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Residential property. Is there a dark plan?
The Thug Mentality

I don't know all of the technicalities, but ownership is never complete around here even if your house is all paid for.

I fell about a month behind on property tax because of the occasional unexpected expenses and then the city starts acting like a bunch of thugs DEMANDING their money. I basically paid the rest off the following month after it was due.

They send these threatening letters in the mail. First you get something that requires a signature, and the next day the letter that I had to sign for the previous day.

Aside from auto insurance, property tax is the biggest bill. They could care less about circumstances. Fall behind even for a month and they threaten you with one of their rude letters and a lien and ultimately the property and everything on it can be levied if you remain delinquent for long enough.

I have good credit and pay my bills every month, but shit happens. At times they remind me of the mob/mafia with their practices...


And the muscle with the guns to enforce their guidelines, yeah they got that too.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Residential property. Is there a dark plan? - by CCoburn - 06-19-2024, 08:44 AM

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