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Columbia University has fallen
The hippies in the sixties were at least trying to make a better society to make everyone equal back in the sixties.  They protested against all warring on all sides, they wanted peace and tranquility.  I did some protesting with tree huggers back in the seventies, and it was all peaceful protesting other than a couple of people hired by some logging organization that damaged the equipment after the protestors left.  They did it to try to get local sentiment against the tree huggers.  I only knew about this because afterwards, many of the people went to the bar and a guy from out of the area that was stirring things up was there and I was talking to him....he worked doing that kind of stuff, in this case he told me the name of the logging organization that paid him...he told me I could go work with paid, plus a good pay for his work which was way more than I made at the time.  I did not approve of what he was doing but did stay polite and watched my tongue.  He had dumped sand down into the gas tanks, leaving the cap off, and spraypainted the equipment at the site of the protest after we all had left...his actions were noticable, and he did mention that he was informed by the organization that the logging company was fully insured.  I knew the logger, and although there was a big write up in the paper about it he said the damage was minimal.  Before that time I did not comprehend that that stuff was going on.

I never mentioned this to the cops, but half a dozen years later I was talking to the sheriff who was related to me, and he said they knew that and that after a little while but no charges were filed against anyone so they went along with it.  It did stop the protesting by the youth, which was disrupting the lives of loggers and industries that made flooring and lumber.  So it was beneficial for the working people in the area...since I worked at a flooring mill, I understood.
(05-05-2024, 03:49 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: Nobody buys the argument that its only the Zionists that they want gone.

I read an interview with one of the Hamas leaders and in it he said that after they wipe out the Jews, they were going to wipe out the 'treacherous Christians' next, and that they wanted the whole world, not just 'Palestine'.   I don't have a link to the article anymore, but that stuck with me and I won't forget it.  Anyone who sides with Hamas is a suicidal idiot.

Hamas Defector Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef,  Tells Pro Palestinian Activists They Belong in a Mental Asylum

Quote:"It's very disappointing to see Americans supporting Hamas and thinking that Hamas is a cool thing, while Hamas does not respect any of those followers, while those followers don't know that Hamas would torture them and massacre them with no mercy. They call them useful idiots. They don't know that Hamas is a dark black hole," Yousef said on an April 2 episode of "Dr. Phil Primetime." 

"[Pro-Palestinians are] absolutely idiots because they don't know what they are supporting. They are supporting a monster that has been hijacking an entire society and endangering the entire Middle East, pushing the world towards a global war. … What's happening is insanity. Those pro-Palestine people need to go to a mental asylum." 

"In fact, since Oct. 7, I personally don't differentiate between Hamas and the so-called Palestinians because, actually, there is no Palestinians, there are tribes. There is a tribe of Hamas, and there is the tribe of the Islamic Jihad … and each one has different interests, and all of them are conflicted," he said. "If they did not have Israel as the common enemy, they would kill each other. This is the reality."
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
In other related news ... Columbia caves in to the antiJew mob.
Cancels commencement and uses the excuse that it's what the students really want.
If I was a student there, I'd be ticked off.
Classes interrupted by idiots, school prestige dramatically harmed, 
violence threatened against innocent classmates, and my graduation 
screwed up.

Columbia Cancels Large Commencement That Was Planned
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
Columbia's leadership has clearly dropped the ball here. That place will need a thorough cleaning including all new leadership.

The goals of Hamas have remained what they always were I'm sure. Part of their plan has always been world domination with anyone who would not embrace their bastardized version of Islam removed from the equation. With Iran propping them up they will remain until Iran either falls or is reinvented.

I truly feel for the Iranians and the Palestinians to a point. Most I'm sure are good people who need to grow a spine and fix the problems themselves. They need to realize that no government can stand if the people unite against them.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(05-06-2024, 10:41 AM)FlyersFan Wrote: In other related news ... Columbia caves in to the antiJew mob.
Cancels commencement and uses the excuse that it's what the students really want.
If I was a student there, I'd be ticked off.
Classes interrupted by idiots, school prestige dramatically harmed, 
violence threatened against innocent classmates, and my graduation 
screwed up.

Columbia Cancels Large Commencement That Was Planned

The terrorists won!
Terrorist never "win"... they are only ever "allowed" to win.

The question becomes... who's doing the "allowing" here?
(05-06-2024, 05:08 PM)Maxmars Wrote: Terrorist never "win"... they are only ever "allowed" to win.

The question becomes... who's doing the "allowing" here?

The ones financing the terrorists.
(05-05-2024, 04:00 AM)Notran Wrote: Hi Blaine,

I don't agree with Hamas at all when they kill civilians just as I don't agree with IDF when they do exactly the same to civilians citing the danger by Hamas. Both have commited hideous crimes.

The students are part of the anti-war movement which includes many who aren't students. I understand it's a usual tactic to name them anarchists and communists but it always happened in the history of the anti-war movement. What students want is the end of the war.

If you can point out to me where in my posts I have mocked and disparaged veterans.

Just as millions of others I disagree with the war in Vietnam which was an absolute disaster with over 58,000 deaths and many more wounded. The US has no business in Vietnam and the students at that time fought a lot with against the deep State who sent Americans to kill Vietnamese for no reason and be killed by them. Millions of Vietnamese died for no reason.

I think you need to start appreciating the anti war movement.

You don't know what the vast majority wants. Not everyone attends protests but if you were to ask students what do they think of the war in Gaza what do you think the answer will be? I am quite confident about the responses and can say the overwhelming majority will be against the war. Saying students don't care derives from nowhere, it's simply false.

What's simply false is your opinion the whole campus cares. You don't know one way or the other and have nothing but your speculations and hopes. While I've shown you evidence the protests are passionate, however, they are NOT huge in scope or ferocity and once they become disruptive they are being dealt with. NOT TO MENTION every single one of them has the presence of outside agitators not affiliated with the colleges or universities. 

If overwhelmingly popular, there would be zero counter-protests, and the pro-Palestine crowds would be everywhere, not just a few hundred.  Almost every university protest Ive seen has a pro-Israeli counter-protest, some of those swamp the opposing side. Polls continue to show that the Palestine infatuation is mostly 30 AND UNDER. Even under 30 strong support is less than 25% even basic support is less than 50% while opposition even under 30 is 25%

The rest of America is pro-Israel by a wide margin.

These polls in the Washington Post reflect EXACTLY my assertion that these protests so far have weak sympathetic support from the general public. are more likely to oppose than support campus protests in general, Americans are skeptical of protests

[Image: XRQT3MVHIVCBBL6DII3MP7LYIA.png&w=916][Image: 7HYFSW3G65AINDNJEHYQXMP3OQ.png&w=916]


Regardless, it isn't stopping anything in Israel, Gaza or even the US, hell FWIW it could make it worse.

IDF spokesperson updates international journalist on Rafah Operation:
- IDF has operational control of the Gazan side of Rafah Crossing.
- IDF started a precise, limited counter terrorism operation to eliminate Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups in specific area within eastern Rafah.
- IDF encouraged Rafah residents and international organizations to evacuate to designated areas.
- A vast amount of the organizations and the people in the area of eastern Rafah have moved to a safe zone.
- IDF intelligence Gaza side of Rafah crossing was being used for terrorist operations.
- Airforce and ground troops attacked terror targets in Rafah.
- Since the eastern Rafah operation has started, 20 terrorists have been eliminated, three tunnel shafts have been found.
- Keren Shalom remains closed for security reason.
- A car bomb was aimed at Israeli troops, it was eliminated.
- 162nd and 401st Brigades operating in eastern Rafah.
- Special forces operating in the Rafah Crossing area.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
Here's a completely new angle on the American college and university protests not present during the 70s. The protester is against the wall a 40-year-old trust fund "student" that owns a 3.4 million dollar townhouse. James Carson trust funder is attacking the work place and livelihood of the common American man Mario Torres who works a job for 19 bucks an hour, at Columbia University

....guess which side the majority of Americans are on.

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-07-08-56-18-397.jpg]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-05-2024, 07:50 PM)rickymouse Wrote: The hippies in the sixties were at least trying to make a better society to make everyone equal back in the sixties.  They protested against all warring on all sides, they wanted peace and tranquility.  

This is a HUGE difference in the protests now compared to the 60s and 70s. Today's protesters "Any means necessary" and calls for intifada are not exactly peaceful.

for even more perspective a poll of 1250 college students May 3rd -6th 2024, Thier most important issues...The Middle East barely top 10. War issues and civil rights were paramount in the 60s and 70s. 

[Image: GM_pUIaXsAA0QUJ?format=jpg&name=medium]
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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