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Columbia University has fallen
More 'peaceful protests'

"Kill Your Local Colonizer" - Campus Wide Graffiti and Vandalism at University of Washington

yeah ... 'peaceful' my ass ...
Don't be a useful idiot.  Deny Ignorance.
DEI = Division, Exclusion, and Incompetence
(05-16-2024, 02:46 PM)FlyersFan Wrote: More 'peaceful protests'

"Kill Your Local Colonizer" - Campus Wide Graffiti and Vandalism at University of Washington

yeah ... 'peaceful' my ass ...


Our concerns should be on these violent agitators, probably 10-15% that have become embedded in the protests. These people protest just to protest in the hopes it's destabilizing to the US, either from individual motives or they are paid to.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-14-2024, 02:25 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: No, I don't need to think that. You simply do not chant "from the river to the sea" unless you agree with Hamas and its primary goals. The Palestinians chose Hamas as their government with their eyes open. The irony of it all is Hamas also wants to eliminate the Western World. Even the young people protesting for them. I doubt that irony is lost on them.

Students can say what they want and you can't blame the entire student and anti-war movement for what women of them say and do.

(05-14-2024, 02:45 PM)FlyersFan Wrote: Don't need to think about it at all.  It's obvious.  They are useful idiots.  They are being used by terrorists and by people on the other side of the world who would gladly chop off their heads and rape their dead bodies.  The dumbest group ... the 'queers for Palestine'.   Being queer in Gaza is illegal and will get you legally murdered.

You say so but many others will disagree with you. Students are identifying with the weak and the oppressed. That's all they ve done.

(05-14-2024, 04:27 PM)putnam6 Wrote:  
It's funny I want to believe you but you offer no evidence except YOUR OPINION

First I'll just spout out my opinions too

An estimated 2500 arrests nationwide from over 140 universities and colleges this means each university protest had an average of 17.8 people arrested. Wow, Liberta! Liberta! Liberta! That may be a lot for Australia but for the US it's minuscule and has loss waht little momentum it had 

This brings up another pertinent point, respectfully it doesn't matter if Australia or any other country protests, ONLY the US support is crucial to Israel. No matter how much the current administration wants to placate the pro-Palestinian because of the election, it can not convince Israel to back off Rafah, end the elimination of Hamas, or forget the hostages still held in Gaza.

Nor should it...

for more perspective here today's protest in New York, kinda of small and insignificant, and an article pointing out my continued assertion that these protests aren't like the 60s protests, even with the few commonalities. But first...



Here we offer out opinion just as everyone else. You do the same.

I know it's only the US support to Israel that counts because it's the US arming Israel and giving them access to information and billions of dollars. No other countries will do this or willing to even if they could.

(05-15-2024, 01:53 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Perhaps you need to think about changing your opinion if the story below is even partially true. From the beginning, Ive said I don't mind protests as long as they are organic home grown and the college protests especially need to come from the students and faculties, all the protests outside the universities have been small peaceful and non-disruptive. This is not the case on campus most if not all have large percentages of outside actors and agitators, and we are hearing now of foreign involvement. Respectfully thats completely unacceptable if a foreign country sponsors this in any way shape or form. It means these protests aren't just like the 60s and 70s. Furthermore, we have the increasing possibility that China is playing a major role here. If true, and Im still checking it is a huge and ominous development, as try and bring back the momentum.

I understand Australia is perfectly fine with China sticking it's nose "down under" but that's not the case at all here in the US.

This would be like America organizing and paying for protesters in China in the early days of COVID.



My opinion on the protests hasn't changed and won't change because of some discussions on the internet but thanks for sharing yours.
(05-17-2024, 01:35 PM)Notran Wrote: Students can say what they want and you can't blame the entire student and anti-war movement for what women of them say and do.

When protest shuts down a school, it is no longer protest as its denying others their Rights. At that point it is a riot and criminal. When instructors join in the crime, they should be fired on the spot. People don't pay ridiculous amounts of money to not get an education because a hateful minority is allowed to flourish. When anarchy takes over, everyone loses.

I do not buy into the notion that most of them even understand what they are there for. Many if not most are just there for the thrill. The interlopers who are there only to fuel the fire of hate, and are not even students there, need to be spanked by the system. Meaningful stays in jail and fines that break them financially. The anarchists don't give a damn about the Palestinians or anyone for that matter.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(05-17-2024, 01:35 PM)Notran Wrote: Here we offer out opinion just as everyone else. You do the same.

I know it's only the US support to Israel that counts because it's the US arming Israel and giving them access to information and billions of dollars. No other countries will do this or willing to even if they could.
True, here we offer our opinions, here on Deny Ignorance we also encourage supportive and corroborative evidence. Otherwise, you are just standing on a soapbox preaching your individual sermon, respectfully it's a bit monotonous

No other country has what America has to offer they don't need any other help

Are you suggesting it is just Israel and America against all the other countries of the world? 
(05-17-2024, 01:35 PM)Notran Wrote: My opinion on the protests hasn't changed and won't change because of some discussions on the internet but thanks for sharing yours.
Respectfully not trying to change your opinion, Im fully aware it's all you have. Keep clutching to it. 

Amazingly if Hamas released the hostages' I would be more apt to agree with you on stopping the madness.

Amazingly, you never mention the hostages. If they didn't take hostages I'd been much more apt to want the IDF to stop the fighting months ago.

For me I am here for the discussion and even though Im fairly certain I'm solidly behind Israel and the hostages.

This doesn't mean I agree with everything the IDF does. I never thought the IDF would get this far into Gaza without having to pull out because of "outside" pressure. I loathe the death of innocent, children in particular. It occurs all over the world every day, again tell me why there are no protests for the Sudanese. FWIW enough pressure on this administration about that situation might get a more positive response than expecting them to cut off a valuable ally in the real world. REALITY

More reality is if Gaza didn't want to open itself up to the wrath of the IDF perhaps they should have realized this was the inevitable response. Hamas thought they would get support from Hezbollah, Iran, and all the others who denounce Israel's existence. They miscalculated badly, and in the real world, there are consequences.

For the best perspective, there were 238,000 plus deaths in global conflict in 2022, the conflict in Gaza represents a little over 10%. In other words, there is a lot of killing going on elsewhere that our college students don't give a piss about.

Heres a link where called Gaza Graduation where protesting students can win 100 bucks for correct answers to simple questions about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict these are college students mind you
Even this live video today, of a protest in New York the camera never pans out and shows how small it actually is, ever.

His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-17-2024, 02:25 PM)putnam6 Wrote: True, here we offer our opinions, here on Deny Ignorance we also encourage supportive and corroborative evidence. Otherwise, you are just standing on a soapbox preaching your individual sermon, respectfully it's a bit monotonous

No other country has what America has to offer they don't need any other help

Are you suggesting it is just Israel and America against all the other countries of the world? 
Respectfully not trying to change your opinion, Im fully aware it's all you have. Keep clutching to it. 

Amazingly if Hamas released the hostages' I would be more apt to agree with you on stopping the madness.

Amazingly, you never mention the hostages. If they didn't take hostages I'd been much more apt to want the IDF to stop the fighting months ago.

For me I am here for the discussion and even though Im fairly certain I'm solidly behind Israel and the hostages.

This doesn't mean I agree with everything the IDF does. I never thought the IDF would get this far into Gaza without having to pull out because of "outside" pressure. I loathe the death of innocent, children in particular. It occurs all over the world every day, again tell me why there are no protests for the Sudanese. FWIW enough pressure on this administration about that situation might get a more positive response than expecting them to cut off a valuable ally in the real world. REALITY

More reality is if Gaza didn't want to open itself up to the wrath of the IDF perhaps they should have realized this was the inevitable response. Hamas thought they would get support from Hezbollah, Iran, and all the others who denounce Israel's existence. They miscalculated badly, and in the real world, there are consequences.

For the best perspective, there were 238,000 plus deaths in global conflict in 2022, the conflict in Gaza represents a little over 10%. In other words, there is a lot of killing going on elsewhere that our college students don't give a piss about.

Heres a link where called Gaza Graduation where protesting students can win 100 bucks for correct answers to simple questions about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict these are college students mind you

Some links my friend are not supportive and corroborating evidence. Sometime you can use links sometime they are not so useful.

I can find anything online and I don't even bother. Best to offer my opinion rather than links (there are many if you want converting both sides of the argument)

I can ask many questions myself to those who believe they know about Gaza. I don't think they will get it right if their source of information is only the MSM and their continuous propaganda and lies.

(05-17-2024, 01:49 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: When protest shuts down a school, it is no longer protest as its denying others their Rights. At that point it is a riot and criminal. When instructors join in the crime, they should be fired on the spot. People don't pay ridiculous amounts of money to not get an education because a hateful minority is allowed to flourish. When anarchy takes over, everyone loses.

I do not buy into the notion that most of them even understand what they are there for. Many if not most are just there for the thrill. The interlopers who are there only to fuel the fire of hate, and are not even students there, need to be spanked by the system. Meaningful stays in jail and fines that break them financially. The anarchists don't give a damn about the Palestinians or anyone for that matter.

If you have spent time at College/University you see they have slightly different rules as student unions are usually powerful. Students tend to occupy buildings and in many other countries the police can't even enter the premises. Not in the US but it needs a careful approach especially when the students protest against the war. It's common to be called trouble makers, anarchists, communists. Many of them are and are very proud of it, they don't hide it. You want to be against the establishment when you are young and against war. You want to be on the side of the weak. You know what I mean?

(05-18-2024, 01:35 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Even this live video today, of a protest in New York the camera never pans out and shows how small it actually is, ever.


It might have been small but overall the level of support people have shown for Palestine is phenomenal. Countries like South Africa and lately Egypt have gone a step further by accusing Israel of war crimes and genocide.
(05-18-2024, 06:28 PM)Notran Wrote: If you have spent time at College/University you see they have slightly different rules as student unions are usually powerful. Students tend to occupy buildings and in many other countries the police can't even enter the premises. Not in the US but it needs a careful approach especially when the students protest against the war. It's common to be called trouble makers, anarchists, communists. Many of them are and are very proud of it, they don't hide it. You want to be against the establishment when you are young and against war. You want to be on the side of the weak. You know what I mean?

Key phrase is not in the US

You can be on the side of the weak, I'm on the side of the hostages and the weak too, against Hamas. Eliminate Hamas and release all the hostages I agree with a cease-fire

see now I agree with the anti-war protesters, and still be lawful and non-disruptive.

I do not agree with anti-Semitic, anti-America, anarchists, or any other cause bundled on the back of 10/7 and the IDF's response. 

MINUS 10/7 none of this would have happened...
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  
(05-18-2024, 06:28 PM)Notran Wrote: If you have spent time at College/University you see they have slightly different rules as student unions are usually powerful. Students tend to occupy buildings and in many other countries the police can't even enter the premises. Not in the US but it needs a careful approach especially when the students protest against the war. It's common to be called trouble makers, anarchists, communists. Many of them are and are very proud of it, they don't hide it. You want to be against the establishment when you are young and against war. You want to be on the side of the weak. You know what I mean?

I participated in the Peace Movement that played a part in ending the Vietnam War whether it's admitted or not. That was entirely different. We were not siding with terrorists. Siding with Hamas is the opposite of a peace movement. We have a serious problem here with so many of our nations young adults siding with genocidal terrorists. No thinking person is buying the lie that they are not antisemitic and it's clear they are.

To me it always read as strange that people like Hitler and Mao so easily recruited the youth of their counties into their insanity. Now it's happening here.

I learned there were very few authentic war protesters even in the late 60s, early 70s. Many if not most were about being a part of a fad and in all honesty were there for the thrill. It was very different then. In most cases it was polite and those who wanted to get through to go to classes were met with no resistance. After all violence has no place in an actual peace movement.
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
- Benjamin Franklin -
(05-20-2024, 01:11 PM)Blaine91555 Wrote: I participated in the Peace Movement that played a part in ending the Vietnam War whether it's admitted or not. That was entirely different. We were not siding with terrorists. Siding with Hamas is the opposite of a peace movement. We have a serious problem here with so many of our nations young adults siding with genocidal terrorists. No thinking person is buying the lie that they are not antisemitic and it's clear they are.

To me it always read as strange that people like Hitler and Mao so easily recruited the youth of their counties into their insanity. Now it's happening here.

I learned there were very few authentic war protesters even in the late 60s, early 70s. Many if not most were about being a part of a fad and in all honesty were there for the thrill. It was very different then. In most cases it was polite and those who wanted to get through to go to classes were met with no resistance. After all violence has no place in an actual peace movement.
1000%, the abuse, the violence, the angst, and the anger are dangerously off the charts. Simply the 60s and 70s non-protesting students only had to worry about their safety marginally from the police and National Guard,Today's students have to be concerned about their fellow students 24/7. The same goes for the non-protesting teachers and professors.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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