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Columbia University has fallen
the 'peaceful antiwar protestors', who have been threatening Jewish students and faculty with death for weeks, are now calling for a bloody murderous intifada and are calling  for school administration beheadings.  The useful idiots are no different than radical Islam and want to sink this country into being a Middle East craphole.

"We are Hamas', 'Kill the Jews', 'Intifada', 'from the river to the sea' (genocide the Jews), 'we know where you live', 'To the guillotine', 'off to the mother f*** gallows with you too' ... 

GWU Anarchists Call for Beheadings of School Administrators
Quote:Anarchists at George Washington University (GWU) in Washington, D.C., have apparently called for the beheadings of school administrators amid their continued anti-Israel encampment.

On Tuesday, demonstrators on campus called for the "guillotine" to be used on GW President Ellen Granberg and other school administrators, a video posted to social media showed.

"Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine" a person repeatedly chanted as others joined in, while some specifically targeted Christopher Alan Bracey, GW’s African American provost, The National Desk (TND) reported. "Bracey, Bracey we see you, you assault students too."

"To the guillotine," another can be heard shouting, per the report. "Off to the motherf****** gallows with you too."  
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(05-08-2024, 05:59 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: the 'peaceful antiwar protestors', who have been threatening Jewish students and faculty with death for weeks, are now calling for a bloody murderous intifada and are calling  for school administration beheadings.  The useful idiots are no different than radical Islam and want to sink this country into being a Middle East craphole.

"We are Hamas', 'Kill the Jews', 'Intifada', 'from the river to the sea' (genocide the Jews), 'we know where you live', 'To the guillotine', 'off to the mother f*** gallows with you too' ... 

GWU Anarchists Call for Beheadings of School Administrators

Yet another thing these protests DO NOT have in common with the 60s and 70s protests.
FWIW it's likely the most concerning aspect about the whole process. Hell Im not sure it's fixable either, where does that amount of barbaric 17th-century hate come from?
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-08-2024, 05:59 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: the 'peaceful antiwar protestors', who have been threatening Jewish students and faculty with death for weeks, are now calling for a bloody murderous intifada and are calling  for school administration beheadings.  The useful idiots are no different than radical Islam and want to sink this country into being a Middle East craphole.

"We are Hamas', 'Kill the Jews', 'Intifada', 'from the river to the sea' (genocide the Jews), 'we know where you live', 'To the guillotine', 'off to the mother f*** gallows with you too' ... 

GWU Anarchists Call for Beheadings of School Administrators

" calling for a bloody murderous intifada and are calling  for school administration beheadings."

This is going too far ....

[Image: VpPJFpG.png]

They should be all arrested, send them all to Guantanamo Bay or what ever....just get them out .
Inciting mob violence can be considered a crime.  It has been so deemed before, in very similar circumstances. Why not here?

Is the DA just afraid, bought off, too political to function, 'under orders,' hopelessly confused and overwhelmed?  Or are the "activists" in leadership SO powerful and worthy of fear and respect that it would be career suicide to proceed that way?  And where is the court?

Or is this a plan?  Distraction anyone?

These people with their tantrums and professionally directed whining will change absolutely nothing.  Their words and acts are inflammatory emotion fodder... but there is not "change" they can engender...

hmmm... purposeless activity, full media "side show" status, practically zero law enforcement, calling for death... yeah... fine candidate for "distraction."
Our leadership nationally and locally set the stage for this in my opinion. For the last few years the nations youth have watched riots, arson, projectiles thrown and even murders go unpunished.

I think it's also a bad thing they went through a couple of years of remote learning on top of not being able to engage in normal activities for kids and young adults. It led them to spend more and more time online being exposed to the worst the world has to offer.

They watched even their own parents in the streets participating.

When the adults in the room failed to stop and even participated in bad and even dangerous behavior, they paid attention.

They need to learn that only peaceful, lawful protest is legal or moral, and why. Who is there to teach them basic lessons in behavior when their parents failed and the schools failed, and on top of our government and law enforcement completely failing. In these young peoples minds after watching what went on in Portland, Seattle, DC and other places, what can we expect.

We sowed bad seed in infertile soil and now we reap what we have sown.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
I can't stand how everyone is calling this an "anti-war" protest.

If they were protesting against war, then why aren't they protesting Russia?

Plus, this isn't even a war we're in, so all I can figure is that it's an Anti-Israel, or anti-Jew protest.
(05-08-2024, 03:36 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: I can't stand how everyone is calling this an "anti-war" protest.

If they were protesting against war, then why aren't they protesting Russia?

Plus, this isn't even a war we're in, so all I can figure is that it's an Anti-Israel, or anti-Jew protest.
A lot of these protests are definitely not organic college students on campus protests, they are full of outside influencers, financiers, and extremists for other causes. AGAIN, this was not the case in the 60s and 70s protests. 

So yes it's mostly anti-Israel-anti Jew and by default anti-American. Of course, there is another difference, 60s and 70s protests certainly didn't affect political policy immediately as these flare-ups have the Biden administration

Sunlight—Best Disinfectant

ONLY 6 of 33 people arrested at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. earlier this week were students
NYPD reported nearly half of 282 arrests from the past week were NOT affiliated with either Columbia or City College

[Image: urnxD2E0?format=jpg&name=small]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-08-2024, 03:36 PM)DBCowboy Wrote: I can't stand how everyone is calling this an "anti-war" protest.

Chanting the Hamas genocidal chant of 'from the river to the sea ... ' is NOT anti-war.
It's the exact opposite.
It's a call to war to genocide the Jews.  
Nothing peaceful about it.
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(05-10-2024, 05:25 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: Chanting the Hamas genocidal chant of 'from the river to the sea ... ' is NOT anti-war.
It's the exact opposite.
It's a call to war to genocide the Jews.  
Nothing peaceful about it.

Read elsewhere and Ill try and find it and post  links, but essentially it said in 20-25 years from now, the whole country if not a huge part of the world will look back and ask "What in the hell were they thinking?" LOL if not earlier

An interesting article about the protests and the police response, Im not sure I agree with the Reuters assumption here. Dont tell me Reuters has an agenda and can't just report and analyze with out so much spin. 

Damn sure know, whatever the response needs to be on a case-by-case basis. What "worked" at Columbia might not go over as well at our colleges and universities in other regions. 

But we can gather some excellent educated conclusions just by the numbers 2600+ demonstrators arrested at more than 100 protests affirms these are extremely small protests relative to the 60s and 70s, and definitely compared to the Floyd/BLM protests.
Since the first mass arrests at Columbia on April 18, at least 2,600 demonstrators have been detained at more than 100 protests in 39 states and Washington, D.C., according to The Appeal, opens new tab, a nonprofit news organization. The charges are mainly trespassing, with some for assault of a police officer. New York has also accused suspects of criminal mischief and burglary.
Some prosecutors are dismissing cases. After police on horseback and clad in riot gear intervened at the University of Texas at Austin on April 25, Travis County prosecutors dropped charges against 57 people, citing a lack of probable cause.
Criminologists say many mass arrest cases are dismissed because police apply broad, general statements, sometimes in identical language, to large numbers of suspects. Such arrests are also prone to sweeping up bystanders or people charged with minor offenses such as trespassing.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
They are building a legacy that they'll be ashamed of.

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