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Has Anyone Else Here Seen the Triangles?
(04-24-2024, 02:33 AM)Schmoe Wrote: I've posted about this at a few other sites, but I always like to get new opinions and stories.

I've seen two craft in my lifetime that I can't explain, both happened at night. The first time was over 10 years ago. I went outside at work for a smoke, and looked up to the stars like I normally do. I saw what appeared to be a satellite, they look like stars moving in a steady trajectory.

I got the feeling this thing was very high up, or in space. It was slightly bigger and brighter than other satellites I've seen, but it moved in the same way, straight and steady. All of a sudden it moved in a strange way, along the same trajectory, but it looked like it was repeatedly being shot out of a cannon. A rapid acceleration/stop/acceleration/stop. That happened a few times until it went beyond my line of sight past some buildings.

Now for the triangle I saw, this happened about 2 years ago. I left work, and at the time I took a train to get home. It's a 3 minute walk to the station, down a single road. I'm walking down this road, about 9:30 pm, and this craft flew directly over me, I'd say it was roughly 90 feet in length, and about 400 feet up in the air. I couldn't make out the shape of the craft, but it had 3 white lights in a triangle formation, with a blinking red light in the center.

It wasn't going particularly fast, it cruised a long until it went beyond a tree line maybe half mile away. To give a speed reference, from the time I saw it overhead until the time it was gone, was about 15-20 seconds. It didn't hit me until it was gone that it was completely silent. It was a calm, quiet night, and it didn't even produce a hum. There's a lot of air traffic where I work, I often see Cessnas and larger craft, you can hear them clearly even at a far greater distance. This craft also lacked the red and green lights which I thought were required by law.

I used to make fun of people for not capturing these things on video, but it never crossed my mind until it was well gone. I was trying to wrap my head around what I was seeing.

Anybody seen anything similar?

Did you hear any sounds and what was the speed of this triangle?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Has Anyone Else Here Seen the Triangles? - by Notran - 04-27-2024, 06:51 AM

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