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Gardening 2024
Thought we could talk about gardening of all forms here.
Some of you know, I do a big garden every year.  I can everything.  I love it all.

So, I am trying a few new things this year and have already found one major problem.  I have most all my seed stuff in, and some of it, like the peas, are already sprouting.
My carrots, I make the rows mounded.  Had the seeds in.  Then 2 of my "newer" chickens, decided those mounds looked like fun, and completely destroyed half of both rows.  I have a 3 foot fence up, and absolutely NONE of my older chickens have ever done this.  I don't know if Isa browns are just jerks, or its just these ladies.
So, I ordered a bunch of cheap pinwheels to tie to the fence.  That is tonight's job, I'm hoping it scares them.

Most all of my seeds started in the house are nice sized plants, ready to go in the garden.
Pumpkins, cukes, watermelon, tomatoes.
I am doing more leafy items like spinich, lettuce and kale this year.  
The last few years, I have been researching plant medicine as well, and have expanded my herb garden, and will need a row in the big garden as well.

Love it or hate it, I am also growing cannabis again.  Started 6 from feminized seeds ordered online.  4 Sativa and 2 Indica.  All are ready for the ground but 1 that I am nursing along.  Love making my own tincture.

One thing I've learned over the years, is that when canning, it is easier to grow a whole lot one year, than growing a little of everything every year.  Like my corn.  I won't be growing it this year.  Don't need to.   Grew 1/3 of the garden with it last year, and got 60 pints.  2 years worth for us.  
Plus it is good for the ground, to change up what your planting in it and where.

With the cost of everything, including food being so high, thought it might be a good idea to share what we know, and help anyone who would like to grow, but may not know how.
You don't need a lot of land.  Containers work great on a deck or sunny window.  And my goodness!  The difference in the taste of a homegrown tomato, compared to store bought?  Amazing.

So, gardeners, of whatever plants, share your knowledge.  What are you growing this year?  New to it?  Ask and see if we can help!
The earth provides everything we need.
We thought we could do better.
We were wrong.

Messages In This Thread
Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 05-17-2024, 02:22 PM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Nerb - 05-17-2024, 05:20 PM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Oldcarpy2 - 05-18-2024, 10:47 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Maxmars - 05-17-2024, 06:50 PM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Nerb - 05-18-2024, 08:44 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 05-20-2024, 07:18 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Nerb - 05-20-2024, 09:08 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Oldcarpy2 - 05-21-2024, 10:29 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by pianopraze - 05-20-2024, 10:03 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 05-22-2024, 07:25 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by pianopraze - 05-22-2024, 10:26 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Karl12 - 05-22-2024, 10:45 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 05-22-2024, 02:13 PM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Karl12 - 05-22-2024, 02:39 PM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 05-24-2024, 02:30 PM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 06-04-2024, 07:25 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 06-11-2024, 08:00 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by MykeNukem - 06-11-2024, 08:10 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 06-11-2024, 10:34 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by MykeNukem - 06-11-2024, 11:13 AM
RE: Gardening 2024 - by Chiefsmom - 06-18-2024, 12:04 PM

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