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Gardening 2024
(05-22-2024, 07:25 AM)Chiefsmom Wrote:  

Do you have room for a small garden, or some pots?   Maybe just a cucumber plant and a tomato?

Small balcony in apartment complex. 

my 3 year old would destroy anything I put there, it’s his play space.
Chiefsmom good to see you and a very lovely educational thread!

Haven't got much to add but helped my neighbour cut back his Bougainvillea the other day and it's horribly prickly shit.

(05-22-2024, 10:45 AM)Karl12 Wrote: Chiefsmom good to see you and a very lovely educational thread!

Haven't got much to add but helped my neighbour cut back his Bougainvillea the other day and it's horribly prickly shit.


Had to look that up!  Very pretty!  Does seem like it could get out of control pretty easy though.
The earth provides everything we need.
We thought we could do better.
We were wrong.
It's lovely to look at but boy does it grow - thorns as big as thumbs lol

@ Karl, Wow!  No thanks!

So, pinwheels are working like a charm.   Laid down 4 soaker hoses, that did about 1/2 the garden.  Saves on water, plus not as many weeds, since your not watering between the rows as well.  May have to move though, for hubby to rototill, which could be a pain.
I bought a couple more plants of course.  (hey, there were a few empty spots!)  Cauliflower and broccoli.   Everything is growing pretty good so far.

Except:  I am trying potatoes in hay bales.  They say you have to be patient, as they could take up to 6 weeks to sprout.  I don't have patients.  LOL  Thinking about throwing a few more in the bales, you know, "just in case"  It's been like 4 weeks, and I don't see anything in the holes.
The earth provides everything we need.
We thought we could do better.
We were wrong.
Well, I'm going to have to re start potatoes.  Not sure why they aren't growing.  Ah well.
Everything else is growing well.  I've had to water a couple times, but we have also had quite a bit of rain.
Herbs are growing, even the new elderberry I planted is doing well.

Need to get out and keep up with the weeding.  The 2nd try of the carrots are starting to come up.  You can barely tell what they are, with all the little weeds covering the mounds.
Problem is I have too many projects going right now, and the grandsons coming this weekend.
Maybe I can bribe them to help!
The earth provides everything we need.
We thought we could do better.
We were wrong.
Well, no luck with the grandsons.   And more rain.  So I was out last night weeding.

I sat out there, pondering how in the world carrots have survived this long.  Seeds are so tiny, they take forever to sprout.  Then, weeding around them is a test of patients and precision skill!  I pulled more than a couple, with them being so small and tender, and there being so many weeds.  Really very frustrating.
Hubby actually helped in other rows, using the hula hoe.  That was a nice surprise, since he usually doesn't get involved unless it is with the rototiller. 

Have a question for any marijuana growers.  I have one plant, a Hindu Kush, that is a foot tall, and has budded at the top.  Anyone else have plants that did this, this early?
We had one do it last year too, also an indica.  We let it go, and it ended up growing pretty large, and budding like normal and turned out great.
Just wondering if this is an indica thing, or something else?

The Alaskan Thunder(*&^ is still only about 6 inches tall.  Still looks healthy, just does not seem to be growing at all.  Not sure what else I can do for it?
The earth provides everything we need.
We thought we could do better.
We were wrong.
Marking this for the gardening tips...

Thumbup Beer

(06-11-2024, 08:00 AM)Chiefsmom Wrote: Well, no luck with the grandsons.   And more rain.  So I was out last night weeding.

I sat out there, pondering how in the world carrots have survived this long.  Seeds are so tiny, they take forever to sprout.  Then, weeding around them is a test of patients and precision skill!  I pulled more than a couple, with them being so small and tender, and there being so many weeds.  Really very frustrating.
Hubby actually helped in other rows, using the hula hoe.  That was a nice surprise, since he usually doesn't get involved unless it is with the rototiller. 

Have a question for any marijuana growers.  I have one plant, a Hindu Kush, that is a foot tall, and has budded at the top.  Anyone else have plants that did this, this early?
We had one do it last year too, also an indica.  We let it go, and it ended up growing pretty large, and budding like normal and turned out great.
Just wondering if this is an indica thing, or something else?

The Alaskan Thunder(*&^ is still only about 6 inches tall.  Still looks healthy, just does not seem to be growing at all.  Not sure what else I can do for it?

Concerning your Hindu Kush plant, it is probably what is called "autobudding", which means it is bred to bud for places with short growing seasons. I grow these type up here in Canada sometimes, though I'm old school and still usually grow my legacy seeds.

When the buds have half red hairs and half white hairs, harvest. Same as any other cannabis bud, they just mature faster...

 Beer Beer
Thanks Myke.   I'm guessing that is the same as Autoflowing?   I thought that the only one I had that was, was the Alaskan, but I will re-check tonight when I get home.
The earth provides everything we need.
We thought we could do better.
We were wrong.
(06-11-2024, 10:34 AM)Chiefsmom Wrote: Thanks Myke.   I'm guessing that is the same as Autoflowing?   I thought that the only one I had that was, was the Alaskan, but I will re-check tonight when I get home.

Yep, auto-flowering, same thing.

Sometimes the genetics are there and sneak through, even if they aren't supposed


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