drink it under any circumstances.

Unlabeled And Unregulated: Got (GMO Synthetic) Milk?

Quote:No antibiotics, no hormones. Just dairy. A new completely lactose-free dairy. Dairy without the cows? 
Um, how does that work?   

The fake milk, sold by Bored Cow, uses a wannabe whey protein  –   “microflora” called “ProFerm” made by their partner Perfect Day, “a consumer biology company on a mission to create a kinder, greener tomorrow by developing new ways to make the foods you love today — starting in the dairy aisle.”

They claim their product is a new kind of “animal-free” milk alternative “made with real milk protein from fermentation.”
Health Research Institute (HRI), a nonprofit independent lab based in Fairfield, Iowa examined multiple samples of Bored Cow’s “original” flavor milk using mass spectrometry to test the claim that the synthetic protein it contained was the same as real milk protein. HRI compared these results to samples of natural milk from grass-fed cows.

Their testing revealed 92 unknown molecules — and a fungicide — in “synthetic”  milk protein used by more than a dozen food brands sold in common grocery chains

The ingredients listed for Bored Cow’s “original” flavor are:
“Water, animal-free whey protein (from fermentation), sunflower oil, sugar, less than 1% of: vitamin A, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin D2, riboflavin, citrus fiber, salt, dipotassium phosphate, acacia, gellan gum, mixed tocopherols (antioxidant), calcium potassium phosphate citrate, natural flavor.”
Quote:This is a stew made with sorcery and mostly crap, starting with the sunflower oil that is a highly  inflammatory seed oil that may be genetically modified as well. Meanwhile, the label does not specify whether the whey protein in this productwas produced through genetic engineering of yeast. Also, the main input for fermentation is sugar — and they’re using high fructose corn syrup, which is also a GMO product. It’s all gross and phoney. 
Aside from the host of unknown compounds, the synthetic milk lacked many important micronutrients found in natural milk, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and some B vitamins. Additionally, forms of carnitine that are “really important for energy metabolism” were either missing or only present in trace amounts in the synbio product.
“There are 69 important nutrients present in natural milk, most of which were completely absent in synbio milk. A few were present in small or trace amounts,” according to HRI’s Chief Scientist and CEO John Fagan, Ph.D. Fagan — a molecular biologist and former cancer researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) — is a worldwide pioneer in testing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Additionally, only eight compounds were identifiable. The rest were “uncharacterized” by scientific literature.
“The 92 unknown molecules we found have never been studied by scientists, so we don’t know whether they’re safe or dangerous, whether they are nutrients or toxins,” added Fagan.  
Fagan found it concerning that the Bored Cow samples also contained an agricultural fungicide called Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl.
“I think the reason this fungicide is present is because they added it to the fermentation process to inhibit the growth of fungi that could contaminate the production system,” he said, “So the things that we see here are not really good for us, let me put it that way.”
HCI’s official report has not been published yet. 
But suffice to say, these results contradict Perfect Day’s claim that its product — used by Bored Cow — is “identical to what cows make.”
Claiming the proteins are “molecularly identical to those produced by cows” is a lie. 
Synthetic milk has never before been consumed by humans and has not undergone safety testing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Sheesh....they are really thinking only about poison people with their crap .

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  Not Shadows or Aliens maybe something worse
Posted by: guyfriday - 01-12-2024, 02:47 AM - Forum: Paranormal Studies - Replies (4)

There seems to be an outbreak of sightings when it comes to ten-foot-tall creatures walking around. 
Both stories are from the New York Post.

Miami Police dispel rumors of an alien at shopping mall (

Quote:Miami police shut down wild rumors that a 10-foot-tall alien was roaming the Floridian city on New Year’s Day after the conspiracy theory ran rampant on social media.

10-foot-tall 'strange beings' seen traversing Brazilian island as alien rumors swirl (
Quote:New video shows two giant, humanlike creatures strolling along the foothills of a small Brazilian island in what some believe is proof aliens are visiting Earth.
One of the 10-foot tall beings appears to take in the sights of Ilha do Mel, an island two miles off the coast of Southeast Brazil, as another stands closely behind, the footage shows.

As I pointed out somewhere else: People reported aliens at a mall in Miami., page 1 (
Quote:So, I woke up this morning and heard about a few other sightings of these shadowy things. I got asked about due to my knowledge of Shadow People, and well I'm pretty sure these are not Shadow People. I was told that, third hand, that a person that was running with the crowd ran into one of these things and saw it vanish only to reappear a short distance away. The shadowy thing had something in its hand. 

Now I was there, and neither was the person that told me this, but they did say that a family member was the person that ran into it. So while it was only in speculation that I wrote this yesterday, it might be something to it:
Quote:Some people I hang out with were talking about this, and the History Professor of the group brought up that if these stories are true, then maybe these beings were Reapers.

"The Grim Reaper seems to have appeared in Europe during the 14th century. It was during this time that Europe was dealing with what was then the world’s worst pandemic, the Black Death, believed to be the result of the plague. It is estimated that about one-third of Europe’s entire population perished as a result of the pandemic, with some areas of the continent suffering far greater losses than others. The original outbreak of the plague occurred during 1347–51, and outbreaks then recurred several other times after that. So, clearly, death was something that the surviving Europeans had on their mind, and it is not surprising that they conjured an image to represent it."

They said that the speculation was that people who saw the Grim Reapers were actually just being affected by Ergot Poisoning, but he said that it was weird that many places around the world have the same picture for these harvesters of souls. He asked the question, "What if these reports of tall black phantasms are these same types of Grim Reapers being seen in modern times.

I know, wild thought, but maybe something we shouldn't dismiss =6"IF" these stories are true about these "Aliens" showing up in a populated city.

I also heard about a group of Shadow People that were very tall had been seen in Germany and France. Again, I don't think these are Shadow People.

Now just to be precautious, I do think that something is odd about this story of "Aliens" in Florida, and that the hype of what they could be is just adding to the story, but maybe we shouldn't pass this Grim Reaper angle off so quickly.

There have been many stories in the past about these harvesters of souls showing up before major events. Sometimes these events are of a religious nature sometimes that are of a massive paranormal nature, but always something big happens shortly after these things appear. Now there is a possibility that the stories being tossed about today could be misinformation designed to confuse people into thinking that "The End is Near", but there is a more likely possibility that something big is coming that will affect the way we think about the world we live in.

I believe that we should be aware of what's going on and not dismiss these types of events off handedly, but we should also not fear the appearance of these creatures either. As to the title though, I do not believe that these creatures are either Shadow People as in that they do not appear to conform to any known actions or activities, nor do I believe that these are aliens since UFO scam artists would already be jumping on the trend over reporting these creatures and making TV appearances telling us about who and where these are from. 

It seems for now at least world governments are trying to muddy the waters as to what these creatures truly are or are trying to belittle the appearances of them in an attempt to dissuade the public from panicking over their sudden appearances. 

I wonder what everyone's thoughts about the sudden appearances and news reports of these ten-foot-tall creatures are? I'm betting that these are some type of Soul Harvesters (Grim Reapers or something of that sort).

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  Can we make the text a bit less brighter here ?
Posted by: Ravenwatcher - 01-11-2024, 05:38 PM - Forum: Board Questions & Business - Replies (2)

I noticed the lack of moderation on the ATS site , I've been watching both sites , The only reason I've not settled here is it's hard to read maybe the size or the bright white text . Kinda hurts my eyeballs .

I have to squint when reading .

I have to wear my anti blue glasses on this site :) It makes a big difference less eye strain with the glasses its way easier to read , Not so looking into the Sun .

I guess everything thing is written for phones nowadays it looks way better on my cell .

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  Hello everyone
Posted by: DougDastardly - 01-11-2024, 03:27 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (6)

Back in our old digs I was Djz3ro but since then I've changed to DJ under this name and it's also the name I'm using for my YouTube Channel which I am currently researching and scouting locations for (Exploring & UFO Stuff maybe with a smidgeon of Music and Gaming but undecided on the latter two).

Looking forward to diving into less political subjects, especially UFO's, Consciousness, NDE, OBE, Lucid Dreaming, Meditation, Channelled and Remote Viewing (a lot of which, like Tom DeLonge, I couldn't take seriously but are now hard to ignore). I also see a fair few other topics to pique my interest.

Admittedly I could be a bit of a hit and run poster but not intentionally, I'm Neurodivergent, ADHD diagnosis but they're looking at others, it runs in my family, sometimes I forget the interesting topics I've started discussing. This year I am trying to be more organised and part of that includes keeping up with online discussions.

See you in the forums.

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  Well, here I am
Posted by: Moon68 - 01-11-2024, 02:14 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (6)

I made it. Let the revelry begin. Who has the rum?

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  Flying Fish
Posted by: jaded - 01-10-2024, 08:25 PM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (3)

OK the fish had help.
Yesterdays storms were being live steamed due to the potential for severe damage. Ryan Hall 
(weather geek) was following the storm cells off the coast of NC. The cells were running north maybe 80 miles off the coast. 

A storm cell Ryan was focusing on was impressive. Looking at live radar he zoomed in then went quiet. In a deadpan countenance he announced the odd radar return was fish. 
Sharknado week just started earlier than usual.Discovery Channel flubbed this one. It happened without camera's.

It happened twice, in one day,I finally saw a Sharknado!!!!
Then I began wondering where the fish would land? Went full 'tard on it.
OMG honey!! You gotta see this!! God just sent us sushi!!
Flying fish @ 9:20 min.

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  Alien Mania
Posted by: jaded - 01-10-2024, 07:57 PM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - No Replies

The shark has been jumped!

In Miami at the Bayside Mall people swear they saw 2-3 10ft aliens. Video that's some of the worst I've ever seen is blowing up TikTok. YT channels are already doing "analysis" pandering to increase their YouTube revenue. 

With all the news surrounding disclosure and aliens we should have seen this coming. People are going to convince themselves Aliens are everywhere. At least the mass hysteria is entertaining. The Miami police were called after reports gunfire, looting,large crowd of teens at the mall. They 
responded in full force thinking they were going to a mass shooting event.

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  UAP over Iraq airbase video released supposedly went from air to the water and back
Posted by: putnam6 - 01-09-2024, 08:06 PM - Forum: Aliens & UFOs - Replies (14)

UAP over Iraq airbase video released supposedly went for air to the water, thoughts

Quote:New footage of a purported UAP, or unidentified aerial phenomena, shows something that resembles a jellyfish flying in the sky, its tentacles dangling in the air. Dr. Matthew Szydagis, a professor of physics at the University of Albany and an expert on UFO research, joins "Elizabeth Vargas Reports" to discuss the "strange" object, which he said resembles a droid from Star Wars. He said it's "unlikely" that it's just a camera smudge as some have speculated online.


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  Operation Matchbox and Ustasa
Posted by: BeTheGoddess - 01-09-2024, 11:33 AM - Forum: Cold War - No Replies

We all know about Operation Paperclip, but the same thin happened  in other nations under different names; I am here to introduce you to Operation Matchbox

Because Australia was viewed as some desolate 'shithole", the lowest common denominator of war criminals were sent to Australia.

Quote:The German scientists sent to Australia under a top secret Anglo-American project codenamed Operation Matchbox included SS and Nazi party members. The leading Nazi-hunting watchdog, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem, yesterday demanded an investigation into the recruitments ordered by Britain and the US, and said Australia was a haven for "holocaust perpetrators and mass murderers".

Not all the war criminals who came here were German, other terroirs groups also had to flee Europe after the war.
Quote:At the end of World War II in 1945, members of the fascist Croatian ultranationalist and genocidal Ustaše regime from the collapsed Nazi puppet state of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) fled from the Balkan region to avoid imprisonment and execution at the hands of the Yugoslav Partisans. With the help of Western authorities, who now viewed the fiercely anti-communist stance of the Ustaše favourably in the emerging Cold War, thousands of members of the regime were allowed to migrate to other countries, including Australia.[sup][8][/sup][sup][page needed][/sup]

And they were fully supported by the Australian government because "communism", the PTB in Australia were happy to turn the other cheek just in the name of fighting commies. Then the government changed..
Quote:The Murphy raids on the offices of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) occurred on 16 March 1973. The purpose of the raids, instigated by Attorney-General Lionel Murphy, was to obtain terrorism-related information that the ASIO was accused of withholding.[sup][1][/sup] 

The government had to raid its own domestic counter-terrorist apparatus,?

After the Murphy raids, the terrorists went back to their "home" cuntry and started a war...
Quote:The collapse of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s gave hope to many Croatian-Australians that a truly independent Croatian nation would be formed. It also gave the organisational ability of Ustaše ideologues in Australian society much increased impetus. Significant funding was raised by people such as Stjepan Kardum the leader of the Sydney Branch of the neo-Ustaše group called the Croatian Party of Rights (HSP). This money was funnelled into the formation of the HSP's ultra-nationalistic paramilitary units called the Croatian Defence Forces (Hrvatske obrambene snage or HOS) that fought in the Croatian War of Independence. These units operated separate from the control of the regular Armed Forces of Croatia and were involved in pillage, rape and mass killings of civilians at places like the Dretelj prison camp in southern Bosnia.[sup][8][/sup][sup][68][/sup]

I do have more to say on this, but its late and I'll drop some more on this tomorrow

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Posted by: Halfswede - 01-09-2024, 06:46 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Just checking in.  I had pretty much stopped at ATS for a couple of months and then the account shenanigans happened. Happy to stop in and check the place out.  Hi to all of the familiar faces.

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  Civil War
Posted by: MBSC - 01-09-2024, 04:02 AM - Forum: Movies - Replies (9)

Soon coming to a place a bit too close to home?


Release Date: April 26, 2024

What are your thoughts? I will add a few of my own observations in the next post.

Some thoughts on CW. 

Release date: about 6 months from US presidential elections and smack on the anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 in the Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union). Geopolitics, Predictive Programming and Synchromysticism come to mind. There's also this:

Russian TV to air its own version of Chernobyl, which implies CIA may be to blame

Chernobyl according to some contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union.

Director Alex Garland also announced in 2022 that 
Quote:Civil War will definitely be my last film as a director for at least a while. Definitely.

Which could mean he didn't hold back and thinks his movie will be so controversial that getting further projects financed would be difficult?

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  Long Time ATS Member
Posted by: opethNJ - 01-09-2024, 12:26 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Hi Everyone, 
Good to see so many recognizable names along with lots of new ones. Hoping to be here a long time and do my part to help the site grow! =)

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  A Culture in Collapse
Posted by: DontTreadOnMe - 01-08-2024, 11:54 PM - Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest - Replies (11)

Not a very cheery title, that is for sure.
Not something that is easy to read or talk about, but it certainly should be talked about.  
I think silence is the one of the tool of those who want this collapse to happen.
Let's talk about the bizarre,  the fringe, the noise...but let's not look at the big picture.

Quote:In the last six months, we have borne witness to many iconic moments evidencing the collapse of American culture.

The signs are everywhere and cover the gamut of politics, the economy, education, social life, popular culture, foreign policy, and the military. These symptoms of decay share common themes.

Our descent is self-induced; it is not a symptom of a foreign attack or subterfuge. Our erosion is not the result of poverty and want, but of leisure and excess. We are not suffering from existential crises of famine, plague, or the collapse of our grid and fuel sources. Prior, far poorer, and war-torn generations now seem far better off than what we are becoming.
A Culture in Collapse American civilization has been turned upside down, and we have a rendezvous soon with the once unthinkable and unimaginable.

I guess I just don't know what to say about Mr. Hanson's article.
It is unimaginable.

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  Encounters Of Shadow Dude "And The Strange Anomalies"
Posted by: Lysergic - 01-08-2024, 11:12 PM - Forum: Paranormal Studies - No Replies

Basically the video I am linking is a compilation of paranormal activity in a house in Maine, he meets a being he calls shadow dude, who seems kinda chill. However when he asked Shadow Dude his name, SD says it's unpronounceable.

Personally I don't believe in Ghost as I've never encountered such myself so I've no clue who is just pulling legs and who is sincere.

Theres many stand out clips in the video but I think its worth watching the whole thing, I'd like to here what everyone thinks, is it legit, is he faking it some how?

Sometimes his body language makes me question it but maybe I am misreading?

not sure why I am having issues embedding video but heres the link.


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  Hi Friends
Posted by: RickyD - 01-08-2024, 08:30 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

Hey, just another long time ATSer preparing for the future...we all know ATS won't make it much longer. I enjoy conspiratorial topics a well as current events and its much more fun to discuss and hear others discuss these topics as opposed to just reading them. Anyway...see you around here and thanks for the heads up DTOM.

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  Fake Epstein Lists Flood Internet Forums
Posted by: Byrd - 01-08-2024, 02:15 PM - Forum: Propaganda Mill - Replies (2)

Ah, the Epstein material.  There's tons of it --in fact, it's become a cottage industry in some areas to create Lists of People You Don't Like and publish them as "connected to Epstein."  In this age of AI and DeepFakes, this kind of misinformation damages everyone.

Here's a link (yes, I know... MSN) to an article about this:  Fact Check: Does Epstein List Include Beyoncé, Dwayne Johnson and More? (  The takeaways from this article include the ORIGINAL (verified) sources for Epstein documents.

Newsweek published the full list (there's some interesting bits... redacted names) of victims and associates as obtained from court records (and one can check those court records and see that Newsweek did indeed fairly report on this):  Jeffrey Epstein List in Full as Dozens of Names Revealed (

Business Insider has an impressive collection of links that covers known associates along with flight logs and so forth.

...items such as the flight logs with passengers:

Do It Yourself sleuthing can lead you down many wrong paths if you start with the wrong information.  Just because something's on Youtube or another preferred platform does not make it true.  For those of you closely following the Epstein cases and speculating, hopefully these links will allow you to doublecheck the information you found with the real information gathered from court documents and other sources.

(NB:  I don't follow the Epstein cases.  I did, however, think the MSN article with its useful links was something worth presenting here.)

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  The other brain
Posted by: Kenzo - 01-08-2024, 12:10 PM - Forum: Health - Replies (2)

Heart is not just a pump , it has millions of neurons....not same like in cranial brain but still, working neurons . How about memory , yes seems like heart also has memorys..

There is also communication , and if i understand this correctly , communications by using electromagnetic pulses with cranial brain and vice versa . That`s where it get`t to me really interesting....How about if heart can communicate with the cosmos, or acts some kind of antenna that could enable seeing things we normally wont ? paranormal...ufos ?

But there is also other side of the coin . If heart is like antenna, and sensitive antenna that affects cranial brain , it could be exploided by sinister means also i think. How about all the man made microwaves ? It has been known that the heart is the most sensitive organ in human body for electromagnetic radiation . Have anyone noticed how weird and crazy World has become last 10-15 years ?

How about they know this and exploit it to make people go down mentally?

Edit : i am not sure how many neurons exactly heart have , seems like there are different numbers shown ..gut also has neurons, even more that the heart .

The Heart, Mind and Spirit[Video:]

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  Intro - at ATS for many years
Posted by: user123 - 01-08-2024, 10:17 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (4)

I have been visiting ATS for a long time, but stopped posting around 2020 when the government started to become weirder than normal. 

I am a lurker, mostly.

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  Posting video test
Posted by: Kenzo - 01-08-2024, 02:23 AM - Forum: Board Questions & Business - Replies (23)

I tryed to post youtube video but it did not work,  testing it here now ..

[Video: http://YWyCCJ6B2WE?si=WtouDPy_U1OhKaGj]

Nope....cant get it working Wow  Is there issues with the site with this or am i just dumb ?

This is the full youtube adress it gives from youtube in share:

Tryed different variations , like same as in ATS ..

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  Earth's Inner Van Allen Belt
Posted by: putnam6 - 01-07-2024, 10:06 PM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (6)

Would the knowledge of this area help extrapolate our magnetic pole-shifting? What are some of the possible effects of a lower Van Allen radiation belt. My first instinct could that facilitate or assist a form of travel
conventionally, dimensionably 

[Image: hxx9354c23bc1.jpeg?width=640&crop=smart&...930cbd5f00]

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  At current rates of migration
Posted by: putnam6 - 01-07-2024, 05:29 PM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (22)

m all for immigration real and robust policies
but it can't just be left wide open and unregulated or controlled. It's unsustainable floods and destroyed our border towns' infrastructure and we haven't gotten to where they are all being shipped off to and will end up

At current rates, we can expect over 12 million illegal immigrant encounters in the first term of Joe Biden's presidency.
That's nearly as much as the preceding 3 terms combined.

[Image: GDQgOdEWcAEPkaz?format=png&name=small]

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  Why was Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospital stay kept secret for days?
Posted by: putnam6 - 01-06-2024, 04:32 PM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (12)

Why was Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospital stay kept secret for days?

Kind of irks me we had our second in-command, on vacation in Puerto Rico, while he was in the ICU

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospitalization was kept secret from Members of Congress and Pentagon leaders for several days, raising questions about transparency and the severity of his condition.
It remains unclear when key US officials, including the White House, were informed about Austin's stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre.
Austin, who is recovering well, was hospitalized due to complications from a minor elective medical procedure, highlighting the Pentagon's lack of transparency about his illness.
Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, who took over when Austin was hospitalized, was also away. A US official said she had a communications setup with her in Puerto Rico that allowed her to do the job while Austin, who spent 41 years in the military and retired as a four-star Army general in 2016, was incapacitated.

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  New study reveals potential treatment of autoimmune diseases
Posted by: 2DandNoodle - 01-05-2024, 08:12 AM - Forum: Health - Replies (2)

This study reveals a chemical compound that holds potential as a therapeutic for various autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers have used this compound to treat mice and have found it to be effective. The research focused on T helper 17 cells, or Th17 cells, which are a type of T cell that form major parts of the immune system. The researchers found that excessive glycolysis seems to suppress Th17 cell activity, and molecules produced during glycolysis may inhibit the cells. The chemical compound, phosphoenolpyruvate, is a metabolite produced when glucose is converted to energy and is generated every day in our bodies. The researchers found that treatment with PEP can inhibit the maturation of TH17 cells, leading to resolution of inflammatory response.
study in journal cell

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