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Norway UFO Accelerates From Full Stop
Alright, I’m ripping this one off from bluemooone44 over at ATS. Because I think it’s a goodie. Since I can’t contribute there, and the source is coming from X. Here’s the link to the video:

[Image: ew66870c65.jpg]

Here we have a stationary object hovering in mid air. It is hard to know for how long as the video begins a few seconds before it starts moving. Blinking lights that appear to be from one singular craft. The object goes from a standstill, to hundreds of miles an hour within seconds. 

As the narrator states, it’s footage from a drone. Which has me asking some questions. It’s obvious the drone operator clued in on the object. Which he follows it as it zooms off. But only for a few seconds before it leaves the screen. Then the video stops. I’m also curious as to why he had a drone in flight. There’s not much context here. CGI? Thoughts?
Think about how far away the object is from the camera. If it’s over the opposite side of the city it would be as the narrator says incredible acceleration.

However, I believe looking at all things (such as haze etc), the object is only tens of feet to a couple hundred feet away - close.  So the acceleration at that distance is slower than many racing drones I’ve seen. This one accelerates to 200 kph in 1 second:

Hmm, Di doesn’t like YouTube shorts. Here is YouTube url

This one is over 500 kph (300 mph).


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