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Columbia University has fallen
(05-05-2024, 07:50 PM)rickymouse Wrote: The hippies in the sixties were at least trying to make a better society to make everyone equal back in the sixties.  They protested against all warring on all sides, they wanted peace and tranquility.

[Image: 9joOYuK.jpg]

Wisdom knocks quietly, always listen carefully. And never hit "SEND" or "REPLY" without engaging brain first.
(05-11-2024, 08:48 PM)Nerb Wrote: [Image:]

I don't know if the hippies were right about everything, and they too were infiltrated or used by semi-nefarious groups. But yes we watched Laugh-In, LOL they were correct on the most pressing issues and attitudes, tolerance for example. Growing up in the southern US in a semi-conservative family, we were probably lower middle class at best,  we were anti Vietnam for one
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-06-2024, 06:21 PM)putnam6 Wrote: What's simply false is your opinion the whole campus cares. You don't know one way or the other and have nothing but your speculations and hopes. While I've shown you evidence the protests are passionate, however, they are NOT huge in scope or ferocity and once they become disruptive they are being dealt with. NOT TO MENTION every single one of them has the presence of outside agitators not affiliated with the colleges or universities. 

If overwhelmingly popular, there would be zero counter-protests, and the pro-Palestine crowds would be everywhere, not just a few hundred.  Almost every university protest Ive seen has a pro-Israeli counter-protest, some of those swamp the opposing side. Polls continue to show that the Palestine infatuation is mostly 30 AND UNDER. Even under 30 strong support is less than 25% even basic support is less than 50% while opposition even under 30 is 25%

The rest of America is pro-Israel by a wide margin.

These polls in the Washington Post reflect EXACTLY my assertion that these protests so far have weak sympathetic support from the general public. are more likely to oppose than support campus protests in general, Americans are skeptical of protests



Regardless, it isn't stopping anything in Israel, Gaza or even the US, hell FWIW it could make it worse.

IDF spokesperson updates international journalist on Rafah Operation:
- IDF has operational control of the Gazan side of Rafah Crossing.
- IDF started a precise, limited counter terrorism operation to eliminate Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups in specific area within eastern Rafah.
- IDF encouraged Rafah residents and international organizations to evacuate to designated areas.
- A vast amount of the organizations and the people in the area of eastern Rafah have moved to a safe zone.
- IDF intelligence Gaza side of Rafah crossing was being used for terrorist operations.
- Airforce and ground troops attacked terror targets in Rafah.
- Since the eastern Rafah operation has started, 20 terrorists have been eliminated, three tunnel shafts have been found.
- Keren Shalom remains closed for security reason.
- A car bomb was aimed at Israeli troops, it was eliminated.
- 162nd and 401st Brigades operating in eastern Rafah.
- Special forces operating in the Rafah Crossing area.

There would be protests and counter protests but judging from protests all over the world the anti-war movement has become very strong again.

I don't agree this is a loud minority but I will add that not everyone attends protests in our days when the internet exists and can have their views heard.

(05-05-2024, 04:46 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: As I said, if they really were 'antiwar' they wouldn't be chanting 'From the river to the sea' which is a call to war to genocide the Jews.  If they really were peace activists that chant wouldn't be going on, nor would the calls of  'we are hamas' and 'we know where you live' and 'die jews die' and 'go back to Germany to the holocaust' ... and if they really were peace activists they wouldn't be chasing Jewish students through the schools causing the Jews to have to lock themselves in classrooms for safety ... and if they really were peace activists they wouldn't be blocking Jewish students from entering classrooms to attend classes that they paid for.   etc etc.     No, the protests are not 'antiwar' and they are not 'peaceful'.

You put everyone in the same group.
Students are diverse in their thinking and they are free to say what they think.

(05-05-2024, 03:49 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: They can't side with Hamas without agreeing with their goals. If they can't see that, then our education system failed them which I think is true. On top of that their parents failed them. Our country failed them by allowing the schools to be taken over by wanna-be Marxists.

At what point did it become OK to simply ignore that Hamas attacked Israel and Israel is defending itself. If they do not, they will be eliminated from the planet by Hamas and Iran and all the groups Iran arms and funds.

Israel literally has no choice but to wipe out Hamas. They can't do otherwise when defending against people who want the Jews all dead and gone. It is not their fault that the sick people that the Palestinians chose to fight for them use children and women as human shields and use hospitals and schools as their headquarters.

Nobody buys the argument that its only the Zionists that they want gone.

I never would have imagined that in my lifetime I'd see American students act just like the Hitlerjugend  [Image:] This is so completely different than the real Peace Movement its amazing anyone would fall for that line. Pure propaganda. Pure hate. 

If we don't clean up the universities that have sold out and do it right now, the future is bleak. How do we fix an entire generation of brain washed kids?

Perhaps you need to think why american and other ethnicity students want to side with the Palestinians (not with a particular group like Hamas). They side with the weak and the persecuted.
(05-14-2024, 02:01 PM)Notran Wrote: Perhaps you need to think why american and other ethnicity students want to side with the Palestinians (not with a particular group like Hamas). They side with the weak and the persecuted.

No, I don't need to think that. You simply do not chant "from the river to the sea" unless you agree with Hamas and its primary goals. The Palestinians chose Hamas as their government with their eyes open. The irony of it all is Hamas also wants to eliminate the Western World. Even the young people protesting for them. I doubt that irony is lost on them.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
If they are anti-war, then where was all the college protests against Russia?
(05-14-2024, 02:01 PM)Notran Wrote: Perhaps you need to think why american and other ethnicity students want to side with the Palestinians ...

Don't need to think about it at all.  It's obvious.  They are useful idiots.  They are being used by terrorists and by people on the other side of the world who would gladly chop off their heads and rape their dead bodies.  The dumbest group ... the 'queers for Palestine'.   Being queer in Gaza is illegal and will get you legally murdered.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
It is the effect of activism.  It's all good until antagonists start using their 'performances' to indoctrinate.

In the end, this entire event demonstrates that while "at university" they are not taught things, they are told things.

Seems amazing that all these "youths" are happily following a trend found in history and long studied.

College Student "Solution:" Kill them all.

Of course this characterization may be terribly unfair to the MANY students (most) who don't feel that way.
(05-14-2024, 02:01 PM)Notran Wrote: There would be protests and counter protests but judging from protests all over the world the anti-war movement has become very strong again.

I don't agree this is a loud minority but I will add that not everyone attends protests in our days when the internet exists and can have their views heard.
It's funny I want to believe you but you offer no evidence except YOUR OPINION

First I'll just spout out my opinions too

An estimated 2500 arrests nationwide from over 140 universities and colleges this means each university protest had an average of 17.8 people arrested. Wow, Liberta! Liberta! Liberta! That may be a lot for Australia but for the US it's minuscule and has loss waht little momentum it had 

This brings up another pertinent point, respectfully it doesn't matter if Australia or any other country protests, ONLY the US support is crucial to Israel. No matter how much the current administration wants to placate the pro-Palestinian because of the election, it can not convince Israel to back off Rafah, end the elimination of Hamas, or forget the hostages still held in Gaza.

Nor should it...

for more perspective here today's protest in New York, kinda of small and insignificant, and an article pointing out my continued assertion that these protests aren't like the 60s protests, even with the few commonalities. But first...

[Image: GNmkElDWgAAlv32?format=jpg&name=small]

His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Honestly I have no issue if they were peacefully protesting the war, without all the antisemitic hate speech. If they were not denying others their Rights. If they were no interfering with the vast majority of students who want nothing to do with the craziness and hate.

They will pay a price in the end. Employers will not want to hire people who were educated over the last few years. It is bad management to hire people who may be brainwashed radicals. The companies would be better off if they hire people without degrees and train them on the job. I feel for parent now. They will still have their kids living with them into their thirties.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(05-14-2024, 02:01 PM)Notran Wrote: There would be protests and counter protests but judging from protests all over the world the anti-war movement has become very strong again.

I don't agree this is a loud minority but I will add that not everyone attends protests in our days when the internet exists and can have their views heard.

You put everyone in the same group.
Students are diverse in their thinking and they are free to say what they think.

Perhaps you need to think why american and other ethnicity students want to side with the Palestinians (not with a particular group like Hamas). They side with the weak and the persecuted.

Perhaps you need to think about changing your opinion if the story below is even partially true. From the beginning, Ive said I don't mind protests as long as they are organic home grown and the college protests especially need to come from the students and faculties, all the protests outside the universities have been small peaceful and non-disruptive. This is not the case on campus most if not all have large percentages of outside actors and agitators, and we are hearing now of foreign involvement. Respectfully thats completely unacceptable if a foreign country sponsors this in any way shape or form. It means these protests aren't just like the 60s and 70s. Furthermore, we have the increasing possibility that China is playing a major role here. If true, and Im still checking it is a huge and ominous development, as try and bring back the momentum.

I understand Australia is perfectly fine with China sticking it's nose "down under" but that's not the case at all here in the US.

This would be like America organizing and paying for protesters in China in the early days of COVID.
Eitan Fischberger

BREAKING: A new report published by the
found that the anti-Israel protest movement – which has been blocking/occupying public spaces since October 2023 – is linked to the Chinese government and aims to exacerbate societal tensions and destabilize American institutions
8:52 AM · May 15, 2024

[Image: GNnuomAXMAADScB?format=png&name=900x900]

[Image: 7HYFSW3G65AINDNJEHYQXMP3OQ.png&w=916]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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