deny ignorance.


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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
(06-09-2024, 08:36 PM)l0st Wrote: It certainly feels as though transgenderism is being placed on a pedestal above all of those other aspects. Take a look at the history of Black racism in the United States and you'll find that the civil rights movements of the 1960s developed over the course of decades, which eventually culminated in marches, sit-ins, protests, etc.

What strikes me as being odd about the transgenderism movement is that it feels 110% completely inorganic. Nobody ever thought about or cared about trans issues until roughly 2010 when all of a sudden Tranny bathrooms are the #1 topic in the news cycle as the first demand from this group, followed shortly after by more and more demands -- pronouns, medical access for children,  etc.

The strange thing is, there was/is no law preventing transgenderism. Any full grown adult has always had the option of getting as many plastic surgeries and hormone injections as they want with the support of a qualified doctor. Crossdressers have been around forever yet never seemed to have any issue figuring out which bathroom to use, nor did they demand their own special bathroom just for themselves. There have been numerous demands for "trans rights" yet when approached, not a single member of this group seems to be able to articulate the rights they are actually missing.

Re-framing the statement as "Socializing and ALL ASPECTS OF WHO A PERSON IS" really doesn't change anything. Why are social "sciences" being given priority in public schools over hard sciences that are actually part of the curriculum? My observation has been throughout this whole thing that transgenderism is not being added to the school curriculum, transgenderism is being pushed by a limited subset of liberal, activist teachers, psychologists, and medical professionals as a solution to "gender dysphoria," an affliction for which the medical community can't even agree what the criteria are for diagnosis.

Public schools have always been commissioned for teaching hard skills. If one wants to study sociology, psychology, or work in theoretical sciences the appropriate venue for such education and study is college and always has been. Public schools do not teach theory and conjecture.

I went to school in the 50s/60s. My kids were in high school in the 80's.  My granddaughter graduated in 2000.

And now I am hands-on, right now, in high school with a 16-year-old.

Needs and priorities change. 

The only pushing I'm experiencing is coming from the kids themselves.  It's a whole new world.
Deny Ignorance, you’ve got some decisions to make regarding the direction and tone of your site.

Are you going to be just like ATS and allow transgender topics to turn into hateful opinion filled screeds full of hostile commentary, slurs and basically calling trans folks mentally ill degenerate baby raping monsters?

I had really hoped things might be different here where transgender topics could be discussed intelligently, calmly and respectfully without all the pejoratives and name calling but it appears sadly I was mistaken, much to my disappointment.

Figure it out DI.
(06-09-2024, 08:46 PM)ANNEE Wrote: I went to school in the 50s/60s. My kids were in high school in the 80's.  My granddaughter graduated in 2000.

And now I am hands-on, right now, in high school with a 16-year-old.

Needs and priorities change. 

The only pushing I'm experiencing is coming from the kids themselves.  It's a whole new world.

And those kids are being directly influenced by social media marketing droids employed by big pharma pushing the trans agenda.

It is illegal for the cigarette manufacturers to advertise to children, so why does big pharma get a pass?

There is not a single person under the age of 18 who came up with transgenderism. No 5 year old says they want to chop their junk off. Some level of gender exploration used to be considered an entirely normal part of growing up. Just because little Billy wants to know what he looks like in mommy's heels doesn't mean he's definitely a woman and needs to start treatment immediately.

This is absolutely an invention of adults who run corporations looking to hook lifetime customers on expensive medical treatments. There are no other mammalian species with transgender members. This is purely a product of corporate boards seeking profit through hormones, psych meds, and other medical products. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that this statement proves itself out because  NO BIG PHARMA COs == NO TRANSGENDERS. It would be literally impossible to "change one's gender" without the expensive meds pushed by these crooks.

I don't think the pushback we're seeing has anything to do with lobbying by some minor religious fanatic groups. What's happening is that activist teachers in the school systems have subversively injected their personal political beliefs into their students' curriculum without the consent of either the parents or the school districts. Now that the public is aware of what is going on, we're seeing legislation to regulate it.

(06-09-2024, 09:01 PM)AnAlternateOpinion Wrote: Deny Ignorance, you’ve got some decisions to make regarding the direction and tone of your site.

Are you going to be just like ATS and allow transgender topics to turn into hateful opinion filled screeds full of hostile commentary, slurs and basically calling trans folks mentally ill degenerate baby raping monsters?

I had really hoped things might be different here where transgender topics could be discussed intelligently, calmly and respectfully without all the pejoratives and name calling but it appears sadly I was mistaken, much to my disappointment.

Figure it out DI.

And remember what I said about a certain group wishing to control people's speech? Interesting.

Being called mentally ill isn't a "slur." Its a statement of fact in most cases. Read the manifesto from the PA shooter. Would you consider them mentally ill? I certainly would.

Also, not a single person here has called trans people "mentally ill degenerate baby raping monsters" that is entirely your own invention.

I also find it interesting that one with a handle of "AnAlternateOpinion" comes on here complaining about "opinion filled screeds" as though nobody is allowed to have an opinion but you.

The conversation seems pretty respectful to me. You seem to take offense to the "mentally ill" statement, but Gender Dysphoria is listed in the DSM as a mental illness, is it not?
(06-09-2024, 09:37 PM)l0st Wrote: And those kids are being directly influenced by social media marketing droids employed by big pharma pushing the trans agenda?

Would you know anything about any of this if you weren't on a discussion forum / conspiracy site?
(06-09-2024, 10:13 PM)ANNEE Wrote: Would you know anything about any of this if you weren't on a discussion forum / conspiracy site?

Absolutely. Its completely unavoidable and been shoved in the faces of the pubilc non-stop on a multi-time-a-day basis for 14 years, now. How can anyone miss it? If I had just arrived to Earth from another planet and sat down to watch an hour of commercials, I would think that every other citizen of the US is Trans or a drag queen, the majority of the US population is Black, and mixed race families the norm, but the exact opposite is true.

And that's exactly my point about the agenda seeming to be inorganic. When you look at other socio-political movements there have always been undertones and murmurings of issues going on behind the scenes for decades in advance. Taking the gay rights movement as an example, the first steps of the movement were made in the 70's, took a good 30 years to start seeing any real traction.

When you take a look at the transgenderism movement, it just comes out of nowhere around 2010. There were no public discussions, no murmurings, nobody ever even cared about public restrooms then *boom* its all over the media - every news channel, every paper, every news and political pundit site. As soon as discussion of the topic started in forums like these, a bunch of "new members of the CT community" suddenly materialized out of nowhere and had answers, responses, retorts, even catchy taglines like "Trans women are women!" I honestly had no idea that the CT community at large had such a strong interest from that demographic.

Thinking back before this odd explosion of activity on the topic, the only public references to transgenderism I can recall that the general public would know about are episodes of Jerry Springer and Phil Donahue in the 90s where people who were transitioning and doing things like taking pills to change their voices were covered in the interviews on these shows. Yet strangely, all the issues with bathrooms and medical care and pronouns were never brought up. I can only assume these people used the restroom somewhere in public. They got their pills from some doctor, and somehow managed to scrape by with the standard set of pronouns, but if one believes the current messaging you'd think that all of the above were completely impossible, especially in the 90s.
(06-10-2024, 12:37 AM)l0st Wrote: Absolutely. Its completely unavoidable and been shoved in the faces of the pubilc non-stop on a multi-time-a-day basis for 14 years, now. How can anyone miss it? If I had just arrived to Earth from another planet and sat down to watch an hour of commercials, I would think that every other citizen of the US is Trans or a drag queen, the majority of the US population is Black, and mixed race families the norm, but the exact opposite is true.

And that's exactly my point about the agenda seeming to be inorganic. When you look at other socio-political movements there have always been undertones and murmurings of issues going on behind the scenes for decades in advance. Taking the gay rights movement as an example, the first steps of the movement were made in the 70's, took a good 30 years to start seeing any real traction.

When you take a look at the transgenderism movement, it just comes out of nowhere around 2010. There were no public discussions, no murmurings, nobody ever even cared about public restrooms then *boom* its all over the media - every news channel, every paper, every news and political pundit site. As soon as discussion of the topic started in forums like these, a bunch of "new members of the CT community" suddenly materialized out of nowhere and had answers, responses, retorts, even catchy taglines like "Trans women are women!" I honestly had no idea that the CT community at large had such a strong interest from that demographic.

Thinking back before this odd explosion of activity on the topic, the only public references to transgenderism I can recall that the general public would know about are episodes of Jerry Springer and Phil Donahue in the 90s where people who were transitioning and doing things like taking pills to change their voices were covered in the interviews on these shows. Yet strangely, all the issues with bathrooms and medical care and pronouns were never brought up. I can only assume these people used the restroom somewhere in public. They got their pills from some doctor, and somehow managed to scrape by with the standard set of pronouns, but if one believes the current messaging you'd think that all of the above were completely impossible, especially in the 90s.

So, what is your personal involvement?

Who have you gone to counseling with?
(06-09-2024, 09:01 PM)AnAlternateOpinion Wrote: basically calling trans folks mentally ill degenerate baby raping monsters

I don't think anyone is doing that.

Have you not read Foucault or Rubin's founding document on 'Queer' theory (I'm sure you must have).

Professor Jensen plays jeopardy with his students here about it.

Also lots of examples here promoting 'MAPs'.
(06-10-2024, 03:45 AM)Karl12 Wrote: I don't think anyone is doing that.

Have you not read Foucault or Rubin's founding document on 'Queer' theory (I'm sure you must have).

Professor Jensen plays jeopardy with his students here about it.

Also lots of examples here promoting 'MAPs'.

Please, can you explain to me in "everyday conversation" how that relates?
(06-09-2024, 07:40 PM)l0st Wrote: Why is transgenderism supplanting all other forms of education in our school systems? Children are not sent to school to discuss human sexuality. They're not sent to school to protest they are sent there to learn. They're sent to school to learn basic life skills like reading, writing, math, science, computers, etc. Aside from covering this phenomenon in a unit in health class and possible biology, I fail to see why such education should take such a prominent role in our children's educational careers.

I find it interesting that school systems spent decades teaching kids to ignore race, gender, etc only to do a complete 180 circa Obama admin and now one's race or sexual orientation seems to be the absolute first consideration one should be making when dealing with others. Literally, the kids are being taught "treat this person differently because they are black" and "treat this person differently because they are a lesbian". Anyone else see a problem here?

They're purposely polarizing and politicizing childrens' educations. Disgusting.

You’re confused why government sponsored indoctrination centers indoctrinate children?

There is a reason homeschool students numbers have exploded.
(06-10-2024, 12:03 PM)pianopraze Wrote: You’re confused why government sponsored indoctrination centers indoctrinate children?

There is a reason homeschool students numbers have exploded.

Majority (not all) homeschooling is for religious reasons.

We've all heard the glowing accolades of homeschooling.

Have you ever researched the other side?

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