12-01-2024, 05:44 PM
Just cause the Clif High alien invasion thing wasn't fun enough!
"A powerful ultra-rare energy signal has appeared in the Schumann resonances. The last time this occurred was four days before and also during the most powerful earthquake of the past two years, the magnitude 7.8 Turkey-Syria earthquake of February 2023. Is this energy blast another pre-earthquake signal?"
Geophysicist Stefan Burns brings us unusual readings picked up by Tromsk Russia of unusual activity measured within the low-magnetic field range. It might be indicative of a earthquake happening sooner rather than later, however either way it was a interesting diversion plus educational.
"A powerful ultra-rare energy signal has appeared in the Schumann resonances. The last time this occurred was four days before and also during the most powerful earthquake of the past two years, the magnitude 7.8 Turkey-Syria earthquake of February 2023. Is this energy blast another pre-earthquake signal?"
Geophysicist Stefan Burns brings us unusual readings picked up by Tromsk Russia of unusual activity measured within the low-magnetic field range. It might be indicative of a earthquake happening sooner rather than later, however either way it was a interesting diversion plus educational.