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Military Officials UFO/OVNI/UAP Statements.
Following on from pilots and police there are also some pretty interesting statements below regarding the reality of unidentified flying objects from Military Officials.

Apologies for the long read but after looking through some of the highly dubious 'official' UFO explanations; the internal reaction to the UFO subject from military and intelligence communities and specific content from official government documentation then would say they're definitely worth a look.

Not his biggest fan but also thought Alejandro Rojas did a great job in the presentation below going through all the many other official international UFO/OVNI/UAP investigative bodies and reckon the average Joe (if there is such a thing) would be genuinely surprised just how many there are.

The presentation also brings up some rather intriguing research into the possible modern day UFO reporting mechanism of 'OPREP-3' and some great work by Paul Dean charting NORAD's involvement.

Quote:What many do not know is that France and several South American countries currently have active official government and/or military UFO research organizations. We will examine these organizations, past and present, and the amazing UFO cases that have prompted their creation.

• Military Officials:

• "The number of thoughtful, intelligent, educated people in full possession of their faculties who have 'seen something' and described it grows every day.. We can say categorically that mysterious objects have indeed appeared and continue to appear in the sky that surrounds us.. they unmistakably suggest a systematic aerial exploration and cannot be the result of chance. It indicates purposive and intelligent action." 

General Lionel M. Chassin, Commanding General of the French Air Forces, and General Air Defense Coordinator, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe (NATO) - foreword to the book by Michel Aime, 'Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery',  New York: Criterion Books, 1958.

Link / PDF

• "You must remember that I was privy to the project files. These contained hundreds of official reports of UFO encounters made by military personnel from all branches of the service. They were all classified with a high degree of security classification. Almost all of these made pretty scary reading from the verbatim descriptions of the pilots concerned."

Albert M. Chop, Air Force UFO Public Information Officer at the Pentagon.

Link / Clearance List / Interview: PDF

• "We're interconnecting bilateral meetings to exchange information and have coordination meetings. The most advanced are the Europeans, France, Italy and Spain."

Colonel Julio Vucetich (director of Peru's Department of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research) describes how his country engages in international meetings on UFO information.

Link: 1 / 2 / Video

• "Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as in the rest of the world.. Look, as a General, as a military man, I have the same position as the one officially held by the Ministry (of Defense). Now, from a personal position, as Carlos Castro Cavero, I believe that UFOs are spaceships or extraterrestrial craft.. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data. Maybe when this group of nations acquire more precise and definite information, it will be possible to release the news to the world.. I myself have observed one (UFO) for more than an hour.. It was an extremely bright object, which remained stationary there for that length of time and then shot off towards Egea de los Caballeros, covering the distance of twenty kilometers in less than two seconds. No human device is capable of such a speed."

General Carlos Castro Cavero, Spanish Air Force - interview with J. J. Benitez, 'La Gaceta del Norte' newspaper, Balboa, Spain, June 27th, 1976.


• "The official conclusion is that the anomalous aerial phenomenon known as unidentified flying objects is real and is present within the controlled airspace and outside the controlled airspace. It is also present in the sea - we have some reports from our navy in that respect. It is present everywhere, and therefore it is necessary to share the information in order to have more background and be able to study it more scientifically, so that we can give real information to the people and not rely on what is shown on TV and in sensationalist media."

Chilean General Ricardo Bermúdez - Director of CEFAA (Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), part of DGAC, Chile's Civil Aviation Agency, equivalent to the U.S. FAA - 'Chile, France and Russia, Citizen UFO Hearing Transcript'.


• "Think for a moment, if one experienced commercial pilot reports to me that something flew across in front of his airplane, I pay careful attention; but now if a second commercial pilot reports the same a few seconds later, I become interested; but if a third pilot, a military one, confirms the same fact, I tend to believe it. In this case, do we have one UFO close to the airplanes, or we have two UFOs? If we have one, its incredible speed doesn’t correspond to anything we have now."

General Ricardo Bermúdez - Director of CEFAA (Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena).


• “Over decades the military have been reporting UFO activity within the Brazilian territory. However, due to the lack of a reasonable explanation, these reports are left aside awaiting for the time when their nature and the identity of their crew can be understood.”

Former Brazilian minister of Aeronautics Brigadier Socrates Monteiro.


• "There were eight of us, including me and the farm owner. We had three military men, including my son, then a lieutenant and now a major, and a friend of his, a major in the air force, a professor of physics, a professor of law and others in different professions.
There were eight of us, all friends, and we saw the object clearly in front of us, radiating an intense bluish-whitish light. Then quickly the object disappeared and immediately appeared to the right at a higher point in the mountains."

General Alfredo Moacyr Uchôa, former deputy director of the Military Academy of Brazil.


• "This can’t be laughed off.. We are running down every report. I can’t tell you how much we would give to have one of those crash in an area so that we could recover whatever they are."

Colonel Howard McCoy - Air Force Scientific Advisory Board meeting at the Pentagon, March 17th, 1948.


• “I think that the Americans practice on the subject much higher efforts of investigation than those of any other country, they practice a deliberated policy and had deliberately orchestrated misinformation. It is total misinformation. What for? Is it the fear to see their supremacy challenged if one day they face a much more advanced external civilization? Is it their concern of keeping potential technological assets to themselves? Or.. or any other explanation, who knows?”

GEIPAN Director Yves Sillard, former Assistant Secretary General for Environmental and Scientific Affairs for NATO. Radio France International Interview - September 29th, 2005.



• “It is clear that the Pentagon has had, and probably still has, the greatest interest in concealing, as best it can, all of this research, which may, over time, cause the United States to hold a position of great supremacy over terrestrial adversaries, while giving it a considerable response capacity against a possible threat coming from space. Within this context, it is impossible for them to divulge the sources of this research and the goals pursued, because that could immediately point any possible rivals down the most beneficial avenues. Cover-ups and disinformation (both active as well as passive) still remain, under this hypothesis, an absolute necessity. Thus it would appear natural in the minds of U.S. military leaders, secrecy must be maintained as long as possible.”

The Cometa Report discusses the U.S. Government’s historical UFO research. Study carried out by independent group of former 'auditors' at the Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defense (IHEDN).

Link / Video

• "In 2000, the Aviation branch of the Army of Chile assigned me to research anomalous aerial phenomena, which they knew were real, and their affect on aerospace security. I then graduated to become a military pilot, and learned that the Aviation Amy had in its files many reports of UFO incidents from military pilots."

Rodrigo Bravo Garrido, Captain and Pilot for the BAVE (Aviation Brigade of the Chilean Army).


• "The most shocking events involved Uruguayan aircraft pursuing a UFO. It occurred mainly in 1986. Two military aircraft tried to intercept a UFO which entered Uruguayan airspace without authorization..
It was around 20h30 when those two fighters I’ve mentioned tried to approach an object maneuvering over a dam. They tried twice to reach the UFO. They didn’t succeed because the object managed to escape maneuvering at great speed which our aircraft could not follow.
A peculiar thing was seeing the object changing colors while increasing its acceleration. It went from yellow to orange then turned red. It moved away at an enormous speed until it disappeared from our sight. In a second attempt to intercept it, the object did the same thing: when the Pucara got closer, the UFO vanished at an incredible speed towards the West. Without much they could do the pilots simply quit the pursuit and returned to the base."

Colonel Ariel Sanchez, head of the Uruguayan Air Force UFO Office describing how a UFO evaded military jets over the Palmar Dam in 1986.


• "We still got no answers regarding the UFO phenomenon, what these vehicles and their origin are, but we keep on researching with the utmost disposition. As men at the service of Uruguay we must be impartial. We don’t encourage or discourage any particular point of view..The one I’m mostly interested is Operação Prato, in 1977. This seems to me as a very shocking situation. Among all those intriguing cases such as the Brazilian Official UFO Night, Varginha and others, I believe Operação Prato was the most important one in
its developments. It was significant because of the way the UFOs affected the population, the attacks and
even deaths caused by the “chupa-chupa”, four people dead if I’m not mistaken. I would like to have participated
in that investigation."

Colonel Ariel Sanchez, Chairman of the Commission for the Reception and Investigation of UFO Reports (CRIDOVNI).


• "I believe the Air Force in Peru has done the right thing in opening an office to conduct these investigations. The evidence we have from actual UFO cases and incidents that have taken place in our country show that the UFO phenomenon remains one of the greatest challenges to our current knowledge of science and technology."

Dr. Anthony Choy, founding member of OIFAA, UFO Office of the Peruvian Air Force - (computers containing classified UFO records were also stolen).

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• "We use the best equipment to detect objects in our skies.. even strange ones, with great results. We can distinguish between a commercial plane or other objects with our modern equipment. Concretely, from the United States, that are highly qualified sources of information, that we are inside an environment in which we have unidentified objects. Concretely, they are extraterrestrial objects, of that I am sure. We share the universe with other beings."

Colonel Wilson Salgado. Commandant FAE-COS-1, Ecuadorian Military - interviewed for the 2010 documentary 'UFOs in South America'.

• "From 1969 to 1972, the ufological activities of this organization, were most varied, including the elaboration of information bulletins, a draft of SIOANI regulations, contacts with interested parties, panels, catalogs of contacts and others, always attempting to contribute in this field of research that was already well known in Brazil."

Colonel João Glaser discussing specialized UFO bureau 'System of Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Objects'.

SIOANI Documents.

• "It is my belief that one of the objectives of your organization (Air Research Group) is the public dissemination of data on unidentified flying objects.. this is contrary to Air Force policy and regulations."

Capt. Gregory H. Oldenburgh, USAF, Information Services Officer, Langley AFB - letter sent to Larry W. Bryant, 23rd January, 1958.


•"That it could be an aircraft constructed on this earth, I do not believe possible."

Commander Juan Barrera, in command of Aquirre Cerda airbase.


•"The UFOs are no figment of the imagination."

Lieutenant-Colonel Lou Corbin, Army Intelligence.


• "During my long investigation of these strange objects, I have seen many reports verified by Air Force Intelligence, detailed accounts by Air Force pilots, radar operators, and other trained observers proving the UFOs are high-speed craft superior to anything built on Earth.”

U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe.

Video / Archives

• “The Air Force had put out a secret order for its pilots to capture UFOs. For the last six months we have been working with a congressional committee investigating official secrecy concerning proof that UFOs are real machines under intelligent.. "

U.S. Major Donald Keyhoe, during a live TV broadcast on CBS in 1958 in which he was pulled from the air when he began to deviate from the prepared format of the programme.

E-Book: 1 / 2


• "The undeniable reality is that there are a substantial number of multi-sensor UFO cases backed by thousands of credible witnesses. In the physical domain there are many photos, videos, radar tracking, satellite sensor reports, landing traces including depressions and anomalous residual radiation, electromagnetic interference, and confirmed physiological effects. Personal observations have been made both day and night, often under excellent visibility with some at close range. Included are reports from multiple independent witnesses to the same event. Psychological testing of some observers has confirmed their mentally competence. Why is none of this considered evidence?"

U.S. Colonel John B. Alexander, Ph.D.



• "According to worthy information of faith, in our atmosphere objects arrive at high speed. No aircraft, neither in the United States, either in the Soviet Union is currently able to achieve the speed attributed to these objects from the radars and from the observatories. These objects appear to be driven by an intelligence the way in which they fly. According to reports from scientists and technical personnel, these objects fly in formation and finish manoeuvres that seem to point out that are not completely driven from an automatic equipment. These objects are in incontestable mode the result of long investigations and highly technological and exceptional knowledge."

Admiral S. Fahrney, head of missile testing for the American Navy, press conference, January 16th, 1957.

E-Book / NewsClipping

• "And don't tell me they were reflections, I know they were solid objects."

Lieutenant D. A. Swimley describes disc shaped objects witnessed over Hamilton AFB, California, radar ATIC Intelligence report - August 3rd, 1953.


• "I wish to give you a summary of what is known in the world about 'flying discs,' of what is known about the opinion of qualified experts who have dealt with this matter. The problem of 'flying discs' has polarized the attention of the whole world, but it's serious and it deserves to be treated seriously. Almost all the governments of the great powers are interested in it, dealing with it in a serious and confidential manner, due to its military interest."

Colonel Brigadier General João Adil Oliveira, Chief of the Air Force General Staff Information Service, Brazil - O'Cruzeiro magazine, Rio de Janeiro, December 11th, 1954.


• "It is impossible to deny any more the existence of flying saucers at the present time.. The flying saucer is not a ghost from another dimension or a mysterious dragon. It is a fact confirmed by material evidence. There are thousands of documents, photos, and sighting reports demonstrating its existence." 

Brigadier General João Adil Oliveira, Chief of the Air Force General Staff Information Service, and Director of the first official military UFO inquiry in Brazil in the mid-50s - How to doubt?', O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, February 28th, 1958.


• "Between 1950 and 1965, personnel of Argentina's Navy alone made 22 sightings of unidentified flying objects that were not airplanes, satellites, weather balloons or any type of known (aerial) vehicles. These 22 cases served as precedents for intensifying that investigation of the subject by the Navy. In the past two years, nine incidents have been recorded that are being studied by Captain Pagani and a team of military and civilian scientists and collaborators. Likewise, a meticulous questionnaire was drafted, printed and distributed to different bases. In a short time, the Service of Naval Intelligence was in possession of a stack of highly significant reports of testimonies. On the basis of this important documentation, it was possible to obtain a coherent overview of the problem." 

Captain Sánchez Moreno, 1965 Official UFO Report 'Informe Oficial O.V.N.I., Sumario S# A. 02778-DTO. OVNI', Naval Air Station Comandante Espora - ICUFON Project World Authority for Spatial Affairs (W.A.S.A.), New York, 1979.

• "More than 10,000 sightings have been reported, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any scientific explanation, eg that they are hallucinations, the effects of light refraction, meteors, wheels falling from aeroplanes, and the like. They have been tracked on radar screens and the observed speeds have been as great as 9,000 mph. I am convinced that these objects do exist and they are not manufactured by any nation on earth. I can therefore see no alternative to accepting the theory that they come from an extraterrestrial source."

Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding, Commanding Officer of the RAF during WWII - London’s Sunday Dispatch July 11th, 1954.


• "Saucers exist, I saw two. They were intelligently flown or operated - evasive tactics, formation flight, hovering. They were mechanisms, not United States weapons, nor Russian. I presume they are extraterrestrial."

Lt. Colonel Richard Headrick, radar bombing expert, 1959.


• "We had a number of reports from reputable individuals (well-educated serious-minded folks, scientists and fliers) who surely saw something.. Many of the mysteries might be explained away as weather balloons, stars, reflected lights, all sorts of odds and ends. I don't mean to say that, in the unclosed and unexplained or unexplainable instances, those were actually flying objects. All I can say is that no natural phenomena could be found to account for them.. Repeat again: There were some cases we could not explain. Never could." 

General Curtis LeMay, Air Force Chief of Staff - taken from 1965 autobiography 'Mission With LeMay'.

Link / PDF

•"Many of the reports that cannot be explained have come from intelligent and technically well-qualified individuals whose integrity cannot be doubted."

Major General E.B. LeBaily, USAF Director of Information - letter to USAF Scientific Advisory Board, September 28th, 1965.


• "UFOs sometimes treated lightly by the press and referred to as 'flying saucers' must be rapidly and accurately identified as serious USAF business."

Major General Richard E. O'Keefe, USAF, Acting Inspector General of the Air Force - Air Force Inspector General's Brief, December 24th, 1959.


• "I saw such objects (UFOs). It was not a matter of stars or planets, but of mobile bodies with incredible speed and irregularity of movement."

Captain Luis Sanchez Moreno, Argentine Naval Intelligence - La Nacion, May 24th, 1962.


• "UFOs sighted in Indonesia are identical with those sighted in other countries. Sometimes they pose a problem for our Air Defence and once we were obliged to open fire on them."

Air Marshall Nurjadin Roesmin, Commander in Chief of the Indonesian Air Force - letter to Yusuke J. Matsumura, May 5th, 1967, reprinted in Timothy Good's book 'Above Top Secret'.


• "The most spectacular UFO incident in Indonesia occurred when during the height of President Sukarno's confrontation in Malaysia, UFOs penetrated a well defended area in Java for two weeks at a stretch, and each time were welcomed with perhaps the heaviest anti-aircraft barrage in history."

Air Commodore J. Salutun, National Aerospace Council of Indonesia, and a Member of the Indonesian Parliament - letter published in UFO News, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1974, CBA International, Yokohama, Japan.

Link / PDF: Page 114

• "Today it can be stated with a high degree of confidence that observed manifestations of UFOs are no longer confined to the modern picture of the world.. The historical evidence of the phenomenon allows us to hypothesize that ever since mankind has been co-existing with this extraordinary substance, it has manifested a high level of intelligence and technology. The UFO sightings have become the constant component of human activity and require a serious global study.. The scientific study of the UFO phenomenon should take place in the midst of other sciences dealing with man and the world."

Major-General Pavel Popovich, pioneer Cosmonaut and "Hero of the Soviet Union," President of All-Union Ufology Association of the Commonwealth of Independent States - MUFON 1992 International Symposium Proceedings.

Video: 10:00

• "UFOs are real. I myself had an experience of this sort in 1951. It was a yellowish-silver disk with deep red edges, moving at high speed at an altitude of some 500 meters.."

Vicecommodore Oscar Bario. Argentinian Defense.


• "At this state of events, and with the evidence available to us, it is hard to deny the existence of flying saucers."

Vicecommodore Dante La Roca. Argentinian Defense.


• "I believe in the so-called flying saucer, and it is my understanding that the Air Force will pursue studies on this subject."

Commander Adolfo Alvarez, 1968. Argentinian Defense.


• "I am not a specialist on UFOs, and, therefore, I can only correlate the data and express my own supposition."

General Igor Maltsev, in the newspaper Rabochaya Tribune for April 19th, 2005 - Maltsev reported that he had reports of "more than 100 visual observations" compiled by commanders of several air defense units of the Moscow Military District of a UFO which has been seen in the area of Pereslavl-Zalesskiy in the northeast of Moscow on March 21st, 1990.

Link / Video

• “The observed validity of this supports the para-physical assertion and makes the likelihood of UFO being Earth-created greater than the likelihood of their creation on another planet. The astral world of illusion which – on physical evidence -is greatly inhabited by illusion-prone spirits, is well known for its multifarious imaginative activities and exhortations."

British Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard, British Air Ministry’s first Deputy Director of Intelligence - talk given on UFOs at London's Caxton Hall, May 3rd, 1969.


• "The jet pilots are, and have been under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can't talk them down."

USAF Senior Public Information Officer Lt. Col. Moncel Monts, International News Service release: 'Air Force Orders Jets to Shoot Down Flying Saucers If They Refuse To Land' - July 29th, 1952.

NewsClippings: 1 / 2 / Video

• "We have stacks of reports about flying saucers. We take them seriously when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them."

General Benjamin Chidlaw, Air Defense Command - Recorded interview with California investigator Robert Gardner regarding National Security points of the Eastern ADC, February, 1953.


• "His Excellency recognizes the importance of the (UFO) matter, to the extent that within the Ministry of Aeronautics there exists a Bureau in charge of studying the matter, receiving, analyzing and archiving chronologically the phenomena observed in Brazilian airspace that comes to the attention of this Ministry."

Air Force Colonel Sergio Candiota da Silva, Assistant to the Minister of Aeronautics, letter to Brazilian researcher Irene Granchi, December 19th, 1988, acknowledges that the Ministry investigates UFO reports.

• "At the end Lieutenant Santa Maria got the order to come back and he decided to pass really close to the object. I could say he passed forty meters away from it which makes him the human that has been closest to a UFO."

Commander Julio Chamorro Flores of the Peruvian Airforce - Founder of Peru's DIFFAA (Department of Investigation of Anomalous Phenomenon).


• "I first became aware of UFOs in 1965 as a captain in the 3rd staff headquarters of the Tactical Air Force (FATAC) in the city of Metz, when I received all the reports submitted by the national police in the territory of the 1st Area. Some were disconcerting. Since there was no perceptible threat, we simply filed them away. At first I was only a bit taken aback, but then competent pilots I knew personally gradually admitted having been confronted by these phenomena."

General Denis Letty, Head of the French COMETA report - unofficial UFO study organization composed of high-ranking officials and military officers.


• "It is necessary, apart from any joke or of any metaphysical position, to rationally seek the cause of these phenomena. If they are natural, so much for my theories and.. my self-esteem. But if it is proven that we really are in the presence of flying crafts, no effort must be saved to determine nature and the origin of it.

Lieutenant Plantier, French Air Forces - article published in 'La Revue Mensuelle de l'Armée de l'Air' #84, September, 1953.


• "This is the first sighting in Zimbabwe where airborne pilots have tried to intercept a UFO. As far as my Air Staff is concerned, we believe implicitly that the unexplained UFOs are from civilizations beyond our planet."

Air Commodore David Thorne, Director of General Operations for the Zimbabwe Air Force discussing UFO incident at Bulawayo Airport, July 22nd, 1985 - October 24th (1985) letter to researcher Timothy Good.


• "This was no ordinary UFO. Scores of people saw it. It was no illusion, no deception, no imagination."

Air Marshall Azim Daudpota discussing Zimbabwe's Bulawayo Airport incident where object was tracked on radar and witnessed by control tower operatives and pilots of two scrambled Hawk jets - The Times, London, August 3rd, 1985.


• "I don't know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren't called UFOs. They were called enemy helicopters. And they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. They were seen up around the DMZ in the early summer of '68. And this resulted in quite a little battle. And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer took a hit and we never found any enemy, we only found ourselves when this had all been sorted out. And this caused some shooting there, and there was no enemy at all involved but we always reacted. Always after dark. The same thing happened up at Pleiku at the Highlands in '69."

USAF Chief of Staff General George S. Brown - DoD Transcript of Press Conference in Illinois, October 16th, 1973.

Link / Reports

• “Research on a world scale is at present being conducted, and because South Africa is situated so far south, observation in this area is regarded as of extreme importance."

South African Air Force issued statement - Air Chief of Staff, Defence Headquarters, Pretoria, November 20th, 1954.


• "They were really scared. They didn’t know what to do. They were so terrified they didn’t fish. They wanted guns to shoot.. We had to explain to them that they couldn’t shoot at the UFOs or things could get worse."

Brazilian Military Investigator Sergeant Álvaro Pinto Santos - Colares, Brazil, 1977.

Link / Video / Documents

• "Frequency of related sightings attest to some unconventional flying object in this area. There are too many indications of the presence of something for the source's remarks to be considered observations of nothing."

Lieutenant Colonel Russell on UFO reports from the extreme northern portion of the Island of Honshu, Japan including F-84G pilot Colonel Donald J. M. Blakeslee's encounter with a 'rotating cluster of lights colored white, green and red which appeared to increase its speed and vanish in 30 seconds' - December 29th, 1952.

PDF / E-Book

• "The conclusion appears inescapable that some type of flying object has been sighted. Identification and the origin of these objects is not discernible at this Headquarters.”

Major General G.P. Cabell, Director of Intelligence, U.S. Air Force, November 3rd, 1948.


• Witness Harassment:

Quote:• "Information, not verifiable, has reached Hq USAF that persons claiming to represent the Air Force or other Defense establishments, have contacted citizens who have sighted unidentified flying objects. In one reported case, an individual in civilian clothes, who represented himswelf as a member of NORAD, demanded and recieved photos belonging to a private citizen. In another, a person in an Air Force uniform approached local police and other citizens who had sighted a UFO, assembled them in a school room and told them that they did not see what they thought they saw and that they should not talk to anyone about the sighting. All military and civilian personnel and particularly Information Officers and UFO Investigating Officers who hear of such repots should immediately notify their local OSI offices."

Lt. General Hewitt T. Wheless, assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force - memo to defense agencies, including Strategic Air Command (SAC) - March 1st, 1967.

Link / Document

• "Mysterious men dressed in Air Force uniforms or bearing impressive credintials from government agencies, have been silencing UFO witnesses. We have checked a number of these cases, and these men are not connected to the Air Force in any way, we haven't been able to find out anything about these men. By posing as Air Force officers and government agents, they are committing a Federal offence. We would sure like to catch one, unfortunately the trail is always too cold by the time we hear about these cases, But we are still trying."

Colonel George P. Freeman, Penatagon spokesman for the USAF's Project Bluebook - February, 1967.

Link / NewsClipping
(05-19-2024, 09:59 AM)Karl12 Wrote: Following on from pilots and police there are also some pretty interesting statements below regarding the reality of unidentified flying objects from Military Officials.

Apologies for the long read but after looking through some of the highly dubious 'official' UFO explanations; the internal reaction to the UFO subject from military and intelligence communities and specific content from official government documentation then would say they're definitely worth a look.

Not his biggest fan but also thought Alejandro Rojas did a great job in the presentation below going through all the many other official international UFO/OVNI/UAP investigative bodies and reckon the average Joe (if there is such a thing) would be genuinely surprised just how many there are.

The presentation also brings up some rather intriguing research into the possible modern day UFO reporting mechanism of 'OPREP-3' and some great work by Paul Dean charting NORAD's involvement.


Nice one Karl. I belive that ET is out there and among us. Good, bad or indifferent I dont know. I also believe in God. With respect to ET so why was it written that "man was made in his image"? 

I am also a fan of Dr. Gary Nolan, Stanford Univseristy, Dr. Jacques Vallee, Paris University and Dr. Diana Walsh, UNC-Wilmington. She appears in this series on Netflix. 

Yo mate, good to see you and thanks for the reply - there are certainly plenty of opinions out there about the true nature of these objects and I'm also a big fan of Vallee (reckon this interview is a winner).

Regarding the thread subject when it comes to military UFO cover-ups thought Stanton made a good point here about the Secretary of the Air Force blatantly deceiving the public.

Talk about official BS lol.

Quote:This was a good report, but the Air Force deliberately tried to mislead the public. The report actually showed that 21.5% of the sightings were unknowns. However, the first page of the report contains the press release which stated that only 3% percent of the sightings were unknowns.

Bluebook Lies

If 1/5 citing are unknown given thousands of submissions annually I think saying “they” don’t exist is a hard position to hold.
(05-19-2024, 10:17 PM)VulcanWerks Wrote: If 1/5 citing are unknown given thousands of submissions annually I think saying “they” don’t exist is a hard position to hold.

Yes reckon that's a pretty fair assessment there (whoever they are) and always seem to hear the 5% 'residue' figure bandied about by debunkers on cheesy TV shows.. when think it's fair to say the general consensus from official government UFO studies is far more like a conservative 20%.

Quote:• "The unknowns have varied over the decades from 22 percent in my own civilian files, 30 percent in the University of Colorda Condon Committee scientific studies, to at least 40 percent (recently revised) found in the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book military investigations. This is not acceptable, no matter who is doing the investigations."

George Fawcett, UFO researcher (Ronald Story, Encyclopedia)

Please forgive the posting of more quotes but thought there were some really important ones here from the head of Project Bluebook (particularly the last one).

Quote:• Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book:

• "Of these UFO reports, the radar/visual reports are the most convincing. When a ground radar picks up a UFO target and a ground observer sees a light where the radar target is located, then a jet interceptor is scrambled to intercept the UFO and the pilot also sees the lights and gets a radar lock only to have the UFO almost impudently outdistance him, there is no simple answer."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book.

• "UFOs were seen more frequently around areas vital to the defense of the United States. The Los Alamos - Albuquerque area, Oak Ridge, and White Sands Proving Ground rated high. Port areas, Strategic Air Command bases and industrial areas ranked next."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book.

• "In June 1952 the Air Force was taking the UFO problem seriously. One of the reasons was that there were a lot of good UFO reports coming in from Korea. Fighter pilots reported seeing silver coloured spheres or disks on several occasions, and radar in Japan, Okinawa, and in Korea had tracked unidentified targets."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book.

• "The study was hot because it wasn't official and the reason it wasn't official was because it was so hot."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt on Major Dewey Fournet's 'motion study'.

Link: 1 / 2 / Document

• "After the Fort Monmouth, NJ, radar sightings the Air Force held a meeting at the Pentagon. General Cabell presided over the meeting, and it was attended by his entire staff plus Lieutenant Cummings, Lieutenant Colonel Rosengarten, and a special representative from Republic Aircraft Corporation. The man from Republic supposedly represented a group of top U.S. industrialists and scientists who thought that there should be a lot more sensible answers coming from the Air Force regarding UFOs. Every word of the two-hour meeting was recorded on a wire recorder. The recording was so hot that it was later destroyed, but not before I had heard it several times.. it didn't exactly follow the tone of the official Air Force releases - many of the people present at the meeting weren't as convinced that the 'hoax, hallucination and misidentification' answer was quite as positive as the Grudge Report and subsequent press releases made out."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book.

• "Every time I get skeptical, I think of the other reports made by experienced pilots and radar operators, scientists and other people who know what they are looking at. These reports were thoroughly investigated and they are still unknowns. We have no aircraft on this earth that can at will so handily outdistance our latest jets.. The pilots, radar specialists, generals, industrialists, scientists, and the man on the street who have told me, I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't seen it myself, knew what they were talking about. Maybe the Earth is being visited by interplanetary space ships. When four college professors, a geologist, a chemist, a physicist, and a petroleum engineer report seeing the same UFOs on fourteen different occasions, the event can be classified as, at least, unusual. Add the fact that hundreds of other people saw these UFOs and that they were photographed, and the story gets even better. Add a few more facts, that these UFOs were picked up on radar and that a few people got a close look at one of them, and the story begins to convince even the most ardent skeptic."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book.

• "The one thing about these briefings that never failed to amaze me, although it happened time and time again, was the interest in UFOs within scientific circles. As soon as the word spread that Project Blue Book was giving official briefings to groups with the proper security clearances, we had no trouble in getting scientists to swap free advice for a briefing. I might add that we briefed only groups who were engaged in government work and who had the proper security clearances solely because we could discuss any government project that might be of help to us in pinning down the UFO. Our briefings weren't just squeezed in either; in many instances we would arrive at a place to find that a whole day had been set aside to talk about UFOs. And never once did I meet anyone who laughed off the whole subject of flying saucers even though publicly these same people had jovially sloughed off the press with answers of 'hallucinations,' 'absurd', or 'a waste of time and money.' They weren't wild-eyed fans but they were certainly interested."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book.

• "..and it was up to them to tell us if they (UFOs) were real---some type of vehicle flying through our atmosphere. If they were real, then they would have to be spacecraft because no one at the meeting gave a second thought to the possibility that the UFOs might be a super secret U.S. aircraft or a Soviet development. The scientists knew everything that was going on in the U.S. and they knew that no country in the world had developed their technology far enough to build such a craft that would perform as the UFOs were reported to do."

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - Chief of Project Blue Book.

• "We’re ordered to hide sightings when possible, but if a strong report does get out we have to publish a fast explanation - make up something to kill the report in a hurry, and also ridicule the witness, specially if we can’t figure out a plausible answer. We even have to discredit our own pilots. It’s a raw deal, but we can’t buck the CIA. The whole thing makes me sick —I’m thinking of putting in for inactive.”

Captain Edward Ruppelt, first head of project Blue Book - 1953 letter to Major Donald Keyhoe (Ruppelt reassigned upon request the same year).

Video / E-Book / Audio: 1 / 2

Rather interesting one from U.S. Naval Officer James Kopf.

Quote:• "The UFO incident occurred on the USS John F. Kennedy in the summer of 1971. We observed a large, glowing sphere over the ship. It looked huge. I would say it was anywhere from three or four hundred feet to a quarter of a mile depending on how high it was. A few days later, the Commanding Officer looked at the camera - and I will never forget this - and he said, 'I would like to remind the crew that certain events that take place on board a major combat vessel are considered classified and should not be discussed with anyone without a need to know'.”

U.S. Naval Officer James Kopf.

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