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More Glitches in the ATS Matrix
(06-24-2024, 11:32 AM)KKLoco Wrote: Good point. However, seems he would want to keep it in good standing, if the goal is some type of ROI. How can he leverage it, if it doesn’t exist in a month?

He told me he was considering a complete career change altogether. Specifically in my field. I'm a 3D render artist, and we talked about 3D design software for a long time. He knows what he's talking about at least, so I think he's serious. I don't know what his plans for ATS are, if any, but he's most definitely moved on.
[Image: marx.png]
(06-11-2024, 11:15 AM)DontTreadOnMe Wrote:  
No one on ATS has admin credentials.

So a quick question...

Can a mod with no admin access delete a thread completely?

Usually they are "closed" but a recent one went "poof" into thin air and disappeared completely.

Sidenote for reference... I have no problem signing back into ATS after it has signed me out on a regular basis perhaps once every couple of months.

Wisdom knocks quietly, always listen carefully. And never hit "SEND" or "REPLY" without engaging brain first.
(06-30-2024, 01:39 PM)Nerb Wrote: So a quick question...

Can a mod with no admin access delete a thread completely?


Quote:Sidenote for reference... I have no problem signing back into ATS after it has signed me out on a regular basis perhaps once every couple of months.
There's no problem with that, the problem is if you forget your password and ask for a reset, as the system will try to send you an email with a temporary password. As the sending of emails is not working you will never get it and cannot log in.
(06-30-2024, 01:39 PM)Nerb Wrote: So a quick question...

Can a mod with no admin access delete a thread completely?

Usually they are "closed" but a recent one went "poof" into thin air and disappeared completely.

Sidenote for reference... I have no problem signing back into ATS after it has signed me out on a regular basis perhaps once every couple of months.

I too would like to know the answer to the admin question.
Nevermind I didn't see ArMap already answered Beer

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."
(06-22-2024, 05:30 AM)Notran Wrote: ATS mostly promotes extreme right wing propaganda and zionism but fails to convince due to the remaining members who don't put up with their bs.

I just have to laugh at this statement. Anything right of Mao is "extreme right wing propaganda" to the TDS crowd.

I've been reading ATS for decades. I'd say the mix is fairly equal, there is just a certain group who has pissed and moaned incessantly since a certain President was elected, won't let it go now that he's been out of office for years, and refused to face the facts about the danger of electing a politician with no platform who has accomplished exactly nothing in the last 3.5 years, and is now on the hot seat for his family's apparent involvement in treasonous money laundering with foreign enemies.
(06-04-2024, 06:37 PM)KKLoco Wrote: In the same boat as you know. I tried to reset my password and i get this..

Message could not be sent.Mailer Error: SMTP connect() failed.

I would guess its a hack.. Thats me locked out too.

Happy days


First off, I apologize for posting this here if I’m off base. However, I don’t know how else to get the message across.

Ever since the lockout of October, I’ve never been able to get my password straight. The issue is this, I use two devices for the most part, to use ATS. An iPad and an iPhone. Since October, I’ve never been able to get the passwords reset on both devices correctly. I start with the iPad password reset, then do the iPhone — but it won’t take on both. 

I’ve spent hours trying to reset them both correctly on both, to no avail. Due to this, I’ve been running off of temporary passwords for months. Having to do ‘password recovery’s’ every 30 days to maintain access to ATS.

I didn’t want to make a stink because I knew the mods were dealing with too many questions. 

Here is the meat. The password reset just happened again and I’m completely locked out. 

This is what it says when I do password recovery (I’d post a screenshot but it shows my email address):

Message could not be sent.Mailer Error: SMTP connect() failed.

Is the water coming over the rails of the titanic? It seems that most the problems are transpiring on the login side, and have been compounding.

I’d really appreciate any help I can get!

(06-30-2024, 04:40 PM)ArMaP Wrote: Yes.

There's no problem with that, the problem is if you forget your password and ask for a reset, as the system will try to send you an email with a temporary password. As the sending of emails is not working you will never get it and cannot log in.

My password was getting reset regularly. Its auto saved and no longer worked. Every time this happened i would just ask for a reset. Today i tried am locked out.  Peeps have been sending me emails for a while trying to get my email address. I guessed it was some kind of fishing. Looks to me like a hack tbh..
The consensus is it’s not a hack. Instead, a HACK bought the place. Now, here we are. You can thank Dorko. It would probably take 10 minutes to fix. Unfortunately, he’s too busy chain smoking and binging on tweenkies to be bothered with it.
It seems clear to me that members of ATS were of a certain kind... the kind that saw value in the community itself.  Emotionally, it is insulting and outrageous how the platform has deteriorated, and the community is such that it well knows it wasn't the staff that brought it this far into disarray. In fact, I feel it's safe to day to state firmly, ATS would already be gone if it weren't for what appears to me stands as a singular example of devotion to protect and nurture the site.

The steadfast affection for the site is evident in the community, it's potential 'soft value' (meaning everything not relevant to profit) is enormous... especially to the community itself.

A certain dispassion tells me that who is at 'fault' is not going to lead to a solution.  ATS is in need of a solution.  The only true obstacle is the need for profit growth.  If I told you that ATS could exist as a non-profit... would you believe it?  I know that is anathema to most, but assuming it can't; these dramatic moments of people shuffling, people seizing it so as to change it's nature, engaging in activism of whatever flavor... I could go on, but you probably get the point.  These things will happen again and again.  It's the ecosystem of commerce.

I don't "blame" anyone for anything.  The effect is already here, the antecedents are all 'noise.'  Fixing it means "work."  The pool of those willing to do the work appears limited to those who can't do the work.  And those who can, don't want to.

In all of this I would openly lament the loss of the labors of thousands of informal researchers and thinkers... you know... real people... might evaporate or be held hostage for exploitation.  As sad as watching a library of unique works burn down in slow motion.  Or your favorite old photograph fading over the years into a ghost of a memory.
(07-01-2024, 07:05 AM)Notran Wrote: A great way to have an echo chamber of the same accounts arguing the same nonsense day after day. Maybe they think their word has some kind of special validity
but who knows what the admin of the site thinks.

There hasn't been an active admin for a year or so.
(07-01-2024, 06:06 PM)ArMaP Wrote: There hasn't been an active admin for a year or so.

Maybe there is an active admin on the background.
I find it difficult to believe the timing where the email function has been corrupted
coincides with the coming elections in November and the various
war in the globe that are not going well for the establishment. I ve mentioned
it a few times but I think when nobody is allowed to create
a new account ATS is becoming a real echo chamber with the prospect that
one day you will wake up being unable to login into your account. Mods don't have any power to revive an account and one by one member is deleted conveniently.

(07-01-2024, 03:25 PM)purplemer Wrote:

Hi purplemer,

Are you locked out of the system on ATS?
I didn't understand which part of the message you quoted was yours, if any (because the whole text is quoted)

(07-01-2024, 12:28 PM)l0st Wrote: I just have to laugh at this statement. Anything right of Mao is "extreme right wing propaganda" to the TDS crowd.

I've been reading ATS for decades. I'd say the mix is fairly equal, there is just a certain group who has pissed and moaned incessantly since a certain President was elected, won't let it go now that he's been out of office for years, and refused to face the facts about the danger of electing a politician with no platform who has accomplished exactly nothing in the last 3.5 years, and is now on the hot seat for his family's apparent involvement in treasonous money laundering with foreign enemies.

Allow me to have a laugh too. It's early in the morning and it will lift my spirit a lot.

The mix was healthy and the platform was much more fair to everyone many years ago. That period has long gone.

A lot of genuine and quality members have left or mysteriously disappeared which means they have been banned or shadowbanned and all we are left are Trump supporters and zionists with very little antilogue and challenges of the propaganda pushed.

A real echo chamber which is described with a simple Google search stating that ATS is a right wing conspiracy theory website

It used to be a site where the paranormal and conspiracy theories were discussed. Now it's all about trumpism, extreme right wing nonsense, and zionism.

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