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UFO / Cryptid Research.
Apologies for the long thread. Beer


Quote:• “There is no doubt a body of work that has Bigfoot-like creatures directly connected to UFO sightings.”

Lifelong researchers Janet and Colin Bord.


Sounds bonkers but whether certain researchers like it or not there are quite a number of 'high strangeness' reports over the years involving unidentified flying objects and large, hairy, bipedal humanoids - either where sightings of the two coincide in the same area or basically they're witnessed both together.

Suppose for a person not interested in researching either subject then their initial kneejerk reaction (or conditioned response) is to hoot with laughter but this thread does attempt to take a serious look at the extremely strange case reports and other bizarre aspects like unnatural silences, luminous unnatural mists, electromagnetic effects etc.

Naturally UFO means Unidentified Flying Object and although there have been eyewitness reports of cryptids accompanied by self luminous globes of light (or very strange larger objects in the sky at the same time) this thread doesn't attempt to support any particular origin hypothesis.

That said some of the accounts do sound incredibly bizarre (perhaps that's why some researchers in either camp don't want to touch them) and below is some research exploring possible connections citing specific interviews, articles, testimony and casefiles.

[Image: vz5ea1873c.jpg]

Quote:Even though sightings of both Bigfoot and UFOs occurring at the same times and places are not uncommonly reported by eyewitnesses, the concurrence of such events is generally dismissed as coincidental, and any possible substantial connection between the two phenomena is not considered a matter of serious inquiry.

Both camps of researchers—understandably so—do not want their respective studies to be reduced to speculations based on mere belief. Advocates of both mysteries seem to think the evidence for the reality of the other's subject matter is flimsy to non-existent, thus the reluctance to entertain a connection to each other.

Maybe the problem in making the connection between Bigfoot and UFOs lies in the sets of assumptions made about each phenomenon. Beyond that, we point to an array of other strange phenomena associated with many Bigfoot sightings, including mystery light-forms. In fact, what sets our work apart from other researchers is largely that we take into account the paranormal activity that seems to surround the creatures and the areas we have studied where they are sighted.

Most other researchers are reluctant to do this. If the most we can say about the Bigfoot phenomenon without risking making invalid assumptions is that there is evidence it is an undiscovered primate, our research indicates likewise that the most we personally can say about UFOs might be that they are an unknown aerial luminous phenomenon (quite literally unknown flying objects), which usually involve balls of light of various shapes, sizes, and descriptions.

This being the case, we maintain there is a definite connection between Bigfoot and UFOs, especially if we allow for their respective mysterious origins and nature. This general observation was independently made as early as thirty years ago by such writers/researchers as John Keel and Dr. Michael Persinger. Keel, who is well-known for having written The Mothman Prophecies and for popularizing the term "Men in Black" (or "MIB"), described what he called "window areas" where he consistently observed a range of unusual phenomena that occur in specific locations in a particular sequence.

These include star-like lights seen in the sky moving at speeds and angles impossible for conventional aircraft; full moon-sized fireballs streaking low across the horizon; smaller lights seen near ground level, followed by the appearance of the classic saucer-shaped spacecraft. At some point in this bizarre phantasmagoria, within the same areas, large mystery primates would also show up, what Keel called "Big Hairy Monsters" or "BHM," sometimes followed by the MIB.

The Bigfoot UFO Connection



• WCUFOSG Research:

Stan Gordon goes into quite some remarkable detail in the interview below about his 60 years of research and the findings of scientists, engineers and ex intel/police/military personnel involved in the 'Westmorland County UFO Study Group' which operated 24/7 for incoming reports around the state of Pennsylvania.

Quite a number of close range UFO/multiple witness/multiple Bigfoot reports and sightings of large, solid objects close to the ground or hovering over forests and highways - apparently during the 1973 wave reports flooded in and there was lots of media coverage at the time.

• Chestnut Ridge:

• Full interview - Casefiles

Quote:Stan Gordon began his journey in field investigations of UFOs and other Paranormal encounters in Pennsylvania in 1965. During 1973 UFOs began to make widespread appearances in the sky across the Keystone State. It was during the summer of that year however when a mysterious wave of events began to unfold.

Alarmed citizens over a widespread area reported close encounters with huge hairy Bigfoot-like creatures. Frightened residents called local authorities and media outlets reporting enormous footprints and terrified animals.

As the pace of the abnormal encounters quickened through the following months, more eyewitness reports of other strange creatures, and a variety of other paranormal events came to the attention of Gordon's investigation team.
Seems freaky MIB encounters also play a role in UFO / Cryptid research and there are reports of strange individuals confiscating hair samples / photographs, destroying footprints etc..

Also turns out Stan Gordon had a bit of a shock when he enquired whether a certain UFO witness would be willing to undergo hypnosis and got the reply 'You already did the hypnosis' (apparently 'an army guy and a guy in a suit' had already conducted it whilst masquerading as two of Gordon's UFO research team).   

Specific cases are covered by Bob Gymlan in the vid below including the Uniontown incident).

Quote:• "It was a bright red sphere about as big as a barn. And it was only about a hundred feet off the ground and slowly descending towards the pasture..

Along that fence walking towards them are these two, huge, Bigfoot-like creatures'.

Apparently weirder aspects ('Woo') of Sasquatch encounter reports get 'edited out' by certain Bigfoot organisations and if anyone's interested then archives containing direct 'unsanitized' witness testimony can be found at channels such as Sasquatch Chronicles, How to Hunt, A Flash Of Beauty etc. - would say Yowiehunters and Subarctic Sasquatch are also well worth a look and all contain some truly compelling reports from military, police officers, firefighters, pilots, doctors, judges, priests, scientists, engineers, academics, park rangers, border patrol agents, loggers, truck drivers, train drivers, hunters etc.

Here's 'How To Hunt's' Steve Isdahl (who doesn't willfully ignore the more bizarre aspects) explaining how 'woo' is far more common than most researchers care to admit:

Quote:Steve Isdahl is a Canadian hunter and long time hunting guide who takes people into the wilderness, north of Whistler, British Columbia, looking for big game. However, the ominous creatures of the forest have him now hunting down the legend of Sasquatch. Not to harm it. But to find out what the heck the creature really is?
The Adirondack area in New York State is just one of many 'hotspots' around the US and there are also some highly strange UFO cryptid antics (concurrent 'flaps') described in the vid below.

Quote:For many, the Abair Incident was simply a string a Bigfoot sightings spread over one week in 1976. However, investigators of the paranormal know that something far more bizarre was taking place.

In addition to hairy creatures, an outbreak of UFO reports erupted around Whitehall at the same time, leading many to wonder if perhaps the area was a window to something far more sinister..


Apparently all this is nothing new and there's a funky 1970's clip here showing how researchers were making the UFO cryptid connection back over 50 years ago.

Whatever's going on there are lots of other highly strange cases out there involving UFOs being witnessed before, during or after a cryptid sighting and also real freaky aspects described in certain encounters like time dislocation, bizarre flashes of light and footprints which abruptly end (link).

Also thought researcher Zelia Edgar made some really astute observations here (at 35:15) concerning 'orb' reports and there are some other relevant articles below.


Quote:Intrigued by the growing stack of reports, I mentioned to my colleague and fellow writer-researcher John A. Keel that I intended to write an article suggesting a connection between Bigfoot and UFOs.


Quote:Now fast-forward almost 100 years to 1973... and Mrs. Reafa Heitfield. She and her 13-year-old son were sleeping in a trailer in Cincinnati, Ohio on the morning of October 21. Reafa arose at 2:30 a.m. to quench her thirst, and noticed strange lights in the adjoining parking lot. Looking out the window, her attention was drawn, in particular, to an inexplicable cone of light, shaped like a huge bubble umbrella -- about seven feet in diameter.

Nearby she spotted a grayish, ape-like creature with a large, downward angled snout, no neck and a sizable waist. Moving slowly, it then entered into the light. About five minutes later, both apeman and UFO disappeared.

Another dramatic incident occurred a few days later on October 25, 1973. A group of farmers in Fayette County, Pennsylvania caught sight of a dome-shaped UFO that was brightly lit and about 100 feet in diameter. As the locals drove toward it, they saw a pair of gargantuan creatures covered with thick, matted hair, luminescent green eyes and long arms that dangled below their knees. A farmer's son fired a gun shot at the creatures, one of which raised its right hand in the air. At that very moment, the UFO disappeared. Then, the two Bigfoots escaped into the woods and were never seen again.

Huffington Post


Quote:Puerto Rico and Mexico have reported an increase in reports about the Sasquatch's tropical cousin.. The tropical manimals are described as human-sized, covered in abundant brown or black hair, and with glowing eyes. Their habits are largely nocturnal, as in the case of their North American counterparts, and they have also shown a propensity toward appearing in places where UFO or paranormal events are taking place.

El Yunque, one of the peaks located in the Luquillo Experimental Rainforest, has been a focal point of UFO and paranormal rainforest since the days of the Taino indians. Since the late 1800's, reports of strange lights flying over El Yunque have suggested that some sort of non-human activity has been taking place.  

In December 1993, a group of National Guard reservists camping at the summit of Mt. La Mina, on the rainforest's southern end, had an encounter with an frightening creature: man-sized,hairy and with glowing eyes. The reservists abandoned their camp and descended the mountain in pitch darkness, terrified by the encounter. Their superiors allegedly told them not to discuss the matter with anyone..

[b[That a link between manimals and the latter can be established is without question--case histories from all over the Americas have often involved hairy ape-like creatures standing outside landed vehicles, being led by ufonauts, and in one case, seen drifting across the skies in a bright orange ball.[/b]



Quote:Martin, who was sitting, looked around and saw a sandy-colored anthropoid creature. It ran away with amazing swiftness, in running leaps, "like a man on a rope being pulled too fast by a car", Jeff Martin running after it. As it crossed the road, Jeff Martin heard its feet slapping on the blacktop. The creature looked back one last time, leaped over a ditch, and disappeared into the woods. Shortly afterwards, a glowing bronze object shot out of the trees and into the sky, fading away so quickly that the whole series of events seemed nearly instantaneous.


Quote:A Tennessee witness at Cedar Grove reported multiple, low flying, triangle-shaped UFOs moving overhead and a “black, ape-like” creature on the ground, according to testimony in Case 66916 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Low Flying UFOs and ‘Ape-Like’ Creature Reported in Tennessee
Nothing beats that good old feeling of being hunted by a telepathic beast.
compassion, even when hope is lost
Probably easier to find countries that don't experience cryptid type creature (or UFO) reports and there are plenty of other strange historical cases out there involving both if one cares to look.

Understand that connecting one complete mystery with another isn't usually the best way to go about things (and the reports do seem to mock the researcher) but maybe folks like Keel, Vallee, Eno, Sinclair, Gordon, Riggs, Edgar, Swartz etc. are onto something when they 'follow the data' and engage in speculation about bizarre crossover phenomena, super-spectrums, reality frequencies, window areas and 'paranormal soup'.


• The Bord Casebook And Newsclippings

• Vanishing Bigfoot and Anecdotal Accounts:Implications and Challenges for Researchers By Sharon (Eby) Cornet

•Scientific/military Soviet research: Part: 1 / 2 / 3

Bigfoot confirmed by the Government?

(11-25-2024, 01:22 PM)Sirius Wrote: Nothing beats that good old feeling of being hunted by a telepathic beast.

Yes mate got to love some of these freaky high strangeness reports and there's a nice pie chart here.

Thought this author brought up some great observations about cryptids, poltergeist and UFO phenomena and as usual I have absolutely no idea what's going on.

Quote:In his new book, The Forest Poltergeist, author WT Watson considers the possibilities of something else being responsible for some of the strange things people report in the woods other than our hairy friend in forests.

Would also say this (and any) book by Joshua Cutchin is well worth a look. Beer

Quote:Josh Cutchin and Tim Renner have just released a book that is designed (and sure) to goose the Bigfoot research community out of its “flesh-and-blood-hypothesis” stupor (the theory that the creature is an undiscovered primate.)

In 'Where the Footprints End', they have gathered case after documented case of paranormal events associated with Bigfoot sightings, beginning with a dramatic incident  from 1973 where the creatures (TWO of them) were observed in close proximity to a large, lighted object that left a glowing circle on the ground and apparently gave one witness a vision of the end of the world.

We spoke on this case and many others where the idea of the phenomenon as simply an elusive animal is called into serious question. Based on their research, Renner and Cutchin believe parallels with hauntings and poltergeists are inescapable, as well as connections to the world of the dead. We also discussed the strange explanations given for cases of Bigfoot tracks that apparently stop suddenly in mid-stride (hence the name of the book.) Fascinating conversation that is sure to make you excited, upset, or both.

Interview Link

I am more inclined to believe in much of the unexplained phenoms out there being transdimensional rather than extra/intra-terrestrial.

It just boggles the mind that simply given the size of the sasquatch-types of creatures, there simply isn't more evidence around.  

Sure - there's a few castings of footprints but you would imagine that tracks from a 600+ lb creature would be EVERYWHERE.    Bear tracks are never hard to find, amiiright?

Also when you think about it and the best piece of "evidence" is a film taken many decades ago....    head-scratcher.

I DO believe there's stuff out there and the fact that it isn't seen accept seemingly by accident pushes me futher into the other plane/dimension camp
(11-25-2024, 06:52 PM)Raptured Wrote: I am more inclined to believe in much of the unexplained phenoms out there being transdimensional rather than extra/intra-terrestrial.

It just boggles the mind that simply given the size of the sasquatch-types of creatures, there simply isn't more evidence around.  

Sure - there's a few castings of footprints but you would imagine that tracks from a 600+ lb creature would be EVERYWHERE.    Bear tracks are never hard to find, amiiright?

Also when you think about it and the best piece of "evidence" is a film taken many decades ago....    head-scratcher.

I DO believe there's stuff out there and the fact that it isn't seen accept seemingly by accident pushes me further into the other plane/dimension camp

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”

— William Shakespeare
(11-25-2024, 06:52 PM)Raptured Wrote: I am more inclined to believe in much of the unexplained phenoms out there being transdimensional rather than extra/intra-terrestrial.

Looks like a growing number of researchers feel the same way mate and many suspect they're not here 'all the time'.

Here's the most recent interview I could find with Stan Gordon and although he started out initially sceptical looks like after 65 years of research he's arrived at the same conclusion (some pretty wild reports discussed in this video).

Also pretty wild how almost every continent on the planet generates eyewitness reports and how completely different cultures have specific names for these creatures - the list is getting pretty long and I think my favourite is 'Wooly Booger'.

Don't know if you've looked into Ron Morehead's experiences but he's also now speculating about 'a dimension existing outside of the human light spectrum and the observable vibrational frequency'.

Quote:• "In my 45+ years of researching this phenomenon, I’ve heard several very strange reports. A few of these reports, from seemingly heartfelt people, claimed that these creatures disappeared."

Ron Morehead.


(11-25-2024, 07:23 PM)CCoburn Wrote: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”

— William Shakespeare

Very apt quote! Beer

Lots of info removed from the internet these days but Ted Phillip's work into Marley Woods definitely deserves a mention as some extremely strange UFO cryptid activity was (and probably still is) being reported.

Here's an interview with the great man before he passed away.


[Image: ie6078a039.jpg]

[Image: mn5e6dfb07.jpg]


Ted's research associate Thomas Ferrario also discusses some updated info on the place in this interview with John Greenewald Junior.

Quote:Ted Phillips, a pioneering legend within the UFO field, spearheaded the research into this mysterious location. Although now passed away, his protege and my guest today, Thomas Ferrario, continues the hunt for the truth.

He's here to step into the Vault, and explain some of the darkest, deepest, and most frightening experiences that he and others have encountered while there. And some of those experiences may have even left a lasting physical effect that will be with him for the rest of his life.


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