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More Glitches in the ATS Matrix
(06-20-2024, 12:08 PM)KKLoco Wrote: I don’t know where this $10k figure is coming from either, but I have heard other people say it. However, I do not recall SO saying it. He was pretty tight lipped about all of that.

The only thing I remember SO saying is that they would need to spend around that amount of money to change the forum's code.

(06-20-2024, 02:19 PM)Nerb Wrote: Interesting he cannot be found as a member when searching on the site any more.

That's because he was banned.
(06-20-2024, 02:35 PM)ArMaP Wrote: The only thing I remember SO saying is that they would need to spend around that amount of money to change the forum's code.

That's because he was banned.

I didn't know he got banned. That must have been an interesting move for the person who did it.

I read that he said it would cost about 25k a month for any new owners to make improvements to get the site up to scratch with some new coding but no indication of just how many months would be needed though.

Really sad that the site ended up the way it is and there is no real solution for reliability or staff access after the events that followed the sale.

S.O. must be in a bad place and pretty disgruntled regarding ATS in the aftermath, evident in one of his early replies to me here that would have broken many of the ATS rules he would have reinforced for years over there, although I still wish him all the best as a farmer hopefully living a less stressfull life wherever he is.

Wisdom knocks quietly, always listen carefully. And never hit "SEND" or "REPLY" without engaging brain first.
(06-20-2024, 04:08 PM)Nerb Wrote: I didn't know he got banned. That must have been an interesting move for the person who did it.

I read that he said it would cost about 25k a month for any new owners to make improvements to get the site up to scratch with some new coding but no indication of just how many months would be needed though.

Really sad that the site ended up the way it is and there is no real solution for reliability or staff access after the events that followed the sale.

S.O. must be in a bad place and pretty disgruntled regarding ATS in the aftermath, evident in one of his early replies to me here that would have broken many of the ATS rules he would have reinforced for years over there, although I still wish him all the best as a farmer hopefully living a less stressfull life wherever he is.

He was banned and deleted. During the last fiasco he was posting under a new account. I don't think that one was banned but haven't seen him really participating. He said he couldn't say too much because of an NDA.

I'll see if I can dig this stuff up when I'm back in the office next week.
Well, at the risk of stating the obvious...What if the continued operation of the site was being funded by some NGO or cover company/person for someone connected to the US government, or other government.  What if the intent was to get an gauge the 'temperature of the water' as it relates to political matters, conspiracy leanings and globalist goings on?  One thing about ATS is, it does have a much higher than average intelligence and maturity level among its membership.  Sure, there are lots of websites out there which deal with politics, conspiracy and globalist issues, but not at the same level ATS does.  And, despite what some may say about biases on ATS, there is a pretty high degree of freedom.  Plus, there is also a pretty good degree of balance; in other words, there is generally good point and counterpoint debate.  Take for example a site like Reddit; it's a free for all and it's chaos for the most part; there's a billion members, but the site has the collective intelligence of a 5th grader.  Posts over 2 sentences get down-voted into oblivion because 95% of the membership engages via their cellphones, so the voting criteria is heavily skewed.  Further, the site is skewed heavily left.  So, if you want to learn about LGBTQ and democratic initiatives, Reddit is the place to be, but outside of this it's a zero.  Failbook is the same way, but worse; FB is troll-central. 

Today ATS has lost a lot of its membership and participation, but there's still a lot of historical data there when this lack of participation wasn't the case.  When ATS goes away, all of this will be lost.  Even if this historical data was replicated on another site, it's doubtful that site would ever have the standing that ATS had at one point in time.  Plus, the government is historically slow to react to current events.
I’ve spent too many hours to count, over-analyzing the hell out of this situation, going back years. From the information that has been shared publicly and privately, I have reached my conclusion on the status of the site. 

Here is the short version (because really, it is that is what it is - simple). 

We know that the website owner, owns multiple e-commerce companies. These companies require large servers of their own. As we know, the bulk cost of ATS is the server dues. Then you have the IT maintenance costs.

I believe that the owner probably had space on his current servers, and or payed a minimal fee to increase his capacity. Virtually, making it incredibly cheap to run ATS.

Here lies the problem, the maintenance and/or a complete rejuvenation of the site to eliminate SO’s ancient code; and make it more usable and modern on the backend level.

The owner tackled the server costs issue. Now, he had to hire someone to take care of the back end - this produced problems with two separate IT guys. Then he hired Darko to make it his ‘vision’. Unfortunately, nobody liked his new vision of the site. The IT people clearly didn’t like working on the ancient code. Hence, the fact that he cycled through two in a short time. This left him with the most expensive option - building a new ATS. And it would have been really damn expensive to build a ‘new’ ATS. I don’t believe his plan was ever to build a new site. He thought he could find an over for cheap to maintain the current one. 

In conclusion, the owner struck out 3 separate times for hiring anybody for backend improvements. In two separate categories - coding and the direction of the site from a members acceptance point of view. Due to being disgruntled by the failures, and the fact that he’s a busy dude - he gave up. Shoved it on the back burner for the future, if he somehow finds it in himself with the desire to take an active interest again. I do this with areas of my business. Sometimes you just receive too much pushback, but you know it can be lucrative. So you shove it aside, until you may find the motivation for the struggle again, or you give up entirely with more perspective through time. 

BTW, if anybody’s watched Darko’s videos, you’d know damn well that there is NO WAY IN HELL the government would hire this guy to run it. Or any other powerful entity for that matter. I highly recommend watching a few minutes of one. It really puts him into perspective. The dudes an absolute moron. I think we can rule out a powerful entity owning ATS.
At the risk of sounding impertinent, I have always tended to think that the the reason ATS exists is not because of the 'front end' nor the 'back end.'

It was something distinctly organic, it was a "community" that coalesced around the central freedom they offered each other.  The fusion of a platform that explicitly encourages the topics discussed made its success inevitable.  Imagine taking your favorite thread and placing the OP in those 'other' 'popular' places... I imagine the experience of seeing how that goes for you.  I promise it will generally suck.

I understand the natural inclination of anyone seeking to resolve this little mystery to include a wide spectrum of possibilities, so naturally the idea that it is a "NSA/CIA PsyOp, or a "pet project" for some cabals' think-tank, are just as likely as this was someone who convinced themselves "they could handle it" only to discover that they could not.  ATS might be some "owners' toy," but the community is not.

I'd like to think that even now, as ATS's dedicated members attempt to keep the flame burning, we here at DI are prepared to continue the tradition long established by the community... without all the goddamn drama.
(06-21-2024, 05:13 PM)KKLoco Wrote: BTW, if anybody’s watched Darko’s videos, you’d know damn well that there is NO WAY IN HELL the government would hire this guy to run it. Or any other powerful entity for that matter. I highly recommend watching a few minutes of one. It really puts him into perspective. The dudes an absolute moron. I think we can rule out a powerful entity owning ATS.

I do actually agree with this part, and that is indeed a puzzling development in any theory I might have.  No question about it, this Darko dude is just a douchebag with zero credibility.  He's what I call a "carpet-bagger", a grifter really.  No sensible person would ever deal with this guy.  BUT...darko came late in the game, so maybe he was a last bid out of desperation, and darko also vaporized as fast as he showed who's to say whether some other plan, set in place earlier, didn't prevail (although perhaps less attractive to the owners)?

I dunno.  Again, my theory is just that, speculation...based on weighing different possibilities.  I certainly don't 'know' anything for certain about ATS, and I honestly don't think anyone does know all the facts.  That last part about no one knowing all the facts is a big contributor to my theory.  Beyond that, I have no proof.
(06-21-2024, 05:13 PM)KKLoco Wrote: I’ve spent too many hours to count, over-analyzing the hell out of this situation, going back years. From the information that has been shared publicly and privately, I have reached my conclusion on the status of the site. 

Here is the short version (because really, it is that is what it is - simple). 

We know that the website owner, owns multiple e-commerce companies. These companies require large servers of their own. As we know, the bulk cost of ATS is the server dues. Then you have the IT maintenance costs.

I believe that the owner probably had space on his current servers, and or payed a minimal fee to increase his capacity. Virtually, making it incredibly cheap to run ATS.

Here lies the problem, the maintenance and/or a complete rejuvenation of the site to eliminate SO’s ancient code; and make it more usable and modern on the backend level.

The owner tackled the server costs issue. Now, he had to hire someone to take care of the back end - this produced problems with two separate IT guys. Then he hired Darko to make it his ‘vision’. Unfortunately, nobody liked his new vision of the site. The IT people clearly didn’t like working on the ancient code. Hence, the fact that he cycled through two in a short time. This left him with the most expensive option - building a new ATS. And it would have been really damn expensive to build a ‘new’ ATS. I don’t believe his plan was ever to build a new site. He thought he could find an over for cheap to maintain the current one. 

In conclusion, the owner struck out 3 separate times for hiring anybody for backend improvements. In two separate categories - coding and the direction of the site from a members acceptance point of view. Due to being disgruntled by the failures, and the fact that he’s a busy dude - he gave up. Shoved it on the back burner for the future, if he somehow finds it in himself with the desire to take an active interest again. I do this with areas of my business. Sometimes you just receive too much pushback, but you know it can be lucrative. So you shove it aside, until you may find the motivation for the struggle again, or you give up entirely with more perspective through time. 

BTW, if anybody’s watched Darko’s videos, you’d know damn well that there is NO WAY IN HELL the government would hire this guy to run it. Or any other powerful entity for that matter. I highly recommend watching a few minutes of one. It really puts him into perspective. The dudes an absolute moron. I think we can rule out a powerful entity owning ATS.

There is Darko’s videos ?  i seen nobody sharing a link here....
I can't see any sort of glitches on the other site.

The deletion of accounts is not a glitch of the system but a systematic attempt to censor specific topics and debates.

Posters who can't login into their accounts, posters who can't create a new account, and posters who out of the blue have their accounts banned. Not a glitch but 'community' driven.

Topics like the elections and the Gaza war are heavily censored. And if you happen to be on the 'wrong' side of the argument like being against the Gaza war and against zionism or against Trump and the deep state, then you get all the trouble from that site. Not one zionist account has been banned for any reason but several other reasonable voices who were against the war have been shown the way out or silenced with shadowbans.

It's the same thing with antitrump members who find their way out sooner or later. It has happened in the past and will happen in the future. ATS mostly promotes extreme right wing propaganda and zionism but fails to convince due to the remaining members who don't put up with their bs. Even with so much propaganda and censorship these messages can't get through and fail magnificently.

ATS as most people knew it no longer exists.
(06-22-2024, 05:30 AM)Notran Wrote: I can't see any sort of glitches on the other site.

The deletion of accounts is not a glitch of the system but a systematic attempt to censor specific topics and debates.

Posters who can't login into their accounts, posters who can't create a new account, and posters who out of the blue have their accounts banned. Not a glitch but 'community' driven.

Topics like the elections and the Gaza war are heavily censored. And if you happen to be on the 'wrong' side of the argument like being against the Gaza war and against zionism or against Trump and the deep state, then you get all the trouble from that site. Not one zionist account has been banned for any reason but several other reasonable voices who were against the war have been shown the way out or silenced with shadowbans.

It's the same thing with antitrump members who find their way out sooner or later. It has happened in the past and will happen in the future. ATS mostly promotes extreme right wing propaganda and zionism but fails to convince due to the remaining members who don't put up with their bs. Even with so much propaganda and censorship these messages can't get through and fail magnificently.

ATS as most people knew it no longer exists.

Whether you can see the "glitches" or not makes no difference, there is definitely an issue with ATS' backend.

As far as being censored goes, I've never seen that, but I've been passionate about certain subjects and have felt that way, but on hindsight, it was always me being a dick, not

Agree with your last sentence though.


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