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Evidence Man Never Landed On The Moon - Documentary
I think the problem is that there has been a concerted effort to muddy the waters of curiosity.

Any "problems" or "objections" to the Moon Landing claims are automatically characterized as equating to "We never went."  

But that is not the image I see coalescing.  The image I see forming is that the government expended massive amounts of energy and technical expertise to avoid showing us what was happening - when it was happening.  The footage was "produced" ala Hollywood, the images professionally treated to convey a "perfect" facsimile of what happened (but not so perfect, after all.)

I maintain my hesitation isn't a "lack of faith" in the fact that we pulled it off as a mission, it's a near certainty that what we 'saw' of it was a façade.  That (in keeping with the prevalent paranoia of all leadership since WWII) they lacked the courage to allow what was happening to be shown to the public.  They desperately wanted to "control" the production and broadcast so badly that an entire generation would never realized what really went down... which they deemed "super" secret because: reasons.

In hindsight, there was hardly any valid reason to "hide" what happened, but they hid it anyway... preemptively.
We have to admit NASA has had some questionable events happen.

Like the questions about lost footage from Apollo 11, It was only the most historic event from modern mankind.

Why was there such a gap in moon exploration? for example, now every country that can is sending probes to the moon, is it just Helium 3 thats lead the renaissance of researching the Moon
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-26-2024, 02:39 PM)putnam6 Wrote: ..... now every country that can is sending probes to the moon...

Apparently, Russia prioritises sending probes to Venus. Perhaps the resources and opportunities there are better and it knows there may be less competition to their operations there.

At the end of the day I am always left with a bitter tast in my mouth concerning space exploration. Man can apparently send endless objects into space at a VAST expense, usually to taxpayers, but it still has homeless, starving, warring, crime, poverty and messed up humans gazing up at the vastness of "out there" and still so little know about our Oceans "down there" litertally on our doorstep.

Crazy World and crazy beings.


Wisdom knocks quietly, always listen carefully. And never hit "SEND" or "REPLY" without engaging brain first.
(05-26-2024, 04:40 PM)Nerb Wrote: Apparently, Russia prioritises sending probes to Venus. Perhaps the resources and opportunities there are better and it knows there may be less competition to their operations there.

At the end of the day I am always left with a bitter tast in my mouth concerning space exploration. Man can apparently send endless objects into space at a VAST expense, usually to taxpayers, but it still has homeless, starving, warring, crime, poverty and messed up humans gazing up at the vastness of "out there" and still so little know about our Oceans "down there" litertally on our doorstep.

Crazy World and crazy beings.


Well one reason they choose Venus it was easier to get to, even if below the clouds it was a hellish landscape with an atmospheric pressure 92 time that of earth. Still I love the pics they got from Venus...but as far as extracting resources they have to make hardier vehicles and probes. 

Agree 1000% but humanity can do both, war, death, destruction, and famine shouldn't stop us from attempting to find a vacation home. But I believe humanity must find a way to go and live elsewhere independent of Earth completely, or we risk our extinction sooner or later 

His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Venus and the exploration thereof is something I've always been interested in.  The conditions on the surface of Venus are certainly extreme, in the extremist of senses.  I didn't fully understand just how extreme until just a decade ago or so when I was working on a project to harden some electronics gear to some fairly extreme thermal conditions.  After much frustration, I remembered the conditions on Venus and started to look more carefully into what the Russians had done for some of their missions.  It was here I realized just how extreme the environment on Venus really is/was.  I knew the temperatures were extreme, but what I hadn't fully understood was why there's not much you can do about them.  Here on Earth we can use all sorts of different methods of heat-exchange to facilitate cooling, but on Venus none of these work.  The surface temperature of 827 degrees F is 4x the boiling point of water at Sea Level on Earth, but this is only half the problem (or less).  Worse, the relative humidity level is so high that you can't reject the heat anywhere (even a little bit) through any sort of a convective or condensation based system.  When you couple this with an atmospheric pressure which is 92x that of Earth's (at Sea Level) this is equivalent to being 3,000 feet below the surface of the ocean.  Under this extreme pressure heat can't even be rejected anywhere, and absorption is like 100%. 

The radiator in your car keeps your car from boiling over because it's under pressure, but the pressure is just fractions of the pressure on Venus.  If we use the radiator in your car as an example, the exact reverse thing happens, liquids don't boil (to reject heat), they just continue to heat up.  And, in the case of Venus, things heat up past the liquification point of lead, tin and even zinc.  Okay, so silicon chips melt at 1400F, and silver and gold circuit tracing melt at 1400 and 1700F, what's the problem, right?  Well, current goes up as temperatures rise.  However, so too does resistance increase as temps rise, so you've got two factors working against you...exponentially.  Current increases conductor size, and so too does resistance to overcome the increased current.  Result?  Heavier everything. And, heavier equals more mass to absorb more heat, which just creates an endless cycle of overheating until the whole assembly just melts, leaving the highest melting point materials remaining.  It's like the most hostile environment imaginable.  AND, I haven't even talked yet about the gases present which are both caustic and acidic.  Ironically, the higher levels of Venus' atmosphere are much more hospitable, but much like any satellite orbiting a planet, orbits must be maintained, else they will decay and descend into this fatally hostile zone below.

One of the best things I love about Venus is termed a "Runaway Greenhouse" planet, except for one BIG problem...humans NEVER lived there, never even set foot there!!!  So, put that in your pipe and smoke it, algore, and greta thugslug!! Even one of my favorite physicists, Carl Sagan, used Venus as an example of what will happen to Earth if we don't stop our "evil ways" (this was the last thing I ever listened to from him).  WRONG!  Venus lived and died all on its own, without one single input from mankind.  Is "Climate Change" real?  Maybe, but humans didn't cause it...and humans will NOT fix it.  Period.  F you, greta; YOU are the one who should be "ashamed" of your own stupidity!  Don't allow yourselves to be brow beaten from some little Asperger's adult (who pretends to be a teen) with a learning disorder, and a dysfunctional family.  And yes, this last part is very much an editorial statement.  Prove me wrong!
(05-25-2024, 10:17 AM)Nerb Wrote: A reflector is not necessary to bounce a laser off the surface of the moon. It was done years before the moon landings without. The information is in the video.

Thanks for the respect. Better a skeptic than having a head stuck in the Moondust.

Did you even watch the video?

The winners of wars write the history. Nobody can prove so many of the "facts" after an event.

You say you"know" so many things which does not force truth. Facts do, and WE weren't there to witness anything.

I appreciate your long reply, but there are still so many unanswered questions that cannot be answered with a few words on an internet forum.

I hope you enjoyed the video regardless. Interesting accumulation of information isn't it?

Just like the earth is flat spiricy. Jeesch
(05-05-2024, 03:06 PM)KKLoco Wrote: Did you watch the video? Just because there is debris, doesn’t mean humans were there. We have unmanned probes as well.

I’m 2.5 hours into the video. It’s by far the most comprehensive information I’ve ever seen.

Previously, I believed that we went - but faked the actual footage. After watching the first 2.5 hours of that video, I’m convinced man never went there. There’s just too much evidence that to prove otherwise. Probes went - but man didn’t.
I thought this is a very old video which you can't find on YouTube because they have removed it sometime ago. Obviously this isn't the video I had in mind.
Quote:The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick's Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World Stanley Kubrick is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Of his 13 movies a few are considered classics in their respective genres. Including the black comedy Dr. Strangelove, the highly-quotable anti-war commentary of Full Metal Jacket, and one of the most disturbing and enduring horror films of all time, The Shining. But in 1968, Kubrick released "2001 – A Space Odyssey". This is more than a classic. It's a masterpiece. And widely regarded as one of the best science-fiction films of all time, and probably the most influential. This collaboration with science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke tells the story of an alien intelligence that visited Earth in the distant past, and left behind artifacts in the solar system. The movie features groundbreaking special effects, which still hold up today. In fact, the effects looked so good, that the movie gave the American government an idea. Billions of tax dollars were invested in the space program but the Soviets were still years ahead of the United States. NASA desperately needed to get to the moon before Russia, but they knew it was impossible. So they turned to one of the world's best filmmakers for help. Because when it came to the moon: if they couldn't make it, they'd fake it. #Conspiracy #MoonLanding #Hoax

No one rules if no one obeys

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire
(05-04-2024, 01:29 PM)Nerb Wrote: Here is a superb documentary covering so many of the conspiracies regarding the (apparent) Moon Landings.

Many questions are asked and scrutinised with evidence from many different sources covering so many of the traditional conspiracies and then some. It's a long one at 3 hours 34 minutes but very well worth the time for those serious about understanding truth and taking in the evidence to find it.

I'm sure some folks here have a theory or two and perhaps they will be focused on in the documentary subject matter and perhaps you will also, like me, have a whole bunch more theories afterwards to put to those who still believe Man actually did walk on the Moon. I think modern technology and evolved critical thinking are finally catching up to the old technology and spoonfed information that never got scrutinised too much at the time in favour of the amazing news of the event.

A very thorough and professional documentary to watch. Enjoy.

Evidence Man Never Landed On The Moon.


Just watched this for 2.5hrs ...still need to watch the rest, however, this only deeply confirms what I already suspected, this guy DEFINITELY did his research! Way to many questions without many answers....because there is refutable proof now and has been and what see now is nothing more than to keep the machine rolling to keep the paychecks rolling. IMO
One of the most profound points in the film, to me anyway, was the reactions (or lack of) of the 3 Apollo astronauts during the press conference after returning.  Body language speaks volumes

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