deny ignorance.


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The Rats are coming out of the woodwork
Greetings gang!  Strange to be typing a message into a real editor.  I guess the ATS BBCode is non-functional here.  Or at a minimum, verklempt.

I haven't read a single post yet so I know not where I tread.  But like always in my life, I'll forge ahead and blunder about blindly until I figure it all out.

How many people/members are here?  Perhaps I'm alone and am cursed to wander aimlessly.

Well, off I go to explore.  If anyone sees me shuffling around and mumbling, please gently point me in the right direction.
Cicada 3301  * That which is hidden will be revealed * 

Messages In This Thread
The Rats are coming out of the woodwork - by SchrödingersRat - 03-15-2024, 09:12 PM

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