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"We Didn’t Force Anyone To Do Anything"
I recall stating that my opinion was that as long as the 'emergency' was in place, we (consumers) would be exposed to whatever the Pharma employees working at the government service facilities could pull off .. and boy did they!

My 'bulletproof' shield with my pestering doctors' persistent recommendations to get the vaccine was simple... "As long as it is classified as 'experimental,' I will not."  That seemed to end the harassment...

I was particularly dismayed when the "definition" of "vaccine" was changed to cover the "COVID" concoctions... clearly an indication of the Pharma-manned "bureaucracy" at work.  Whenever a "definition" changes... examine it closely... you will find the insertion of "exploitation leverage" in play.

Messages In This Thread
RE: "We Didn’t Force Anyone To Do Anything" - by Maxmars - 06-17-2024, 03:16 PM

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