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ATS Alternate Sources of Past Research
(06-20-2024, 04:12 AM)DarkSpace Wrote: i think there was a lots of reasearch links in a thread of its own. in the R.A.T.S forum i think. it was locked for "common" users, but as a "Scholar" i could access it. it was a handy resource.

And @l0st, I think i remember siscussing that search engine of yours way, way back. some of the AI-assisted search engines now, does quite a good job, if you just are critical when it comes to sources then choosing which links to read or use. same as "normal" searcher, but a little faster.

I find it difficult to do a plain keyword search with modern search engines. The modern search engines try to discern meaning and return results it thinks you want and this might be effective for everyday users, making it easy for them, but I find it very difficult to research this way. I like to start off with a base search topic or a list of related keywords and continue adding to them as more information is found. I find it nearly impossible to do this now.

I find the AI searches to often get confused and return the opposite of what I am looking for. I suppose I could ask it to search for the opposite, never really tried that.

I think AltaVista was just about perfect for the style of research I like to do.

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RE: ATS Alternate Sources of Past Research - by l0st - 06-20-2024, 12:40 PM

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