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Has Anyone Else Here Seen the Triangles?

No worries on the formatting, I see what you wrote.

Super interesting on the triangle appearing where you were imagining. The more I learn about the UFO topic, the more I believe that there's a link between it and consciousness. We understand very little of consciousness- where it begins, where it goes when we die, or what powers it might possess. It's another reason I've been so interested in near death experiences, OBEs, etc.

Were you a member at ATS? Do you remembers Astro's post about the black triangles? I'm hoping he was legit, because that post tied together a lot of things for me, including the "satellite" I saw. It seemed like what he was talking about with the Orion craft. It's the only time I've read a description that seemed to fit the way it moved.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Has Anyone Else Here Seen the Triangles? - by Schmoe - 04-24-2024, 11:35 PM

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