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"We Didn’t Force Anyone To Do Anything"
"Didn't force?"

Define "force."

If by the word "force," it is intended to mean that no-one made a "law" so it was all up for individual judgement, that is simply not true.  "Law" is one thing, "policy" is another which bears the same pressure and lacks government 'accountability."

If by the word "force" it is intended to mean that there was no "threat" added to the mandate, that is also not true.  In fact, the threats were instant and unavoidable:  loss of livelihood, loss of social engagement, instant judgement by the external social order as deplorable and selfish... how does that happen?

If by force you mean no one put a gun to your head and said "Do it!"... yeah, you didn't "force" anybody.

But the crowning offense here was NOT the policy, was not the 'law'... it was the manufactured body of "social media" and "public media" combatants.  There was a paid contingent of 'master' social media influencers, public celebrities, and cadres of "maybe people" who flooded the public dialogue with their utterances, all repeated and amplified by media "marketing" and "public relations" mechanisms.  It was the idea that the US government used tax-dollars to fund and impel a 'social media' offensive... both dominating and controlling the population by "telling them what they all thought" and providing a synthetized "appearance" that it is so.

I distinctly remember the "I think vaccine dissenters..." statements highlighted and championed in media and social media... how they should "all die..." or "be punished..." "be branded as antisocial would-be criminals..." or "demonstrate their ignorance."

The real tragedy was the human suffering for a trillion dollar wealth transfer, the weaponization of social media, and of course... the aftermath of lies... the direct assault on scientific truth... the corruption of medical records, and the loss of far too many people in the mix.

There was a very fundamental reason why governments shouldn't get into the business of propaganda... this is an exemplar of that reason.  It becomes especially relevant when the exploit (in this case global money laundering) is more important than the population. 

The right "sponsored" individuals in policy-making positions, and suddenly the citizens are "expected" to cheer and support their policies not because they are sound... by because they are government "policy."

Sort of how Khmer Rouge policy and Nazi policy were "championed" by the people of their countries... and yeah one had to be "forced" to support them either Rolleyes.

They must erase history before they proceed with these ridiculous "operations" of theirs... too many people know they are all too keen to lie to sell their goods or ideas.  

This is right up there with the clown-show doctrine of setting up a crisis to exploit and then proclaiming "Who knew?" in the aftermath.  Another favorite ploy.
(06-16-2024, 01:02 PM)Maxmars Wrote: If by force you mean no one put a gun to your head and said "Do it!"... yeah, you didn't "force" anybody.

That's about the ONLY context they can use the "We didn't force anyone to get the jab.  ..." excuse/LIE for!

This was an absolute crystal clear example of governments completely out of control and run amok...with the United States leading the charge!  Absolute inexcusable, unforgivable, MONSTERS from HELL!!
(06-16-2024, 06:48 AM)Waterglass Wrote: Karl12:

Excelllent thread and yes, I took the jab in late September 2021 after discussing with my doctor as I wanted to visit my property in Canada and I could not get there unless I had the Pfizer Jab. 

Hola mate thanks for the post and very sorry to hear that you were 'coerced' - for what it's worth it looks like there's an important development being discussed here regarding a recent U.S. Court ruling stating that 'COVID mRNA injectables are NOT vaccines'.

Doubt it will covered on the news so thought it deserved a post.

(06-17-2024, 08:54 AM)Karl12 Wrote: Hola mate thanks for the post and very sorry to hear that you were 'coerced' - for what it's worth it looks like there's an important development being discussed here regarding a recent U.S. Court ruling stating that 'COVID mRNA injectables are NOT vaccines'.

Doubt it will covered on the news so thought it deserved a post.


I haven't fully digested this yet, but this could be good or bad...or it could just be irrelevant. 

Whether it is technically a "vaccine" or not doesn't really have any bearings on mandates (or as the lying government says, "encouragements") to get the jab, making one way or the other not mean much.  On the negative side, not having the jab be a "vaccine" means (I believe) it requires less testing before deployment.  On the positive side, having mRNA injectables classified as 'experimental' and/or 'genetic therapy' might open up some eyeballs to maximum levels (and probably raise some eyebrows up to people's hairline).

. (subsequent post)
Miraculously, I have actually managed not to get the jab, even though it was 'encouraged' (mandated) at my place of work.  But it is the 'how' of how I managed this which is really telling to me!  (telling that the whole thing was a ruse)

You see, I got really sick in late November to early December of 2019.  Thought I was going to have to go to the hospital and I couldn't shake it.  Toward the end, I told my wife if I didn't start improving in 2 days I was going to the ER.  Now, recall that covid wasn't a 'thing' in November of 2019, and certainly not a "pandemic" at that point.  The 1st case of covid in the United States wasn't until January 20, 2020.  So, I did start getting better in about 2 days after I told my wife that (YAY!).

Well, then about 6-7 months later I had to go see my doctor for some annual blood work.  While there my doctor was bugging me to get the jab, but I refused.  Some of the blood work got messed up and I had to come in again for some more.  When I came in the 2nd time I asked him about being tested for covid.  He told me they couldn't do it, well, they 'could' but insurance wasn't paying them for it (how convenient, right?  Corrupt bastages!).  He told me testing required a special blood test also.  So, I asked if he could get it done with the gallons of blood the vampires were going to get out of me that day.  He thought about it for a minute and said he could swing it, and if not he'd just pay for it.  Well, guess what the tests came back with?  Yep, you guessed it...I'd already HAD covid!!  I'd had it in November before the first cases were even recorded in the US, and I hadn't left the country or gone anywhere near where the first cases were reported!  So everything about covid was a ruse.  My doc never bugged me about getting any further jabs or boosters.  He gets it.

And this was the other thing about the whole jab extortion / hostage business, even though a person had already contracted covid you still needed proof of vaccination to get around the "mandate".  The way they worded the mandate for us was that you could still work, but you couldn't come in to the office or facility, so as long as you could work remotely, then "they weren't forcing you".  Well, there was one problem with this...every 30 days you have to touch your computer physically "at" work to change the passwords on that device, so you weren't "forced" but after 30 days you were locked out.  Bottom was a MANDATE!...and anyone who says it wasn't is lying!

But in my case, I've been singing the "they're lying" tune for over (4) years now, because I knew covid was a ruse even before covid was even a thing.

The sickening part (there's so many) of covid was how many people were in on it.  Government was in on it, the pharmaceutical companies were definitely in on it, and the insurance companies were even in on it (they wouldn't pay for testing to prove you already had it, so you couldn't prove you already had it, and thus were left no choice but to get the jab).  I used to say that global warming was the greatest ruse ever perpetuated on mankind, but I was wrong.  Covid elcipsed the global warming ruse by a thousand times (just in terms of the speed at which all the propaganda and indoctrination was).

Still makes me angry to even think about it.
(06-17-2024, 11:53 AM)FlyingClayDisk Wrote: On the positive side, having mRNA injectables classified as 'experimental' and/or 'genetic therapy' might open up some eyeballs to maximum levels (and probably raise some eyebrows up to people's hairline).

Hopefully it will wake a few people up mate - just like them lying through their teeth about 'not forcing anyone to do anything'.

The bullsh•t meter really went off the scale on that one.

Regarding the recent Court ruling I don't claim to know much about U.S. law but won't this new development in some way affect liability status?

Quote:Call a drug or biotech cocktail a “vaccine,” and pharmaceutical and biotech companies are free from any liabilities—the taxpayer pays. Unfortunately, this system has become an open invitation to make billions from “injectables,” particularly where government regulations and laws can be used to create a guaranteed market through mandates. As government agencies and legislators as well as the corporate media have developed various schemes to participate in the billions of profits, significant conflicts of interest have resulted.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA or the PREP Act) became law in 2005, adding to corporate freedoms from liability.

The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

(06-17-2024, 12:58 PM)Karl12 Wrote: Hopefully it will wake a few people up mate - just like them lying through their teeth about 'not forcing anyone to do anything'.

The bullsh•t meter really went off the scale on that one.

Regarding the recent Court ruling I don't claim to know much about U.S. law but won't this new development in some way affect liability status?


So, several things here...
  1. The liability issue (or lack thereof) with a true "vaccine" is why vaccines are held to a much higher and rigorous testing standard.  Significantly higher.  And this is why "vaccines" take so much longer to get to market.  I think I read somewhere that the average duration is about 7 years from start of testing.
  2. This is also why all the pharmaceutical companies were trying to bend the rules (lie basically) about this jab being a "vaccine", because they would have no liability.  But this wasn't true.  At the time, the jab was covered under what was known as an FDA "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA), but even then it still wasn't to be called a "vaccine" although virtually all the pharma's called it a 'vaccine'. 
  3. The first covid shot approved under the EUA was called the COVID-19 (vaccine), but it was never fully FDA approved (this is a very key distinction, so more on this in a moment)
  4. The first fully approved FDA shot (not under an EA) was not called a COVID-19 shot, but rather a "Comirnaty" vaccine, and it was NOT the same as the original COVID-19 shot, contrary to even more lies.  The Comirnaty vaccine was arguably very similar to the original covid vaccine, but it was not identical (again, contrary to many lies spread around the world).  (I believe one was live and the other was dead, but my memory is a little thin on that one).  The pharmaceutical companies arguments were it the same "for all intents and purposes"; this was their explanation of the differences between the two, and nobody pushed it further than that (unfortunately).
  5. Following some (convenient) changes in FDA regulations, Comirnaty was approved by the FDA in August of 2021, and it could be called a "vaccine".  The drug companies demanded that it be allowed to be called a "vaccine", but many of the changes in the regulations made the testing much less rigorous than all previous vaccines.
  6. I haven't done as much research on the subsequent boosters as I did on the original jab, but if I'm not mistaken the boosters are notably different than the FDA approved Comirnaty, and they are significantly different than the original covid vaccine.  I am unsure if these boosters can technically be called "vaccines", but I don't believe they can.
So, there was deception, trickery, smoke, mirrors, voodoo, theft, corruption, bribery and malpractice all over the place with the whole covid evolution, from soup to nuts.
I recall stating that my opinion was that as long as the 'emergency' was in place, we (consumers) would be exposed to whatever the Pharma employees working at the government service facilities could pull off .. and boy did they!

My 'bulletproof' shield with my pestering doctors' persistent recommendations to get the vaccine was simple... "As long as it is classified as 'experimental,' I will not."  That seemed to end the harassment...

I was particularly dismayed when the "definition" of "vaccine" was changed to cover the "COVID" concoctions... clearly an indication of the Pharma-manned "bureaucracy" at work.  Whenever a "definition" changes... examine it closely... you will find the insertion of "exploitation leverage" in play.
(06-17-2024, 01:52 PM)FlyingClayDisk Wrote: So, there was deception, trickery, smoke, mirrors, voodoo, theft, corruption, bribery and malpractice all over the place with the whole covid evolution, from soup to nuts.

Fantastic post there mate and indeed there was - some extremely fishy goings on and thanks for the info.

Apparently, thanks to 'operation warp speed' big pharma was allowed to skip several stages of testing (including animal)..

Quote:The humans who participate in vaccine trials are normally followed for at least two years before a vaccine is approved for public use. But those participating in this vaccine trial were only followed for two months. If a physician tells you he knows this vaccine is safe long term, he is lying.


Some pretty sobering reading in that article about China and 'binary poisons' - also the Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford families.

(06-17-2024, 03:16 PM)Maxmars Wrote: I recall stating that my opinion was that as long as the 'emergency' was in place, we (consumers) would be exposed to whatever the Pharma employees working at the government service facilities could pull off .. and boy did they!

My 'bulletproof' shield with my pestering doctors' persistent recommendations to get the vaccine was simple... "As long as it is classified as 'experimental,' I will not."  That seemed to end the harassment..

Some very dodgy backstage connections out there mate and do remember reading back in the late nineties that the FDA was was one of the most compromised (corrupt) organisations in America.

Don't know if you've seen the video below but would certainly recommend it.

Here's the FDA report as described in the paragraph below.


PDF File

Quote:Despite the fact that the clinical trials surrounding these experimental vaccines are ongoing and that the FDA itself admits that there is “currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals” and “risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown,” governments around the world are contemplating making these vaccinations mandatory, or compelling people to take them against their will by restricting their access to public life until they subject themselves to this medical experimentation.


(06-16-2024, 12:33 PM)VulcanWerks Wrote: These people were supposed to care about lives. They don’t. They care about something I suppose but it certainly isn’t the wellbeing of the citizenry.

Yes everyone involved certainly seemed to be in lockstep mate.

There also appears to be similar attempts coordinating 'the great narrative'.

Does look like they're starting a walkback though and maybe some of the main players are worried about 'accountability'.

Quote:• “Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines ... we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated.” 

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Great Pandemic Walkback


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