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UFO FBT Research.
'Flying Black Triangles' have been a pretty consistent factor in global UFO reports over the decades and researcher David Marler has conducted some sterling research on the historical aspect of the subject - after a long time spent rummaging through various news-clipping archives and UFO report databases he presents his findings in the presentation below - a truly intriguing watch. Beer

Quote:• "Over a thirteen year period roughly I started amassing a huge collection of casefiles and material and then parsing the data to look for commonalities in the reports - common characteristics. I worked up a working profile if you will of these triangular UFOs, put together a comprehensive timeline showing that these reports not only went back to the 1980's and 1990's but in point of fact went back to the 1970's, 1960's, 1950's and 1940's."

Researcher and archivist David Marler.

Don't know anyone agrees with Nick Redfern's comments below about flying black triangles not being 'secret aircraft' but there does appear to be quite a lot of FBT sightings which go way back before the 80s/90s and there's also relevant info about National Archives research and British MOD documents declassified under the 'thirty years ruling'.

Given that they exist then suppose the idea that flying triangular objects are man made is a colossal conspiracy within itself but suppose it's also fair to say that after all these years the identity of the agency behind it all still remains a complete mystery and the tech involved still hasn't been displayed in any military arena by any government that we know of today.

• Flying Triangles: Not “Secret Aircraft”

Quote:I recently had an interesting debate with a fellow researcher of the UFO phenomenon, on the topic of that one particular type of UFO that has become known as the “Flying Triangle.” When the conversation got going, it didn’t take long before I was assured that (in words broadly like the following): “They’re just military aircraft, and still classified. But one day they will be unveiled for us all to see – just like what happened with the Stealth fighter and the Stealth bomber.”

Frankly, I get tired of people assuming – often without doing any deep research – that the FTs are domestic in origin. The reason why they reach that conclusion is actually very simple. There seems to be an assumption on the part of many in Ufology that the Triangles are phenomena that have only been seen since the 1980s onwards. Or, at the very earliest, the late 70s. Now, if that was the case, then yes, of course, an argument could be made that these craft are (a) ours; (b) still-classified; and © far in advance of the aforementioned Stealth aircraft.

Unfortunately for those who prefer to see the Flying Triangles as vehicles of the military and nothing else, there is a major problem: reports of craft identical to those seen today date back more than sixty years.

The issue here is that the “Flying Triangles are ours and ours alone” meme is one that has been fully embraced by lazy souls who simply will not look at the bigger, historical picture. If they did, their views might change – and change significantly, too.


Turns out that, like other shaped UFOs, FBT reports are also global in nature and there's been quite a number of remarkable sightings from other countries - also some very interesting South American documents discussed here and specific research conducted below from places like Argentina (where apparently they're 'nothing new').

• Controversial Flying Triangles.

[Image: lp5eaea2db.jpg]

Quote:These flying devices are nothing new in the domestic case histories, and therefore, worldwide ones as well. Their true origin has been, and remains, the cause of major debate in UFO forums. It is an overwhelming phenomenon to someone like Diego, not versed in the subject and caught unawares.

The first case involving a flying triangle over Argentina can be dated, according to our exclusive UFO database - which holds information on 5500 cases starting in 1947 - to the year night 1958 in Mendoza, when 'a strange black aircraft' was seen descending in the vicinity of the El Plumerillo Airport. Since then, we have been able to earmark some very interesting characteristics, as follows:

- One hundred thirty reports of triangular, boomerang-shaped, flying wing or arrowhead-shaped objects fill our dossier.

- They are mostly large in size;

- Their color is predominantly black;

- 95% of their incursions are nocturnal;

- Their movements are variable, as we have description of slow, moderate, swift and even supersonic flight.

- 70% of their manifestations occurred in absolute silence. No noise, buzzing or rumbling was heard at all.

- The duration of their flight is not extensive. Their transit is short-to-medium in the travel that has been observed.

- A slight number of episodes hint at landings or near-landings by these craft.

- 95% of the evens suggest that these triangles fly alone.

From the 1950s to the 1980s, we only have 17 reports. The massive increase occurs in the 1990s, with 21 reported sightings. During the first decade of the 21st century, the investigated cases totaled 36 and the maximum increase, up to now, was in the 2010s, with the uncanny number of 51 reports.

In this newly-commenced decade, we are starting to receive the first episodes of these mysterious devices that fly over our heads with impunity.

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

Despite triangular UFO flight behaviour being described as silent, nocturnal and low altitude, witnesses also describe the objects as being capable of extremely rapid acceleration and sharp turns at high speed

They also (are reported to) have some other bizarre characteristics like 'blunt-end-forward' movement, detachable lights/objects and the generation of 'light beams' and electromagnetic interference effects.

There are also certain incidents described in government documents involving larger unknown objects releasing smaller triangular ones so god knows what's going on there.
Also flight characteristics listed below as noted by Marler in his book 'Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation' (link has now been deleted but originally sourced by Bigfootgurl).



- Beams of light emitted 

- Three bright lights (one at each point) 

- Large size 

- Ability to hover 

- Ability to make flat turns 

- Silent flight 

- Slow speed 

- Low altitude flight 

- Sharp turns at high speed 

- Rapid accelleration 


- Associated sounds 

- Observed with non-triangular UFOs 

- Electromagnetic (EM) effects 

- Multiple triangular UFOs 

- Colored (glowing) underside 

- Erratic movement 

- Blunt-end-forward movement 

- Detachable lights/objects 

- Shape shifting 

- Superstructure obs

Thought all of Bob Pratt's UFO research had been removed from the internet but apparently not - below is a nice collection of 'flying triangle' reports from around the globe collated from news sources, CUFOS / MUFON archives and personal interviews.

[Image: hl5eae02ab.gif]

Quote:This is a collection of nearly two hundred sightings of triangular, diamond or boomerang-shaped objects that I put together in 1990 in cooperation with the Belgian UFO research group SOBEPS.

For some years I had believed that huge triangular UFOs were being seen rather often in the United States and other countries, but it was only when the Belgian flap occurred that I decided to see how many other cases I could find. The result was the list below.

The majority of the reports are from newspaper stories, most of them printed in the UFO Newsclipping Service. I also found a number of triangular reports in newspaper stories published in South America that were translated and passed on to me by Jane Thomas Guma. Jane, then living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and now living in Glendale, Arizona, shared this information with a number of other researchers in the United States as well.

Other sources for the reports below include the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and my own investigations (Pratt). In this list, if the country is not given, the incident occurred in the United States. In American sightings, references to “football field" size means roughly 140 yards in length and about 70 in width (the playing field is actually 100 yards long and 53 wide, but end zones and sidelines are included in this description.)

This compilation is not meant to be a record of all triangular sightings during these years. No one knows how many there have been. This list is offered only as an indication of what has been happening. It is very possible that many more such sightings were made that were not reported to the publications and organizations that were available to me.

• Full list - 'More Than 30 Years Of Triangle Sightings'.



Apparently Bob was initially sceptical but came to 'believe in UFOs' after interviewing over 60 witnesses in one week - since then he travelled across the U.S. and Canada and to countries like Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Puerto Rico, Peru, Uruguay, Japan and the Philippines interviewing over 2000 UFO witnesses (he went to Brazil 14 times and concluded that UFO encounters there were 'often more hostile and harmful than anywhere else in the world').

• The Bob Pratt Files - Scrib doc

Not all triangle reports appear to describe similar appearance either - this one was said to have a big hole in it.

[Image: yo4e8c0b70.JPG]

Quote:Jacksonville / Atlantic Ocean - October 27th, 1967:

• "Suddenly, a soft green light was all over our cockpit. At the very instant of collision, ...the craft made an unbanked 180 degree turn, remained ahead for a few seconds and then took off and disappeared like a flash bulb. At least two of the witnesses agreed that the huge object was a gray equilateral triangle, each side at least 200 feet long and twenty feet thick. Its outer edges were very smooth and sharply defined (with no rivets, doors, antennae, windows, etc.) while at its center there was a triangular-shaped opening or hole large enough to fly through. It flew with one side directly forward".


• Pages 57/58 (sourced by Isaac Koi).

Aviation Safety in America - A Previously Neglected Factor (PDF File)

British researcher Omar Fowler also conducted some really interesting work on triangular UFOs and there's a link to some of his findings below.

[Image: nh4e883375.jpg]


The first of a two-part report detailing sightings of the mysterious "Flying Triangles", many outside the United States, as authored and complied by Omar Fowler, founder of the Phenomenon Research Association in DerbyShire, United Kingdom. This compilation looks at flying triangle sightings around the world and brings to our attention many sightings which have taken place over England.

Omar Fowler, a researcher of the UFO phenomenon for over 30 years, is Director of "The Flying Saucer Review"

Scrib doc

• Research links:

NUFORC Triangle Reports


Black Triangles - UFO Evidence


The first (almost) triangular craft, as far as I know, were called "flying wings" and were started in the 1920s, but I suppose some tests were made well before that.

During WWII there was an increase in tests of "flying wings", with Northrop being one of the most active in that area.
(12-15-2024, 07:11 AM)ArMaP Wrote: The first (almost) triangular craft, as far as I know, were called "flying wings" and were started in the 1920s, but I suppose some tests were made well before that.

During WWII there was an increase in tests of "flying wings", with Northrop being one of the most active in that area.

Yes mate tailless, swept-wing aircraft do date back to the 1920's and apparently the Horten brothers of Nazi Germany had a Flying Wing bomber on the drawing boards but never prototyped to full scale.

Despite the flying wing having serious problems with 'stalling and tumbling out of control' it's certainly relevant to discussion and there are some interesting Army CIC files on parabolic wing design (also claims that 'stealth tech' was classified as far back as 1941) but in the end they don't amount to much - also thought this design looked pretty amazing but it was beset by technical problems and crashed on test flight.

Regarding Northrop, below is an aerial view of the USAF's Flying Wing YB-49 bomber taken in California in 1948 - also saw this footage of a Northrop N1M which is claimed to be filmed back in 1940 (or 1941).

[Image: gj60bad1d7.jpg]


Sticking with the Germans and modern day triangle reports the link below (sourced by Sherpa) is from MUFON-CES Germany and shows collected drawings from UFO witnesses across Europe.

[Image: type11.jpg]


Puerto Rico generates a lot of freaky UFO reports and there's a very bizarre triangle incident below allegedly witnessed by over a hundred people (sketches in video).


Quote:Huge Triangle shaped UFO in Cabo Rojo.

The situation continued going on and " in crescendo" until the night in which two U. S. Navy jet fighters were apparently abducted in mid air by a huge triangular shaped UFO and disappeared in front of more than 115 witnesses that have surfaced up to this moment. This event happened in the night of Dec. 28, 1988, at 7:45 P.M. 

According to most witnesses, there seemed to be three jet fighters involved with the incident, two of them disappeared in mid air as they intercepted and closed in on the huge triangular UFO, and the third one fled the area flying to the north, being chased by several big red balls of light that came out from the UFO.

After this, the UFO split into two separate triangular objects in a silent flash of light, after which one of the objects or sections flew off very fast to the north and the other one flew to the east, disappearing.

As readers must realize, this incident has profound implications to all of us, and is one of the most important UFO incidents reported in the recent years in Puerto Rico and abroad.


This lady also states she witnessed a silent, triangular object 'just sitting there' above the treeline outside her house in Puerto Rico.

After making enquiries at the airport and leaving her address she then received a manilla envelope from the US Government containing a very detailed questionnaire with drawings of different UFO configurations.

That's a bit of a mystery because this occurred in 1971 and (according to the 'USAF factsheet') the US Gov claimed to have stopped investigating UFOs in 1969.

Technical draughtsman Colin Saunders (and family) witness incredibly strange triangular UFO over Warwickshire, England, on March 31st, 1999.

Colin also states the object looked almost identical to one witnessed in the Belgium flap which David Marler covers in the presentation from the first post.

Part 2

Quote:"It maneuvered like no other craft I've seen, it looked like it was underwater, like the way a nose goes up and down on a submarine".

Colin Saunders, Warwickshire, England, March 31st, 1999.


Also some pretty remarkable FBT testimonies from the great British public in this collection:

From 18:30

Pretty compelling multiple police officer testimony from Belgium involving a low flying large triangular object with 'three bright white lightings in the corners' and 'a flashing red light' in the middle.

Quote:• "On November 29, 1989, a large craft with triangular shape flew over the town of Eupen. The gendarmes von Montigny and Nicol found it near the road linking Aix-la-Chapelle and Eupen. It was stationary in the air, above a field which it illuminated with three powerful beams. The beams emanated from large circular surfaces near the triangle's corners. In the center of the dark and flat understructure there was some kind of 'red gyrating beacon.' The object did not make any noise. When it began to move, the gendarmes headed towards a small road in the area over which they expected the object to fly. Instead, it made a half-turn and continued slowly in the direction of Eupen, following the road at low altitude. It was seen by different witnesses as it flew above houses and near City Hall".

Auguste Meessen, professor of physics at the Catholic University in Louvain.

Triangular objects with similar light configurations then started to be reported in South Africa one year later.

Quote:On 7 April 1991, at 11:15 pm a hovering triangular craft with red central light, and white star-like lights on each extremity, was observed by a family at Baviaanspoort, Pretoria. A similar craft was sighted in the nearby Eersterust township on the evenings of 8 and 9 April, either stationary or moving.

These sightings occurred about a year after the Belgian UFO flap concluded. A decade later another hovering triangular craft was reported by a family travelling in the Hartbeespoort area, about 50 km to the west.

'UFO Afrinews' Publications Catalogue
Updated documentary concerning an unidentified triangular-shaped object witnessed by police officers flying at low altitude over populated areas of Illinois in the early morning hours of January 5th, 2000.

Police officers and residents described the triangular UFO as 'huge' with three white lights towards the concaved rear, they also reported it made no sound and travelled at extremely high rates of speed with one officer stating the object covered an area of 6 miles in 2 to 3 seconds.

Darryl Barker conducted an in depth report about the case here containing maps with the 'flightpath' of the object, official police documents, witness sketches/descriptions, photograph analysis etc.

Part 2
Eyewitness Peter describes his 1972 UK sighting where a large triangular UFO with red and blue triangular lights flew about 250 feet over his head leaving him with half a sunburnt face.

Also thought this testimonial was pretty compelling - apparently a group of ten people from a church group witnessed a huge FBT over Carthage, Missouri.


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