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Residential property. Is there a dark plan?
The first thing to do, if your object is eliminating personal sovereignty, is to eliminate "privacy" and "property."

The privacy thing is pretty much a fantasy now... but there are still plenty of people who firmly believe that what they own (land-wise) is actually "theirs."

Land ownership is the main target to eliminate if you want a subjugated population that must be "grateful" to some economic authority for having a place to live at all.

Think "eminent domain."  It's more used now than ever before... all for "economic" prosperity of the "land owners" and what "might" "theoretically" "trickle down" to the community of "subjects" in the community of "peasants."  If it doesn't... and it almost never does... "Oh well!"

Many of our elected local officials are all "on-board" with enabling this... I wonder why that is?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Residential property. Is there a dark plan? - by Maxmars - 06-18-2024, 01:47 PM

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