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UFO Research of NASA's Paul R. Hill.
Don't suppose the work of NASA Aerodynamicist Paul R. Hill is that well known outside of UFO research but his book 'Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis' is now available in the public domain - the book never actually addresses.UFO origin but does speculate about the consistency of patterns in behaviour, physical properties, propulsion possibilities etc.. it also brings up aspects like UFOs changing colour during acceleration, the lack of sonic booms and other bizarre UFO flight characteristics.

• UNCONVENTIONAL FLYING OBJECTS - A Scientific Analysis by Paul R. Hill

[Image: xv50e04e0c.jpg]

Quote:Paul Hill was a well-respected NASA scientist when, in the early 1950s, he had a UFO sighting. Soon after, he built the first flying platform and was able to duplicate the UFO's tilt-to-control maneuvers. Official policy, however, prevented him from proclaiming his findings. "I was destined," says Hill, "to remain as unidentified as the flying objects."

For the next twenty-five years, Hill acted as an unofficial clearing house at NASA, collecting and analyzing sightings' reports for physical properties, propulsion possibilities, dynamics, etc. To refute claims that UFOs defy the laws of physics, he had to make "technological sense ... of the unconventional object."

After his retirement from NASA, Hill finally completed his remarkable analysis. In Unconventional Flying Objects, published posthumously, he presents his findings that UFOs "obey, not defy, the laws of physics." Vindicating his own sighting and thousands of others, he proves that UFO technology is not only explainable, but attainable.

Excerpts (PDF File)

Full (Archive.Org)

There's an in-depth review of the book found here and Richard Thieme once conducted a very interesting interview with the scientist's daughter (link now removed) where she discussed why Paul Hill's UFO research was published posthumously; how he feared his academic research was being pulled purposefully from aeronautical firm libraries like Boeing/Lockheed and how the main government agency her father was 'fearful of' was the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

• Richard Thieme is one of the co-authors of the (awesome) book 'UFOs And Government and would say the presentation below is also a great one.

See 49:00

Quote:"When he was writing it, he tried to access some engineering paper he had written – something on sound theory – and he couldn’t find them. He searched the libraries, aeronautical firm libraries to access the paper and nothing turned up. He flew to some different places – I don’t know where – Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed or Grumman or NASA places and searched their libraries too, and he said it or they were gone. He had a sinking feeling that they had been pulled purposefully. He was afraid there were things the government wouldn’t want to get out. He … I’ll go ahead and say it … the main agency he was fearful of was the DIA to the point where he told me never to say that acronym in front of anyone or repeat that but he’s gone now and I’ve mentioned it to some other people. He never said he was approached in any way personally but he felt these papers disappeared for a reason and he connected it to that agency or thought they would be the ones who did not want certain information released. He ended up rewriting the engineering and going through it all over again for the book".

Interview with Julie Hill, daughter of Paul R. Hill

(Link Now Deleted).

Former McDonnell Douglas R&D Manager Dr Robert M. Wood (who wrote the foreword to Paul Hill's book) also mentions below how the entire classification for the UFO subject was pulled from special USAF libraries and makes some interesting comments about the Boeing Corporation actively engaging in UFO research.


• "I had access to special libraries, so we could go up to the library that the Air Force ran and sort of paw through top-secret material. Since I was interested in UFOs, I’d look to see what they had. For about a year, I was getting quite a few hits. Then, all of a sudden, the whole subject material vanished. The entire classification for the subject just vanished."

McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Engineer Dr. Robert Wood - DP p. 434
It's also reported that Paul Hill experienced two UFO sightings during his lifetime - one is detailed the book but the other is described below and involves several strange objects over the waters of Lower Chesapeake Bay in Virginia - he also mentions that two USAF personnel who witnessed the UFOs where ordered to keep quiet by their superiors (link also removed).

• Hampton, Virginia, July 16th, 1952.

[Image: au50e06ea2.jpg]

Quote:Within seconds of the circling maneuver, an identical sphere came in from the Atlantic Ocean on an ascending course over Lower Chesapeake Bay and joined the others, falling in below. For a few seconds they seemed to float along, then began accelerating slowly toward the south as a fourth amber sphere came in from the James River to build the group up to a formation of four as they headed south..

The sphere that came in from the Atlantic had evidently cruised northward, just offshore. This was learned in a visit to Norfolk, Virginia, looking for additional data. One of the Norfolk papers carried an article about it. A Virginia Beach bus driver was going north along the coast when a lone passenger had come forward a few minutes before 8.00 p.m. and tapped him on the shoulder, calling his attention to a strange, orange or amber fiery-looking sphere out over the water. The driver was sufficiently impressed to stop the bus, and together they watched the fiery sphere cruising northward parallel to the shore, just above the water's surface..

It was subsequently learned that a ferryboat load of passengers, docked at Old Point and waiting to make the overnight trip to Washington, had witnessed the entire event, among them the President of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Corporation. The next morning the Newport News DAILY PRESS carried a two-inch banner headline, FLYING SAUCERS OVER HAMPTON ROADS. The detailed report had been made to the Press by an Air Force captain, a fighter pilot. Our observations agreed even to the estimated 500 mph speed. However, one thing puzzled me. The PRESS article said that aircraft spotters who had been on duty reported nothing. Determined to check this out, I got a list of spotters on duty the night in question and visited them individually in their homes. They all said they saw the UFOs and knew they were not aircraft. The head spotter said that he had been instructed by the Richmond Filter Center, operated by the Air Force, to report aircraft, and no nonsense, and so had said nothing. However, they gave me the data needed for triangulation to obtain altitude..

Link Deleted

Techincal report:

[Image: ya50df2742.gif]

Quote:July 16, 1952, Hampton, Virginia, 9:00 p.m. (EST). Mr. Paul R. Hill, an Aeronautical Research Engineer, holds a B.S. degree in mechanical and aeronautical engineering from the University of California. At the time of the report he had 13 years experience in aeronautical research. Mr. Hill was situated on Chesapeake Avenue (near La Salle Avenue) on the north shore of Hampton Roads watching the sky. With him was his wife, Frances, who also witnessed what followed.

1. Two UFOs approached, slowed.

2. Point of fast circling.

3. Third two joined circling ones.

4. Fourth joined formation.

5. All four moved south in group.


At 9:00 p.m., he noticed two amber-colored lights. He gave this description: "Two were seen first coming in over Hampton Roads at about 500 mph. from the south. These slowed down as they made a "U" turn at the southern edge of the Peninsula. They moved side by side until they revolved around each other at a high rate of speed in a tight circle 2 or 3 hundred feet in diameter. This appeared to be a rendezvous signal as a third UFO came racing up from the direction of Virginia Beach and "fell in" several hundred feet below the first two, forming a sort of "V" formation. A fourth UFO came in from up the James River and joined the group which headed on south at about 500 mph."

Mr. Hill added that the UFOs changed altitude "only when they revolved around each other, circling or spiraling rapidly (as fast as once per second).

"They moved jerkily when moving slowly. The speed varied from about 50 to 500 mph. Their ability to make tight circling turns was amazing."

At about 9:03 p.m., the four UFOs had moved into the distance out of sight to the south. The color and brightness of the objects, which did not change except apparently due to increase in distance, was compared to "an amber traffic light about 3 or 4 blocks away." The elevation angle of the UFOs covered a range of about 50 degrees, from about 10 to 60 degrees, during the observation.

Mr. Hill was interrogated by an Air Force intelligence officer from Langley Air Force Base.


(08-17-2024, 08:04 AM)Karl12 Wrote: Don't suppose the work of NASA Aerodynamicist Paul R. Hill is that well known outside of UFO research but his book 'Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis' is now available in the public domain - the book never actually addresses.UFO origin but does speculate about the consistency of patterns in behaviour, physical properties, propulsion possibilities etc.. it also brings up aspects like UFOs changing colour during acceleration, the lack of sonic booms and other bizarre UFO flight characteristics.

• UNCONVENTIONAL FLYING OBJECTS - A Scientific Analysis by Paul R. Hill

[Image: xv50e04e0c.jpg]

There's an in-depth review of the book found here and Richard Thieme once conducted a very interesting interview with the scientist's daughter (link now removed) where she discussed why Paul Hill's UFO research was published posthumously; how he feared his academic research was being pulled purposefully from aeronautical firm libraries like Boeing/Lockheed and how the main government agency her father was 'fearful of' was the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

• Richard Thieme is one of the co-authors of the (awesome) book 'UFOs And Government and would say the presentation below is also a great one.

See 49:00

Former McDonnell Douglas R&D Manager Dr Robert M. Wood (who wrote the foreword to Paul Hill's book) also mentions below how the entire classification for the UFO subject was pulled from special USAF libraries and makes some interesting comments about the Boeing Corporation actively engaging in UFO research.

I watched 30:33 of the video I will watch the rest later. I am a huge fan of Richard Thieme. 

Karl: I am so happy they allow you to write here. I own both books [Hill + Thieme] and read a free online version of the Charles Fort 1919 book.  I will take a picture and post all that I own which includes the Worldwide Invasion of the Orange Orbs by Terry Ray. A former fighter pilot and lawyer. We have seen and videoed three types of UFO'a down here in South Carolina. Many head towards the Hartwell, Georgia region. that region was designated as The Center of the World by the Cherokee. It is also 11 miles from where the Georgia Guidestone's were placed and since destroyed.  So why did they think that? A Portal into space? 

I along with many current members on ATS have also seen what I have; the Silent Black Triangles. They also have better videos and pictures than I have but are afraid to speak out as we all communicated in PM.  I wont steal their materials nor speak for them as in respect for them. 

"Debunkers cannot be trusted in an honest intellectual environment" ...........Richard Thieme

Unfortunately applies to many of those who wield power on blogs and in relation to this subject.
(08-17-2024, 09:26 AM)Waterglass Wrote: I am a huge fan of Richard Thieme. 

As am I mate - very wise (and connected) chap and thought that full presentation was an absolute winner.

He's also quite modest about his contribution to that book but apparently his efforts were absolutely instrumental in getting it organised and produced. Beer

Quote:• "The way an intelligence analyst at the National Security Agency put it to me, Richard he said, for a considerable period of time there has been a cultural intrusion of other intelligent life into the psychosphere of humanity and for our own political, economic, social and cultural reasons we see it and we know it and we discuss it in popular culture but we limit our discussion with an official refusal to acknowledge its reality."

Richard Thieme.

Out Of The Closet On UFOs

(08-17-2024, 09:26 AM)Waterglass Wrote: Karl: I am so happy they allow you to write here.

So am I lol.

I keep saying it but it's truly amazing just how much UFO information has now been deleted from the internet (links on this thread being a good example) - I wonder why that is?.

It's quite a rare clip but the vid below features Paul Hill's research - also testimony from his daughter Julie Hill and NICAP's Richard Hall.

Quote:Professor Paul R. Hill (1909–1990) was a renowned American aerodynamicist. He was a leading research and development engineer and manager for NASA and its predecessor, NACA between 1939 and 1970, retiring as Associate Chief, Applied Materials and Physics Division at the NASA Langley Research Centre. He was awarded NASA's Exceptional Service Medal in 1969.

(08-17-2024, 09:26 AM)Waterglass Wrote: "Debunkers cannot be trusted in an honest intellectual environment" ...........Richard Thieme

Yes couldn't agree more and debunkers (not genuine sceptics) are absolutely full of it and far more dogmatic than pragmatic.

Thought the modus operandi of Klass described in the first paragraph here just about summed things up.

(08-17-2024, 10:11 AM)Karl12 Wrote: As am I mate - very wise (and connected) chap and thought that full presentation was an absolute winner.

He's also quite modest about his contribution to that book but apparently his efforts were absolutely instrumental in getting it organised and produced. Beer

So am I lol.

I keep saying it but it's truly amazing just how much UFO information has now been deleted from the internet (links on this thread being a good example) - I wonder why that is?.

It's quite a rare clip but the vid below features Paul Hill's research - also testimony from his daughter Julie Hill and NICAP's Richard Hall.

Yes couldn't agree more and debunkers (not genuine sceptics) are absolutely full of it and far more dogmatic than pragmatic.

Thought the modus operandi of Klass described in the first paragraph here just about summed things up.


I used to belong to Richard Dolans pay site and was sort of chased off by one of his Moderators and I don't know why. I know what Dolan preaches and thought he would follow up on what I presented but his MOD would NOT have any thing to do with my materials that I did upload to the site and other members commented on. I did get the feeling that the site was full of "intellectual" SNOBS. Dreamers with NO material. I wrote to the MOD in person back and via their PM. Nothing! Silence! So why is that? 

My material covered a potential connect between UFOs and Interdimensional Hypothesis and my proof of it.  So now I am reaching out to Dr. Gary Nolan; Stanford University, Dr. Jacques Vallee, University of Paris and Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka UNC @ Wilmington. I will keep pushing until contact is made. 

So is Dolan a government shill or has his site been hijacked by one who is acting as a MOD? 

Anyway Klass is trash to the absolute extreme and Dolans site pushed that correctly. I hope Klass loves hell. Possibly he's now  an ET #%$ toy
(08-17-2024, 10:41 AM)Waterglass Wrote: I used to belong to Richard Dolans pay site and was sort of chased off by one of his Moderators and I don't know why..

Mate I will tell you a secret - no-one gives a toss.

Rich Dolan wrote a truly great book and put out some great vids like this one about Dr. McDonald but if you paid money to him and were unfairly treated by one of the Mods.. then I can absolutely guarantee you that nobody cares.

I Modded for ATS and Pegasus (for free) - granted I didn't do a very good job but it's not easy dealing with lots of people's egos who demand 'immediate attention' - especially regarding the UFO subject.

My advice is to just let it go because literally nobody gives a toss anyway.

Be the change you want to see lol.


'Concentrate on the subject matter' - I'm sure that is what you'd tell me if the roles were reversed.

(08-17-2024, 05:26 PM)Karl12 Wrote: Mate I will tell you a secret - no-one gives a toss.

Rich Dolan wrote a truly great book and put out some great vids like this one about Dr. McDonald but if you paid money to him and were unfairly treated by one of the Mods.. then I can absolutely guarantee you that nobody cares.

I Modded for ATS and Pegasus (for free) - granted I didn't do a very good job but it's insanely difficult dealing with lots of people's egos who demand 'immediate attention' - especially regarding the UFO subject.

My advice is to just let it go because literally nobody gives a toss anyway.

Be the change you want to see lol.


'Concentrate on the subject matter' - I'm sure that is what you'd tell me if the roles were reversed.


"with lots of people's egos who demand 'immediate attention' - especially regarding the UFO subject"

No, that wasn't me pushing. I just took them up on their offer and simply filled their form out. The MOD just said that what I experienced was bullshit and could NOT have even happened. Huh? 
My guess is that they are so far down the UFO road they don't want to deal with the JV? Plus, because of it I work harder at trying to find the answer and it has paid off . Also the rising UFO stars appear to be Dr. Gary Nolan; Stanford University, Dr. Jacques Vallee; University at Paris and Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka; University of North Carolina - Wilmington . 

Plus George Knapp and his new bro sidekick
(08-18-2024, 08:14 AM)Waterglass Wrote: No, that wasn't me pushing. I just took them up on their offer and simply filled their form out. The MOD just said that what I experienced was bullshit and could NOT have even happened. Huh? 

Fair enough mate and yes that does sound completely out of order - sad state of affairs but there's literally no-one to complain to though.

Not referring to you personally on the 'ego' part by the way.

As for Knapp's cheeky sidekick do remember the first (highly suspect) time he was inserted into the UFO scene where he was being rather rude to Stanton Friedman.

Could be wrong but considering literally nobody had ever heard of him before it was a bit bizarre how he was instantly (and consistently) promoted by the Mockingbird media.

Quote:• " The best way to keep a secret is to pretend to share it."

Allen Welsh Dulles.

Also looks like his buddy Tom is preaching the gospel and is now telling everyone that it's 'morally sound' for the US Gov to withhold UFO information lol.

There are a million more dodgy data points on these guys mate and would recommend this thread if you've not seen it already.

(08-19-2024, 03:22 AM)Karl12 Wrote: ]

Fair enough mate and yes that does sound completely out of order - sad state of affairs but there's literally no-one to complain to though.

Not referring to you personally on the 'ego' part by the way.

As for Knapp's cheeky sidekick do remember the first (highly suspect) time he was inserted into the UFO scene where he was being rather rude to Stanton Friedman.

Could be wrong but considering literally nobody had ever heard of him before it was a bit bizarre how he was instantly (and consistently) promoted by the Mockingbird media.

Also looks like his buddy Tom is preaching the gospel and is now telling everyone that it's 'morally sound' for the US Gov to withhold UFO information lol.

There are a million more dodgy data points on these guys mate and would recommend this thread if you've not seen it already.


 I was a fan of George but he then pushed a UFO sighting out West in the USA near or over a military base. Personally I enhanced the pictures that he and Jeremy were talking about and it appeared to me that it wasn't a UFO but staged aircraft or their "black" budget toys. That soiled him to me. I hope I am wrong.
Yes mate do remember discussing Twentynine Palms with you a while back and not the first time the duo have promoted questionable material.

This author died way too young but always found this presentation a really insightful one when it comes to UFOs, intel agencies and media 'sock-puppets'.

Also, regarding the thread subject Paul Hill's research doesn't get much (if any) mainstream coverage but below is a relevant article on his work.

Quote:Former NASA Scientist Unlocked UFO Flying Technology, Proved It Is Attainable

In the final analysis, Hill summarized on the basis of presently available data that the observation of some “Unconventional Flying Objects” is compatible with the presence of engineered platforms weighing in at something around 30 tons, which are capable of 100-g accelerations and 9000-mph speeds in the atmosphere. Perhaps, more important for the technical reader, however, is Hill’s supporting argumentation based on solid analysis that these platforms – although exhibiting the application of physics and engineering principles clearly beyond our present-day capabilities – do not appear to defy these principles in any fundamental way.

Could be nothing but there's also this curious message sent by Colonel Senn to NASA's Lieutenant General Crow:

Quote:• "I sincerely hope you are successful in preventing a reopening of UFO investigations."

Colonel Senn to Lieutenant General Crow of NASA regarding UFO investigations - September 1st, 1977.

Document / Thread


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