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Elizondo CIA UFO Op?
Lou still has all his clearences so probably to some degree. Since we're all stuck in this recycled "dog & pony show" I decided to start looking for anything any side won't talk about. 

All sides have their ax to grind but am betting there'll be some commonality in what aspects of all this neither side will touch. At this point what's unsaid may yield more info than what any side is babbling on about.
(09-06-2024, 01:14 PM)jaded Wrote: Since we're all stuck in this recycled "dog & pony show" I decided to start looking for anything any side won't talk about. 

All sides have their ax to grind but am betting there'll be some commonality in what aspects of all this neither side will touch.

Yes mate looks like a great deal of narrative prepping and perception management going on but I certainly appreciate your point.

Given the background setting of all these characters it's also probably no accident that Elizondo's book is predicting an alien invasion and is called 'Imminent' lol.

Know I posted it on another thread but you once brought up 'COG' and thought that Farrell article deserved a partial post here (in case it gets deleted).

Suppose nothing is off the table when discussing UFOs and (just like religion) the subject is viewed as extremely useful by certain agenda driven groups.



If you've been watching the lamestream propatainment media lately, or even Tucker Carlson's debut on Twitter, you'll have noticed a distinct "uptick" in the coverage of the latest UFO story, this time sporting be-medaled former military "whistleblowers" posing with their medals and taking about aliens and crash-and-retrieved vehicles and technology..

This is not to say it's a lie, but it is theater, or if I may be even more precise, it's narrative creation and preparation.

The real question is why. Why, after decades of government denials of UFOs, and even of the crash-and-retrieval scenario so beloved of so many in the Ufology community, why after all of this has there been a sudden ratcheting up of the UFO subject in the media?.

The answers I'm toying with, at least at this moment, boil down to the following possibilities, one of which was recently articulated by Dark Journalist on a recent podcast of his, and with which I largely agree. I intend to flesh out the idea a bit more here. All of these possibilities are based on one overriding contemporary reality: the government of the USSA is in trouble, deep trouble, and trust in its institutions, or for that matter, the wider cultural institutions, is at an all time low. It is no accident, therefore, that this now seems to be the time that the powerful cognoscenti of the deep state have chosen to push the UFO theater.

They need something to (1) distract the public, (2) restore trust (3) expand their power, possibly through the invocation of a national emergency, and emergency powers ala the Continuity Of Government (COG) scenario, ala Dark Journalist's recent podcast, and finally, they need (4) a narrative to create a new unified global cultural, governmental, and financial matrix.

(1) Consider what the UFO story does for the first of those objectives, the distraction of the public: it's a convenient distraction because a certain segment of the population already believes in UFOs and aliens, and for many who do, the belief almost functions as a kind of substitute religion. For the rest of the population that still watches the lamestream propatainment media, the stories might at least plant the seed of consideration, which is all they need to do.  Remember, this is narrative preparation.

(2) Using the UFO flap as a marketing campaign to "restore trust" in public institutions, be they governmental or cultural, might be more difficult to follow. At a time when trust in these institutions is justifiably at an all time low, why trot out the UFO narrative preparation operation via "whistleblowers" now? Such an operation would seem to be doomed to failure. But consider which institutions are being vindicated by the operation, to wit, the alternative research and media community. It's one thing for the New York Times or the Swampington (Com)post to publish a UFO story or cover the latest whistleblower.  But consider the effect of having a national and widely popular and outspoken news anchorman like Tucker Carlson be fired from his post on a major legacy media network, then move to an "alternative media" platform and beginning his own podcast, and one of the subjects covered in his first podcast is precisely the UFO story. That he would cover it in that context gives it a cachet it otherwise would not have had. It's bringing more people on board than merely those already on board via their participation in the alternative media community, or the Ufology community.  It's a signal that "they" have realized the importance of prepping the narrative where it really counts, by bolstering the "trust factor" of the alternative media platforms.

(3) and (4) With these two elements we come to the crux interpretum of the motivations behind this narrative push, and why it's being undertaken now.  Here I find myself in basic agreement with Dark Journalist: this can all easily be rolled into Continuity Of Government operations, emergency powers, and even marketing schemes to achieve both. In short, the returns and rewards are way out of proportion to the minimum risk needed to invest the time and effort to create the narrative. Consider only that a UFO threat, as Ronald Reagan pointed out, would unify the planet as never before. Governmental, financial, and cultural institutions would reorganize around meeting, and at least stalemating, that threat.  Real or not, the mere perception of the existence of a potential threat rationalizes massive expenditure. The threat could even be staged via advanced technologies, and a few very public, "visible" events and false flags. A nameless, faceless, but allegedly technologically very advanced potential enemy serves the teetering globalooney crowd very well: they can continue the previous financial practices of the post-World War Two system, including that vast and hidden financial system and all its fraud that I have argued exists in several of my books. The difference lies only in the fact that that vast and previously hidden system is now simply being admitted, and made public. They can continue to use that system and its vast extent and power to put into place even more global controls; they can use the narrative to divide the population into "believers" and "non-believers", and in what I suspect is a main though hidden goal of these planners, even use it to create new religions, and redefine the doctrines of old ones by claiming that "the more advanced ETs" have revealed flaws, mistakes, and so on in traditional expressions of religion.

All that is really needed is simply to move enough of the population into that camp, and to thereby create enough critical mass of opinion to drive the narrative - and all of its benefits to the power elite - into the mainstream.  They need not convert the whole global population to their narrative, only a percentage of it.

There is an element of risk here, and that is that in order to make the narrative preparation stick, some sort of demonstrative event or incident will have to be staged for enough people to see, in order to drive the creation of that critical mass. How they intend to do that remains to be seen, though there have been a number of attempts in the past couple of decades to identify the scenarios and technologies that might be used.


One thing not many folks seem to be talking about is missing money (probably funnelled down into Deep Black DUMBs) and know I posted it before but this cartoon is one of the few times I've seen that subject with 'distraction' and UFOs combined.

Lockheed Martian:

[Image: up60c63ea6.jpg]

Funny it should involve missing trillions and Lockheed Martin as they are the same company who developed the specifically relevant Pentagon and HUD financial software systems.

Also found it interesting that BlackRock developed the specifically relevant Federal Reserve financial software systems.

Probably nothing but considering the (incredibly) bizarre way the UFO subject was interwoven into the Covid pandemic legislation then also saw that BlackRock and Lockheed Martin are both cited on the United Nations WEF's partner list.

The United Nations WEF are also being discussed in this old VHS video in relation to 'the controlled demolition of first world economies' so who knows?

Granted Stephen hasn't got the best rep in UFO research but here he is anyway stating that Lue is a 'government disinformation agent'.

Also brought up are Sheehan, Pope and Kean.

Quote:Dr.Steven Greer Is making some pretty bold claims he has recently stated Luis Elizondo is a government disinformation agent tasked with misleading the public about the UFO phenomenon

He also said Nick pope was paid millions of dollars by the government in order to deceive the public about the UFO topic

And I think I believe him
(09-09-2024, 01:20 AM)Karl12 Wrote: Granted Stephen hasn't got the best rep in UFO research but here he is anyway stating that Lue is a 'government disinformation agent'.

Also brought up are Sheehan, Pope and Kean.

(09-09-2024, 01:20 AM)Karl12 Wrote: Granted Stephen hasn't got the best rep in UFO research but here he is anyway stating that Lue is a 'government disinformation agent'.

Also brought up are Sheehan, Pope and Kean.

The crown for the best dis-and-mis-info agent goes to the much beloved Carl Sagan with his infamous quote, "Yes, the ETs are out there, but the Einstein equation tells us that they can't get here."  In 2005 I wrote an article about him being a turncoat to the official side of denying the reality of UFOs as amply described in William Poundstones bio of Sagan.  My personal view was that Sagan detailed that period for Poundstone so that it would be a clue to where his inner core resided on the matter.  In 2018, I revamped the article and I believe it was published a couple of obscure places online about that time.  I attempted to find the article on my computer, but the word Sagan is nowhere to be found in my files.

(Sorry, but I cannot understand the way to simply make replies to comments.)

Intelligence seeks to proliferate itself
Wink not necessarily via its own kind.
Thought there was some great discussion below examining the recent (and ongoing) 'drone' sightings - the Chinese balloon flyover fiasco from a while back also gets brought up.

Considering just how much US taxpayers spend annually on national defense (not to mention satellite tracking capabilities) suppose it's a bit of a mystery why the Pentagon are claiming they cannot identify these objects.

There's also some healthy speculation on the historical use of drones (and the UFO subject) by intelligence agencies for psychological operations, disinformation campaigns and nation 'destabilisation' tactics.

(10-17-2024, 09:22 PM)AlienSun Wrote:

The crown for the best dis-and-mis-info agent goes to the much beloved Carl Sagan with his infamous quote, "Yes, the ETs are out there, but the Einstein equation tells us that they can't get here."  In 2005 I wrote an article about him being a turncoat to the official side of denying the reality of UFOs..

Yes would like to read your article mate and also personally suspect he was 'on the payroll' - don't know how true it is but have read that the CIA sponsored Robinson Panel's Thornton Page played a role in 'recruitment' and thought Dolan did an excellent breakdown of intel agency UFO shenanigans in this presentation.

Quote:After a year of unprecedented UFO activity and genuine concern by the U.S. national security community, the hammer came down in early 1953 to put the matter to sleep once and for all. That was the mission of the CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel, analyzed here by historian Richard Dolan.

Stanton Friedman makes a few interesting comments here and there's a relevant article below citing Sagan's early position concerning the 'strong probability' of the Earth being visited by ETs every few thousand years... and alien moon bases.

Quote:Prof Says Beings From Outer Space Have Visited Earth

Associated Press, November 26, 1962

LOS ANGELES. (AP) - Some of the best scientific minds in the country were stumped when a slender, dark-haired young man chalked on the blackboard this equation:

N equals R FP NE FL FI FC L.

The speaker was Dr. Carl Sagan, a 28 year-old assistant professor of astronomy at Harvard University.
His audience consisted of several hundred members of the American Rocket Society, gathered for his luncheon address.
The equation was his way of expressing the mathematical probability that intelligent beings from outer space have visited earth.
Sagan soberly explained that in his equation N Stands for the number of advanced technical civilizations in the universe possessing the capability of interstellar communication.

R is the mean rate of star formation averaged over the lifetime of the galaxy.
FP is the fraction of stars with planetary systems.
NE is the mean number of planets in each system with environments favorable for the origin of life.
FL is the fraction of such planets on which life does develop.
FI is the fraction of such inhabited planets on which intelligent life with manipulative abilities rises during the lifetime of the local sun.
FC is the fraction of planets populated by intelligent beings on which advanced technical civilizations rises.
And L is the lifetime of this technical civilization.

Sagan said information in his formula is based on current estimates by astronomers. In making calculations, he assigned each symbol an arbitrary numerical value.
As expressed in numbers, Sagan said, the formula means that at least 1 million of the 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy have planets which have developed civilizations capable of travel between the stars.
"Let's say that each of these civilizations sends out one interstellar expedition per year," he said.

"That means that every star, such as our sun, would be visited at least once every million years. In some systems where these beings found life, they would make more frequent visits. There's a strong probability, then, that they have visited earth every few thousand years.
"It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist or even that some kind of base is maintained, possibly automatically, within the solar system, to provide continuity for successive expeditions.
"Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of earth it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the earth's surface. The moon seems one reasonable alternative."

"Forthcoming photographic reconnaissance of the moon from space vehicles - particularly of the back - might bear these possibilities in mind."
At a news conference Sagan predicted man himself would be capable of interstellar flight at close to the speed of light "within a century or two."
Asked if he believed in flying saucers, he said: "I do believe there are objects which have hot be identified."


This guy is currently making the rounds re: NJ drone reports. 

(12-12-2024, 02:24 PM)Raptured Wrote: This guy is currently making the rounds re: NJ drone reports. 


Don't worry mate I don't believe anything the CIA says (especially one of its counterintelligence operatives) in any way at any time.

Quote:• "The best way to keep a secret is to pretend to share it".

Allen Dulles - Director of Central Intelligence (DCI)


Incidentally the very same agency has been neck deep in covert UFO investigation since its inception.

Pretty great historical lesson below on how the intelligence community (and the media) have performed psychological operations on the general public in order to control the UFO 'narrative'.

Lots of examples of obfuscation, deception and general bullshittery.

Quote:This video is a comprehensive history of the known ways public opinion on UFOs has been intentionnally shaped by the Air Force, the CIA, and the Media. And how these actions resulted in the "UFO Stigma" we see today.

Bumping this, dont send the infantry.
I was not here.

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