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ATS Veteran
Registration Date: 05-16-2024
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-21-2024 at 09:13 PM
Status: Offline

l0st's Forum Info
Joined: 05-16-2024
Last Visit: 11-09-2024, 01:43 AM
Total Posts: 246 (1.12 posts per day | 1.11 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 2 (0.01 threads per day | 0.1 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 3 Days, 2 Minutes
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 104 [Details]

l0st's Latest Threads
Your Favorite Secret Recipe
Forum: Food & Cooking, 09-13-2024, 09:02 PM
Replies: 19, Views: 648 I saw another thread here earlier where members are discussing corn and some recipes. I tend to do ...

l0st's Latest Posts
RE: FEMA Ordered to Skip Houses With Trump Signs
Forum: Social Issues & Civil Unrest, 11-09-2024, 01:03 AM
No. That was the governor of Puerto Rico, 4 years after the hurricane that decimated the island's ...
RE: What's a car brand you would NEVER buy
Forum: Automotive, 11-08-2024, 11:01 PM
If it's a lithium battery it's probably just 18650s in series or parallel. I've seen some vids wher...
RE: How to keep people from reading
Forum: Rant, 11-08-2024, 10:36 PM
I don't use Amazon at all anymore. However, when I did I always thought their search was total garb...
RE: How to keep people from reading
Forum: Rant, 11-08-2024, 10:32 PM
Yikes. I bet you're right but back in the day when I converted a company to digital fax I believe t...
RE: Random Thoughts
Forum: Chit Chat, 11-08-2024, 10:22 PM
I figured I would chime back in as it's been a while. I haven't totally forgotten about making a th...
RE: The Mandela Effect
Forum: The Gray Area, 11-08-2024, 09:56 PM
I think multiverse theory may be correct and that at least some of us, intentionally or unintention...
RE: Your Favorite Secret Recipe
Forum: Food & Cooking, 11-08-2024, 09:16 PM
I've seen some people using the raw bean water from the first soak. Hmm... There is a chemical in s...
RE: Your Favorite Secret Recipe
Forum: Food & Cooking, 11-08-2024, 09:06 PM
Not at all. At least where I grew up it was commonplace to sift all flour for weevils before use. T...
RE: What's a car brand you would NEVER buy
Forum: Automotive, 10-17-2024, 09:18 PM
The Chinese trucks aren't legal here. If they were, I might buy one, only because I could use a sma...
RE: Todays' Menu
Forum: Chit Chat, 10-17-2024, 08:59 PM
This sounds incredibly hot.. and delicious! The local walmart stocks some Jalapenos that have to b...

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