deny ignorance.


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Some tidbits from my time in Israel
(03-28-2024, 07:34 AM)BeTheGoddess Wrote: Because I have lived experience with the truth, and also the propaganda. You're not an authority on the subject, so why so invested?.  Why do you want a war in a place you have no connection to?

You are ignoring the fact that Hamas puts out propaganda.  I never claimed to be an authority on the subject, I'm giving my opinion.  But guess what ... YOU are not an authority on the subject either.  Visiting Israel doesn't make you one.  So why are YOU so invested?  Do you want Israel destroyed and the Jews genocided?  Seems like it.  Otherwise you wouldn't be calling for them to surrender to Hamas and the 'palestinians' who have promised that they will never stop attacking Israel and that they will never stop until Israel is destroyed and the Jews genocided.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(03-28-2024, 07:44 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: Do you want Israel destroyed and the Jews genocided?  Seems like it. 

Wow, such a leap of logic. Opposing genocide does not mean condoning genocide on the other foot.
I was not here.
(03-28-2024, 08:02 AM)BeTheGoddess Wrote: Wow, such a leap of logic. Opposing genocide does not mean condoning genocide on the other foot.

When you call for a ceasefire, that's exactly what you are doing.  You are calling for Israel to surrender and for Hamas and the 'palestinians' to carry through with their promise to never stop attacking Israel until it is destroyed and the jews are Genocided.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
I agree with Pianopraze…

Not our sandbox.
Not our toys.
If it’s hot, wet and sticky and it’s not yours, don’t touch it!
I think the people who have followed things for decades can clearly see a pattern, one that might not be so evident to someone who let's say wasn't around for everything from Kennedy to the first WTC attack (in 93), or someone born after 9-11.

I was completely feeling the need for justice when I saw the twin towers fall, live, on the news, and I bought into the story GW Bush gave us at the time. Did I consider what his father, George Bush, did before he was president? Nope, I didn't know at that time he had ever been head of the CIA. Did I consider what his grandfather, Dr. Vannevar Bush, did to pave the way for this? Nope - and I invite you to find out. I didn't act. I reacted, without thought. This is a normal response to observing such trauma. What's not normal is using that response to get you to take sides against others. The news was a lot different prior to 9-11, and that is intentional. Notice many of the same news anchors from that date are still news anchors today! Well, except the anchors that questioned the script of course.

2 very important events took place just before 9/11. Rumsfeld's speech the day before, and The National Press Club event 4 months before. If that doesn't lead you to the conclusion that we are pawns in a game and no one in power has any of our interests at heart, I don't know what will. But I know what I'd need to do to keep you in the dark, and it would be easier. Play on your emotions and pit you against other pawns.

Public deception and espionage is as old as war. If you truly care about the welfare of humanity, you'll know this old template is only good for more war, more destruction, and more leaders eager to push a button. We have real enemies: Coronal mass ejections from the Sun, a nearby pulsar going mininova, Betelguise going supernova, cataclysmic natural disasters such as a pole shift... how long until something sets off all the nukes on the planet? Takes satellites out of orbit? No one ever considers this. World leaders would be going straight to safety in a bunker while you and I melted on the surface and that's the truth. We'd be too busy hating and fighting to help each other to safety. We are ruled by fear instead of love, and love is a natural emotion necessary for our survival. If we don't evolve, we simply cease to be.

I hope everyone will finally see how duped every single one of us, worldwide, has been.

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