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Scientists UFO/OVNI/UAP Statements.
Following on from pilots, police and military there are also statements below regarding the reality of Unidentified Flying Objects from scientists.

Realize they're a bit of a long read but for folks interested there's some rather revealing content being discussed and many of the statements have been substantiated in official reports, books, interviews, letters, scientific reviews, open congressional hearings etc.

Regarding the largest scientific UFO study ever conducted by the U.S. Government thought Stanton Friedman raised some excellent points here about their findings (and how they attempted to mislead the public on numbers).

Atmospherical physicist Dr James E. McDonald also raises some important points in this old clip.

• Scientists:

• "Of the 1600 cases registered since 1954, nearly 25% are classified as 'type D', meaning that despite good or very good data and credible witnesses, we are confronted with something we can't explain".

Aeronautical Engineer Jacques Patenet, head of GEIPAN - French service of UFO studies at the French Space Agency CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales).

Link / Video

• "Taking all evidence which has come to the Subcommittee's attention into account, we find it difficult to ignore the small residue of well documented but unexplainable cases which form a hardcore of the UFO.. a phenomenon which has such a high ratio of unexplained cases (about 30%) should arose scientific curiosity."

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Subcommittee, November, 1970.


• "Taking into account the facts that we gathered from the observers and from the location of their observations, we concluded that there generally can be said to be a material phenomenon behind the observations. In 60% of the cases reported here, the description of this phenomenon is apparently one of a flying machine whose origin, modes of lifting and/or propulsion are totally outside our knowledge..

The study of the observed phenomenon seems to us, by its extraordinary characteristics, potentially able to bring to humankind knowledge and eventually techniques of considerable importance. We suggest that a deep study of this phenomenon be undertaken with a high degree of priority." 

Dr. Claude Poher, Ph.D. in astronomy, founder and first director of GEPAN, the UFO investigative office under the French government's National Center for Space Sciences which analyzed reports from the Gendarmerie from 1974 through 1978, writing in the GEPAN Report to the Scientific Committee, June, 1978, Vol 1, Chapter 4.


• "The phenomenon seems to be real.. The general coherence of sighting reports worldwide should not leave researchers indifferent. One does not conceive objective arguments to justify an attitude that would avoid at all cost these observations. The risk is, at worst, to confirm the existence of unknown vehicles appearing erratically into our atmosphere - a hypothesis that seems to explain nearly all reported aspects of the phenomenon and could be linked to the current exobiology branch of space research."

Dr. Claude Poher, expert on aeronautics, astronomy and astronautics, engineer at the French Space Agency (CNES) - 1971 Statistical Study prepared for the CNES and French officials.


• "Over the past 20 years a vast amount of evidence has been accumulating that bears on the existence of UFO's. Most of this is little known to the general public or to most scientists. But on the basis of the data and ordinary rules of evidence, as would be applied in civil or criminal courts, the physical reality of UFO's has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt."

Dr J. A. Harder Ph.D.
Professor of Civil Engineering - statement given to the UFO Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics U.S. House Of Representatives, July 29th, 1969.

Link: 1 / 2 / PDF

• "The definitive resolution of the UFO enigma will not come about unless and until the problem is subjected to open and extensive scientific study by the normal procedures of established science. This requires a change in attitude primarily on the part of scientists and administrators in universities."

Dr. Peter A. Sturrock, Professor of Space Science and Astrophysics and Deputy Director of the Center for Space Sciences and Astrophysics at Stanford University.


• "Most scientists have never had the occasion to confront evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon. To a scientist, the main source of hard information (other than his own experiments' observations) is provided by the scientific journals. With rare exceptions, scientific journals do not publish reports of UFO observations. The decision not to publish is made by the editor acting on the advice of reviewers. This process is self-reinforcing: the apparent lack of data confirms the view that there is nothing to the UFO phenomenon, and this view (prejudice) works against the presentation of relevant data."

Dr. Peter A. Sturrock, 'An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project', Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.1, No.1, 1987.


• "Since 1947, ATIC has received approximately 1500 official reports of sightings plus an enormous volume of letters, phone calls, and press reports. During July 1952 alone, official reports totaled 250. Of the 1500 reports, Air Force carries 20 percent as unexplained and of those received from January through July 1952 it carries 28 percent unexplained."

H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director, Office of Scientific Intelligence.


• "Unbiased, disinterested physical scientists usually measure the properties of inanimate matter. Biological, medical, and behavioral scientists, on the other hand, study intelligences less than or equal to their own. In this Project, we dealt with an intelligence equal to or greater than that of man. We interacted with the phenomenon under study.”

Dr. Harley Rutledge, Chairman of the Physics Department, SE Missouri State University.

Link /E-Book / Video: 24:14

• "All over the world credible witnesses are reporting experiences similar to mine. Holding these people up to ridicule does not alter the existing facts. The time is long overdue for accepting the presence of these things, whatever they are and dealing with them and the public on a basis of realism."

Frank Halstead, Former Curator of Darling Observatory, University of Minnesota.


• "I must admit that any favorable mention of the flying saucers by a scientist amounts to extreme heresy and places the one making the statement in danger of excommunication by the scientific theocracy. Nevertheless, in recent years I have investigated the story of the unidentified flying object (UFO), and I am no longer able to dismiss the idea lightly."

Dr. Frank B. Salisbury, Professor of Plant Physiology at Utah State University - First Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, USAF Academy, May, 1964.

Link / Video

• “For nearly 40 years, the science establishment has ignored the UFO problem, relegating it to the domain of 'true believers and mental imcompetents' (a.k.a. 'kooks and nuts').
Scientists have participated in a 'self-cover-up' by refusing to look at the credible and well-reported data.
Furthermore, some of those few scientists who have studied UFO data have published explanations which are unconvincing or just plain wrong and have 'gotten away with it' because most of the rest of the scientific community has not cared enough to analyze these explanations. The general rejection of the scientific validity of UFO sightings has made it difficult to publish analyses of good sightings in refereed journals of establishment science.”

Dr Bruce Maccabee Ph.D, optical physicist - 'Still In Default: UFOs And Science'.


• "At the very least, it is already possible to show scientifically the evidence for physico-chemical modifications affecting sometimes the ground of alleged landing sites, as well as the effects produced on the vegetation. Such research has already begun and doesn't necessarily require large sums.. The UFO problem in its totality, nevertheless, cannot be really understood unless our science someday is able to propose physical models that take into account the observed phenomena. We are not able to know if this will ever occur, and in any event, we are still very far from that stage."

Dr. Pierre Guérin, senior researcher at the French National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) - 'Le Dossier des Objets Volants Non Identifiés', Sciences & Avenir, No. 307, Paris, September, 1972.


• "It seemed fantastic that there could be any such thing. At first, the temptation was to say it was all nonsense, a series of optical illusions. But there have been so many reports from responsible observers that they cannot be ignored. It seems hardly possible that all these reports could be due to optical illusions."

Dr. J. C. MacKenzie, Chairman of the Canadian Atomic Energy Control Board and former president of the National Research Council - Ottawa Journal, April 16th, 1952.

Link / Link

• "A 1977 poll of American astronomers, published in JSE, showed the following. Out of 2611 questionnaires 1356 were returned. In response to whether the UFO problem deserved further study the replies were: 23% certainly, 30% probably, 27% percent possibly, 17% probably not, 3% certainly not.
Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between the amount of reading done on the subject and the opinion that further study was in order.”

Dr. Bernard Haisch - Director for the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics.


• "I have learned quite a bit about the UFO phenomenon over the years, certainly more than I had bargained for, and have met many of the leading figures, some credible, some deluded. When Professor Peter Sturrock, a prominent Stanford University plasma physicist, did a survey of the membership of the American Astronomical Society in the 1970s, he made an interesting finding: astronomers who spent time reading up on the UFO phenomenon developed more interest in it. If there were nothing to it, you would expect the opposite: lack of credible evidence would cause interest to wane. And the fact of the matter is, there does exist a vast amount of high quality, albeit enigmatic, data.

Dr. Bernard Haisch - Director for the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics.

List / Link / PDF

• "I propose that true skepticism is called for today: neither the gullible acceptance of true belief nor the closed-minded rejection of the scoffer masquerading as the skeptic. One should be skeptical of both the believers and the scoffers. The negative claims of pseudo-skeptics who offer facile explanations must themselves be subject to criticism.

If a competent witness reports having seen something tens of degrees of arc in size (as happens) and the scoffer, who of course was not there, offers Venus or a high altitude weather balloon as an explanation, the requirement of extraordinary proof for an extraordinary claim falls on the proffered negative claim as well.

That kind of approach is also pseudo-science. Moreover just being a scientist confers neither necessary expertise nor sufficient knowledge. Any scientist who has not read a few serious books and articles presenting actual UFO evidence should out of intellectual honesty refrain from making scientific pronouncements. To look at the evidence and go away unconvinced is one thing. To not look at the evidence and be convinced against it nonetheless is another. That is not science. Do your homework."

Dr. Bernard Haisch - Director for the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics.


• "I have been saddened as I came to understand the irrational response of the scientific establishment to the UFO phenomena. I have come to understand the scientific establishment's UFO paradigm. The paradigm is belief driven.. Never have I seen so many fallacies strung together as in the the scientific and skeptical responses to UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. It is the Emperor's New Clothes in reverse."

Dr Timothy Pennington Ph.D, Physical Chemist, American Chemical Society.


• "There is an exceedingly large body of reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) from all over the world. Preliminary investigations show that about 67% of these are due to natural phenomena and so they are classed as Identified Flying Objects (IFOs.) The remainder, even discounting doubtful cases, forms an impressive collection of data. People making reports are usually sincere, often technically qualified and generally shy of the publicity which their sighting causes.

The vast number of unexplained reports, which show a surprising degree of internal consistency, argues for serious study of the UFO problem at this time."

Dr. Michael J. Duggin, Kirtland Air Force Research Laboratory - paper presented to the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science - Symposium on 'The Unidentified Flying Object Problem', October 30th, 1971.

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• "There are too many independent eyewitness reports to ignore. Too many of the reports describe coherent physical effects and there is an agreement among the accounts concerning what was observed. If all of these witnesses are lying, then it is a mental disease of such novelty and proportions that it must be studied. But of course there are also physical effects. The Air Force report allows us to approach the problem in a rational and scientific way. The simplest hypothesis is that the reports are caused by extraterrestrial visitors, but that hypothesis carries with it other problems. We are not in a rush to form a conclusion, but also to study the mystery."

Dr. Auguste Meessen, Professor of Physics, Louvain University -
interview with French journalist Marie Therese de Brosses - MUFON UFO Journal, No. 268, August, 1990.

• "On November 29th, 1989, a large craft with triangular shape flew over the town of Eupen. The gendarmes von Montigny and Nicol found it near the road linking Aix-la-Chapelle and Eupen. It was stationary in the air, above a field which it illuminated with three powerful beams. The beams emanated from large circular surfaces near the triangle's corners. In the center of the dark and flat understructure there was some kind of 'red gyrating beacon.' The object did not make any noise. When it began to move, the gendarmes headed towards a small road in the area over which they expected the object to fly. Instead, it made a half-turn and continued slowly in the direction of Eupen, following the road at low altitude. It was seen by different witnesses as it flew above houses and near City Hall."

Auguste Meessen, Professor of Physics, Louvain University.


• "I had access to special libraries, so we could go up to the library that the Air Force ran and sort of paw through top-secret material. Since I was interested in UFOs, I’d look to see what they had. For about a year, I was getting quite a few hits. Then, all of a sudden, the whole subject material vanished. The entire classification for the subject just vanished."

McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Engineer Dr. Robert Wood.

PDF / Video: 29:30

• "The goal of understanding anomalistic phenomena, if attained, may be of unprecedented importance to the human race. We must get a positive scientific program off the ground; a program that progresses according to the highest scientific standards, has specific objectives, is well funded, and long term."

Dr. Robert M. L. Baker, Head of Lockheed's Astrodynamics Research Center - 1968 Congressional Hearings.


• "A world blanket of secrecy surrounded the UFO question because the authorities were unwilling to admit the existence of a force against which we had no possibility of defense."

Dr Paul Santorini - Fowler, R., UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, New York: Bantam Books, 1974.


• "I looked up and saw a large, whitish egg-shaped object moving in and out of clouds to the northeast, in the direction of the Sacramento Mountains. It made a shallow dive, turned and crossed the highway a few miles ahead then turned sharply and disappeared over the Organ Pass. It was definitely a solid object."

James Stokes, high altitude research engineer - also described a 'wave of heat' from the UFO and his face later appeared sunburned - White Sands missile range, November 4th, 1957.

Link: 1 / 2 / Video

• "An association between UFOs and electrical power facilities has been recognized for many years. UFOs tend to hover near generating stations, switchyards, and substations, and to travel along the rights-of-way for high-voltage transmission lines. They are frequently seen at these locations at the time of, or just prior to, electrical blackouts over extended areas served by the facilities."

Engineer James M. McCampbell.


• "I went out by myself to take a look and there it was, hovering about 1500 feet in the air and about 200 yards from me. It was a round saucer-shaped object about 25 to 30 feet in diameter. It looked like a high-intensity red light with a lot of lights coming out of what seemed to be portholes.

The lights were flashing and causing a spinning effect. I couldn't see any image of its bottom, which may have been concave, I'm not sure. I kept walking and got to within 100 yards of it. I looked at it for two or three minutes until it darted behind the power plant almost like a blur. I went north of the power plant to see where it had gone and found it hovering over a water intake pump on the other side of the station.

I stood there for a couple of minutes and watched it. The most amazing part is the way this object moved rapidly with no effort and perfectly silently. I just can't get over that. I don't know what it was but I know this much: we don't have anything like this."

Operations Engineer Oscar Wills, Central Illinois Power Generating Station - March 22nd, 1973 (same time as Piedmont UFO flap).

Link / NewsClipping

• "They moved jerkily when moving slowly. The speed varied from about 50 to 500 mph. Their ability to make tight circling turns was amazing."

NASA Aerodynamicist Paul R. Hill discussing his UFO sighting over the waters of Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, July 16th, 1952.


• "I was destined to remain as unidentified as the flying objects."

NASA Aerodynamicist Paul Hill who posthumously published his UFO research because he was 'fearful' of specific government agencies.

Video / Link

• "The saucers cannot have a terrestrial origin, if they are what is told."

Louis Breguet - French aircraft designer and manufacturer.


• "Something foreign to our knowledge."

Dr. Marcos Guerci, Chief of Meteorological Office describes objects also witnessed by control tower operator Carlos Bassoli - Argentine Embassy official report. Cordoba Airport, November 25th, 1954.


• "I could see clearly the top of the body, which was a dark, non-shining material with no sharp edges. The most striking part was the eye-like object off-center to the right, with two distinct yellow regions. The lower region was revolving, blinking or scanning."

Physicist Dr Vasil Uzunoglu describes a 'submarine like object with a peaked top with a red light and rounded undersurface' hover over a house - Washington, D.C., August 1st, 1966.


• "The clouds were drifting from the southwest to the northeast at right angles to the motion of the object. Therefore it must have been powered in some way.. I would estimate its speed at 100 mph., perhaps as high as 200 mph. This too means a powered craft. However, I could hear no engine noise."

Dr. Seymour L. Hess, Meteorologist, Lowell Observatory, Arizona, May 20th, 1950.

Video / Link

• "In this field (Ufology), prejudice will take you farther from the truth than ignorance.. But with a topic such as UFOs, where does the scientific method begin? And where does it end? This grand endeavor would consist of the serious recording of the enormous available data and the use of all scientific procedures for the purpose of analysis.. China is so vast, and UFOs are certainly being witnessed again and again all throughout China, and China most definitely will evolve her own indigenous school of UFO researchers. This is our sincerest and deepest hope."

Bang Wen-Gwang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Beijing Astronomical Research Society - 'The Aspirations & Hopes of the Chinese UFO Investigator', The Journal of UFO Research, No. 1, People's Republic of China, 1981.

• "UFOs are an unresolved mystery with profound influence in the world."

Professor Liang Renglin of Guangzhou Jinan University, Chairman of CURO - 'UFO Conference Held in Darlian' - China Daily, August 27th, 1985.


• "They are flying by means of artificial fields of gravity.. They produce high-tension electric charges in order to push the air out of their paths, so it does not start glowing, and strong magnetic fields to influence the ionized air at higher altitudes. First, this would explain their luminosity.. Secondly, it would explain the noiselessness of UFO flight.. Finally, this assumption also explains the strong electrical and magnetic effects sometimes, though not always, observed in the vicinity of UFOs." 

Professor Hermann Oberth, German rocket expert considered one of the three fathers of the space age. Worked with Dr. Werner von Braun from 1955 at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and later NASA - 'Dr. Hermann Oberth discusses UFOs', Fate Magazine, May, 1962.


• "There are about 50 observations known from the time before World War II. Then the number of appearances increased; the Allies thought it was a German secret weapon, and the Germans thought it was one of the Allies. Since 1947, the reports of eyewitnesses increased considerably. It is said by the English Air Marshall Lord Dowding that there have been 10,000 (reports) by 1953."

German Rocket Scientist Hermann Oberth Writing in Mitteilungen Der Gesellschaft Fur Interplanetarik


• "I'm convinced saucers have an out-of-world basis."

Dr. Walther Riedel, German rocket scientist at Peenemunde, March 3rd, 1952 - Life Magazine, April 7th, 1952 issue.


• "The least improbable explanation is that these things are artificial and controlled.. My opinion for some time has been that they have an extraterrestrial origin."

Dr. Maurice Biot, U.S. Aerodynamicist and mathematical physicist - Life Magazine, 'Have We Visitors from Outer Space?', 1952.


• "These people have seen something - What it is I do not know and am not curious to know."

Albert Einstein, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey (reply letter to Californian Minister Louis A. Gardner, July 23rd, 1952).


• Dr. J. Allen Hynek:

Quote:• "There are three incontrovertible points that even the grossest sceptic can't ignore - one, that UFO reports not only exist but persist; two, that the phenomenon is global in nature (over 140 countries) and three, that many UFO reports come from highly credible and technically trained people."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University and scientific consultant for Air Force investigations of UFOs from 1948 until 1969 (Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book).


• “Over the past eighteen years I have acted as a scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force on the subject of unidentified flying objects – UFO’s. As a consequence of my work on the voluminous air force files and, to a greater extent, of personal investigation of many puzzling cases and interviews with witnesses of good repute, I have long been aware that the subject of UFO’s could not be dismissed as mere nonsense."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

• "Project Blue Book was ballyhooed by the Air Force as a full-fledged top-priority operation. It was no such thing. The staff, in a sense, was a joke. In terms of scientific training and numbers, it was highly inadequate to the task. And the methods used were positively archaic. And that is the crack operation that the general public believes looked adequately into the UFO phenomenon."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

• "When Major Quintanilla came in, the flag of the utter nonsense school was flying at its highest on the mast. Now he had a certain Sgt. Moody assisting him.. Moody epitomized the conviction-before-trial method. Anything that he didn't understand or didn't like was immediately put into the psychological category, which meant 'crackpot'. He would not ever say that the person who reported a case was a fairly respectable person, maybe we should look into it, or maybe we should find out. He was also the master of the possible: possible balloon, possible aircraft, possible birds, which then became, by his own hand (and I argued with him violently at times), the probable; he said, well, we have no category 'possible' aircraft. It is therefore either unidentified or aircraft. Well, it is more likely aircraft; therefore it is aircraft.. An 'unidentified' to Moody was not a challenge for further research. To have it remain unidentified was a blot.. and he did everything to remove it. He went back to cases from Captain Gregory's days and way back in Ruppelt's days and redid the files. A lot that were unidentified in those days he 'identified' years and years later."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

• "I was there at Project Bluebook and I know the job they had. They were told not to excite the public, not to rock the boat.. Whenever a case happened that they coud explain - which was quite a few - they made a point of that, and let that out to the media.. Cases that were very difficult to explain, they would jump handsprings to keep the media away from them. They had a job to do, rightfully or wrongfully, to keep the public from getting excited."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

• "Blue Book was now under direct orders to debunk.. I remember the conversations around the conference table in which it was suggested that Walt Disney or some other educational cartoon producer be enlisted in the debunking process."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

"We will never know whether UFO reports represent genuinely new empirical observations if we continue the type of logical fallacy illustrated by the Air Force analysis of a radar-visual UFO report from Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1957."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

• "The discrepancy between what was reported and the Blue Book evaluation is so great as to be laughable."

Dr Hynek on the Redlands UFO case, February 4th, 1968.

• "For the government to continue to maintain that UFOs are nonexistent in the face of the documents already released and of other cogent evidence presented in this book is puerile and in a sense an insult to the American people."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

• "We forget that sometime there will be a 30th century science which probably will be as different (from science today) as Babylonian society. We went from the Kitty Hawk to the moon in 70 years. This UFO business has been going on for a quarter of a century. We should cut the nonsense and get down to study."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

• "There exists a phenomenon.. that is worthy of systematic rigorous study. The body of data point to an aspect or domain of the natural world not yet explored by science.. When the long awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum jump." 

Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

E-Book: 1 / 2 / Archives

• Dr James E. McDonald:

Quote:• "As a result of several trips to Project Bluebook, I´ve had an opportunity to examine quite carefully and in detail the types of reports that are made by Bluebook personnel. In most cases, I have found that there's almost no correlation between so-called 'evaluations and explanations' that are made by Bluebook and the facts of the case..
There are hundreds of good cases in the Air Force files that should have led to top-level scientific scrutiny of this problem, years ago, yet these cases have been swept under the rug in a most disturbing way."

Dr James E. McDonald -Senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona.

• "The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are close-range sightings of machine-like objects of unconventional nature and unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses.. When one starts searching for such cases, their number are quite astonishing. Also, such sightings appear to be occurring all over the globe."

Dr. James E. McDonald - Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, July 29th, 1968.

• "My study of past official Air Force investigations (Blue Book) leads me to describe them as completely superficial. Officially released 'explanations' of important UFO sightings have been almost absurdly erroneous."

Senior Atmospherical Physicist Dr James E. McDonald, speech to American Meteorological Society 1966.

• "This series of incidents became national headline news until officially explained in terms of ball lightning and wet ignitions. However, on checking weather data, I found that there were no thunderstorms anywhere close to Levelland that night, and there was no rain capable of wetting ignitions. Although I have not located any of the drivers involved, I have interviewed Sheriff Weir Clem of Levelland and a Levelland newspaperman, both of whom investigated the incidents that night. They confirmed the complete absence of rain or lightning activity. The incidents cannot be regarded as explained."

Dr James McDonald on the November 1957 Levelland UFO flap.

Video: 1 / 2

• "Much of what might be made clear at great length will have to be compressed into my remark that the scientific world at large is in for a shock when it becomes aware of the astonishing nature of the UFO phenomenon and its bewildering complexity. I make that terse comment well aware that it invites easy ridicule; but intellectual honesty demands that I make clear that my two years' study convinces me that in the UFO problem lie scientific and technological questions that will challenge the ability of the world's outstanding scientists to explain - as soon as they start examining the facts."

Dr. James E. McDonald.

• "I speak from three years of detailed, personal research involving interviews with more than five hundred witnessess in selected UFO cases, chiefly in the United States. In my opinion the UFO problem, far from being the 'nonsense problem' it has been labelled by many scientists, constitutes an area of extraordinary scientific interest."

Dr James E. McDonald. Professor of Atmospheric Sciences -
Senior Physicist. Quoted in 'UFOs - a Scientific debate'.

Video: 1 / 2 / Archive: 1 / 2

• Dr. Richard Haines:

Quote:• "Reports of anomalous aerial objects (AAO) appearing in the atmosphere continue to be made by pilots of almost every airline and air force of the world in addition to private and experimental test pilots..
We're not dealing with mental projections or hallucinations on the part of the witness but with a real physical phenomenon."

Dr. Richard Haines, Psychologist specializing in pilot and astronaut 'human factors' research for the Ames NASA Research Center in California - Chief of the Space Human Factors Office.

• “Although I do not yet have enough reliable information concerning the relevant characteristics of the UFO phenomenon with which to form a scientific judgment of its 'core' identity, I do believe that the phenomenon is objectively real; i.e., I believe that the many thousands of eyewitnesses around the world are experiencing UFO phenomenon in a manner very similar to the way any other human with normal sensory capabilities would perceive it if they happened to be present.”

Dr. Richard Haines.

• "Air Catalogue is a rather extensive library I’ve been collecting for almost 30 years from commercial, private, and test pilots. I have over 3,000 cases. My estimate is that for every pilot who does come forward, and makes a confidential or a public report, there are 20, 30 other pilots who don’t."

NASA Research Scientist (Gemini, Apollo, Skylab), Dr. Richard Haines.

Site / Video / E-Book: PDF

• Dr. Jacques F. Vallée:

Quote:• "The fact that since 1946 numerous persons in all countries have made detailed reports of events they regard as strange, mysterious, sometimes even terrifying, deserves attention. While many of the reports can be traced to natural events, we intend to demonstrate that, after the inevitable errors and the obvious hoaxes are eliminated, the reports reveal common characterstics, possess a high degree of internal coherence, and appear to be the result of the witnesses’ exposure to a set of unusual circumstances."

Dr. Jacques Fabrice Vallée, Astrophysicist
from the introduction to ‘Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma’, 1966.

• "Governments took notice, organizing task forces, encouraging secret briefings and study groups, funding classified research and all the time denying before the public that any of the phenomena might be real. The major revelation of these Diaries may be the demonstration of how the scientific community was misled by the government, how the best data were kept hidden, and how the public record was shamelessly manipulated."

Dr Jacques Fabrice Vallée - Astronomer.

• "First, there is a physical object. That may be a flying saucer or it may be a projection or it may be something entirely different. All we know about it is that it represents a tremendous quantity of electromagnetic energy in a small volume. I say that based upon the evidence gathered from traces, from electromagnetic and radar detection and from perturbations of the electromagnetic fields such as Dr. Claude Poher, the French space scientist, has recorded."

Dr Jacques Fabrice Vallée - Astronomer.

• "What UFO witnesses describe as 'light' may, in fact, be a complex combination of ionising and non-ionising radiation. Many of the injuries described in Brazil, however, are consistent with the effects of high-power pulsed microwaves."

Dr Jacques Fabrice Vallée - Astronomer.

• "The UFO Phenomenon exists. It has been with us throughout history. It is physical in nature and it remains unexplained in terms of contemporary science. It represents a level of consciousness that we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them." 

Dr Jacques Fabrice Vallée - Astronomer.

• "The very concept of a parallel between modern ufology and ancient folklore is still occasionally challenged by believers in the theory that UFOs are nuts-and-bolts spacecraft."

Dr Jacques Fabrice Vallée - Astronomer.

Video: 1 / 2 / 3 / E-Books

Science Links:

• Articles: 1 / 2 / 3 / PDF
At Rogue Nation we have 462 articles and videos on the subject ..One of our longest running threads. https://rogue-nation.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=74

No one rules if no one obeys

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
Nice - never visited that forum mate but do see some familiar and well respected names - thanks very much for the link. Beer

Regarding the first vid (and thread subject) thought there was a pretty awesome breakdown of the work of Dr James E. McDonald below in case you'd not seen it before.

Amongst many other things thought it pretty fascinating how Mcdonald exposed the CIA's dictation of USAF UFO policy whilst working for ONI.

From 7:00


Also thought Kathleen Marden exposed some great nuggets of info here from the American Philosophical Society Archives.

The way CIA/CSICOP debunker Philip Klass (and the NSA's Donald Howard Menzel) mounted an 'extended, concerted campaign' against Dr James E. McDonald was an absolute disgrace.


No one rules if no one obeys

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
Thanks for posting that amigo - don't want to sound too cynical but when he mentioned Elizondo (and Hellyer) internal alarm bells did start to go off - he also doesn't provide any verifiable info but suppose that's to be expected.

Don't get me wrong I appreciate the input but am rather sceptical of the new UFO reset narrative - especially as they tend to wilfully ignore anything before the 2017 NYT 'Black Auras' kickstarter, the CIA TTSA Op and the current theatrics from congress.

Don't know whether they're.attempting to investigate or sanitize the UFO subject (or even make researching it illegal) but whatever the case there definitely looks to be serious attempts at 'rebranding' and 'narrative control'.

Like I say probably just me being jaded and cynical but I do appreciate the input.

How the same military intelligence communities behind TTSA tried to bullsh•t everyone back in the day over the (supposedly scientific) Robertson panel and Condon Report.

• Statements on the 1953 Robertson UFO Panel:

• "By calling the Robertson Panel a scientific panel we really do an injustice to science itself. It's an insult to science to call the Robertson Panel anything other than an officially sanctioned cover up to put UFOs away from the public."

Researcher Richard Dolan describes the CIA Robertson Panel which led to the implementation of the military wide directive JANAP 146 which made the reporting of UFOs to the American public an act of espionage (fines of up to ten thousand dollars and/or one to ten years in prison).


• "I get so mad when I read this, I am just appalled that any government official reading this kind of report could accept it. It seems to me that any responsible general or politician on reading something like this would demand further explanation."

Researcher John Keel on the full uncensored text of the CIA Robertson UFO Panel.

Video / PDF

• "They were in a very definite mood to debunk.. I would have had about as much chance of coming out and saying that I thought they were all wet as Galileo might have had satisfying or convincing the Inquisitors that the earth moved."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University and scientific consultant for Air Force investigations of UFOs from 1948 until 1969 (Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book).


• "The Robertson Panel was a device used by the CIA to establish a cover programme (Project Bluebook) that would draw attention away from a covert programme designed to meet the UFO challenge."

Jim and Coral Lorenzen, Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO).

Video: 36:20 / Bulletins

• "This memo to the Director of CIA indicates that what would be the recommendation of the Robertson Panel was already determined a year before.. It also shows that CIA estimated current efforts of UFO research insufficient as far as national security is concerned and that the problem must be escalated to higher levels."

Researcher Patrick Gross.


• "I think Ufologists live in their own world and they believe that everybody knows about this panel - the problem is the vast majority of the populace don't."

Researcher Paul Kimball on the CIA Robertson Panel 'disseminating the gospel'.


• "Perhaps that'll take care of the Forteans for a while." 

H.P. Robertson - letter to H. Marshall Chadwell (Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence at the CIA) dated January 20th, 1953.


• Statements on the 1969 Condon UFO Report:

• "The Condon report was a travesty on science."

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University and scientific consultant for Air Force investigations of UFOs from 1948 until 1969 (Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book).

Video: 6:20

• "You can actually buy the Condon Report, it's like the Kennedy assassination report, it's about 800 pages long, all the data is in there, much of it contradicting what Condon's final conclusion was. Eventually the report was released and at the time, a lot of people forget this, to large scale ridicule by the scientific community."

Researcher Paul Kimball.


• "Specious argumentation, and argumentation of scientifically very weak nature, abound in the Report's case-analyses. And, while broadly charging bias on the part of those who have taken the UFO problem seriously in the past, the Report exhibits degrees of bias in the opposite direction that deserve the sharpest of criticism."

Dr James McDonald -Senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Arizona.

• "The opposite conclusion could have been drawn from The Condon Report's content, namely, that a phenomenon with such a high ratio of unexplained cases (about 30 percent) should arouse sufficient scientific curiosity to continue its study.. From a scientific and engineering standpoint, it is unacceptable to simply ignore substantial numbers of unexplained observations.. the only promising approach is a continuing moderate-level effort with emphasis on improved data collection by objective means.. involving available remote sensing capabilities and certain software changes."

Ronald D. Story - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics UFO Subcommittee - New York: Doubleday, 1980.

Link / Video

• "If we read the report of the Condon Committee closely and ignore Dr. Condon’s conclusion, there is a strong argument for continued intense research.”

Dr. Michael Duggin, US Air Force Research Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base.


• "The Condon report was a political and sociological response to the USAF’s UFO problem."

Dr. Michael Swords -
Condon study review, CUFOS Journal of UFO Studies Volume 6, 1995/1996.

Link: 1 / 2

• "The conclusions were drawn before the check was even signed, and Dr. Edward U. Condon, the chairman, knew what answers the Air Force wanted."

Researcher Kevin Randle.


• "Ivan Sanderson knew Condon and the story was as you know that he was asked to do a 'job' or take the consequences of bring investigated for his past. Whatever the motivation he undoubtedly did a good job for his unseen masters."

Dr. Berthold Schwarz M.D.


• "There was a man who played a very influential role in World War II deceptions, his name was Dr. R. V. Jones. Aside from being the MOD's Director of Scientific Intelligence he was a leading expert in the use of deception, his whole thing was 'how do you fool people?' and he would dream up very elaborate methods of hoodwinking people and steering them away from some things the military did not want people to know about.

Interestingly enough Jones evidently played an important behind the scenes role in planning for the University of Colorado's UFO study by Edward Condon and the Robertson Panel - I think this is a significant fact that has not got a lot of attention in the UFO community so far."

Researcher Terry Hansen.


• "The trick would be to describe the project so that, to the public, it would appear a totally objective study, but to the scientific community would present the image of a group of nonbelievers trying their best to be objective but having an almost zero expectation of finding a saucer."

Robert Low, Assistant Director of the Condon Committee (and former intelligence officer) - confidential 1966 memo suggesting the 'approach' of the Condon UFO study.

Link: 1 / 2 / NewsClipping
Suppose because this thread is about 'scientists' it's also the right one to put some statements from 'academics'.

They had to go somewhere lol.

• Academics:

• "We in academia have it made after all, especially the scientists in academia, we're kind of at the top of the pecking order.. and in order to maintain that illusion (which is was it is) we've got to not appear the fool so the majority of the scientific community is a very non-risk taking group of people that live in a rather small reality and are in fact scared of things that seem to be outside that reality."

Michael D. Swords Ph.D, Professor of Natural Science, Western
Michigan University.

Video / Files

• "Because few scientists have carefully studied the literature and conducted field investigations, most know pratically nothing about UFOs. Their ignorance of the subject has much to do with their attitudes towards it."

Dr David M. Jacobs, Professor of History, Temple University - (UFO Congress paper, 1980).


• "Even the Soviets, who previously refused even to discuss the subject now admit to having a study group with good qualifications. The USSR Academy of Sciences still holds to the orthodox scientific view that UFOs are a nonproblem, however, using the same arguments we heard so long. These arguments are just as invalid in the USSR as in the USA."

George Kocher, unofficial paper 'UFOs: What to Do?' for circulation within RAND Corporation - November 27th, 1968.


• "Hysteria and contagion of belief can account for some of the reports of UFOs, but the weight of evidence suggests strongly that there must be some kind of physical phenomenon which underlies a portion of the reports."

Dr. Robert L. Hall, USAF Psychologist - statement submitted to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, July 29th, 1968.


• "About 20 per cent of the sightings being reported to Ohio Northern university's 'Project A' cannot be explained away by ordinary procedure. There is a general consistency in these sightings - a saucer-shaped object, flat on the bottom with rounded edges and rising to a slight dome on top. The color is the same, bright blue or green. Takeoff is the same, slow at first and then, after reaching a certain point above the earth's surface, a terrific burst of speed."

Dr. Warren Hickman, University Dean and Co-Chairman of Project A, Ohio Northern University's UFO Investigation - THE NEWS (Lima, OHIO), 'Project A' Chief Can't Explain Flying Saucers', September 25th, 1952.

Link: 1 / 2

• "There are unidentified flying objects. That is, there are a hard core of cases - perhaps 20 to 30 percent in different studies - for which there is no explanation.. We can only imagine what purpose lies behind the activities of these quiet, harmlessly cruising objects that time and again approach the earth. The most likely explanation, it seems to me, is that they are simply watching what we are up to."

Dr. Margaret Mead, world-renowned Anthropologist, 'UFOs - Visitors from Outer Space?', Redbook, vol. 143, September, 1974.

Video: 24:42 / Video: 5:05

• "UFO denial appears to be as much political as sociological - more like Galileo’s ideas were political for the Catholic Church than like the once ridiculed theory of continental drift. In short, considerable work goes into ignoring UFOs, constituting them as objects only of ridicule and scorn. To that extent one may speak of a 'UFO taboo', a prohibition in the authoritative public sphere on taking UFOs seriously.”

Professor Alexander Wendt - 'Sovereignty and the UFO', academic peer reviewed and published paper co-authored with Raymond Duvall.


• "There appears, then, to be a broad consensus among the governments cited above: UFOs are objectively real – albeit currently not fully understood by science - worthy, at best, of focused study and, at the very least, of sustained monitoring in the interests of aviation safety and national security."

Robbie Graham - 'History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television', academic peer reviewed and published paper co-authored with Matthew Alford.


• "Over 50 percent of the UFO sightings have occurred over, coming from, or plunging into or coming out of water."

Zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson.

E-Book 1 / 2

• "It remains an established fact, supported by numerous observations, that UFOs have not only been seen visually but have also been picked up on the radar screen and have left traces on the photographic plate."

Dr. Carl Jung, 'A Fresh Look at Flying Saucers', Time, August 4th, 1967.

NewsClipping / Link: 1 / 2

• "I will stress once again that we do not know the source from which the UFOs or the alien beings come - whether or not, for example, they originate in the physical universe as modern astrophysics has described it.. but they manifest in the physical world and bring about definable consequences in that domain."

Dr. John E. Mack, Professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and founding director of the Center for Psychology and Social Change, 1977 Pulitzer Prize winner - 'Abduction', New York: Scribners, 1994.

Video / E-Book

• "The phenomenon may be our own distant descendants coming back through time to study us in their own evolutionary past."
Dr. Michael P. Masters Ph.D, Professor of biological anthropology - 'Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon'.

Link / Video: 1:11:11

• "The mission of the Chinese UFO scholars is to help our citizens realize and implement their right to know and their right to discover. Any attempt to cover up is unacceptable. Statistics of the China UFO group shows that people involved in the subject of UFOs is of an overwhelming scale. According to our statistics in China, out of 1.3 billion people we have close to tens of millions of people who are UFO enthusiasts. And of those who are interested in the UFO subject who believe that UFO exists, account for half of the Chinese population.”

Dr. Sun Shili, Ph.D., Professor of International Trade at Beijing’s University of International Business and Economics.


• "Based upon unreliable and unscientific surmises as data, the Air Force develops elaborate statistical findings which seem impressive to the uninitiated public unschooled in the fallacies of the statistical method. One must conclude that the highly publicized Air Force pronouncements based upon unsound statistics serve merely to misrepresent the true character of the UFO phenomena."

Yale Scientific Magazine (Yale University) Volume XXXVII, Number 7, April, 1963.


• "The government has manipulated the results scientific studies, such as the one done by Battelle, to show that they found noting when in fact they did. In other cases it has set up panels that purported to scientifically examine the subject, but instead used them to debunk the phenomena, such as those of Robertson and Condon."

Battelle Researcher Dr. Irena Scott Ph.D.


'Northrop Grumman' aerospace defense contractor cofounder John Grumman on UFOs.

Quote:• "The propulsion of these UFOs is unique - their ability to hover; their ability to accelerate very rapidly; their ability to move at very high speeds - very much higher than we have achieved with our supersonic aircraft - all of these things, and particularly interesting without sonic booms and the things we don't like about our supersonic aircraft, all of these things indicate a type of propulsion which is unique - it's different than we know anything about and it would be of tremendous value if we could develop it and use it."

Northrop Grumman Cofounder John Grumman - 1974 Interview.


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