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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
(06-16-2024, 12:56 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Haha all I was suggesting is all your hyperbole, anger, and frustration over the overall topic IS NOT germane to this specific thread, it misses the truth 

It's all covered in Wyoming Board of Education law... teachers are not required to address students with thier personal designer pronouns.

Im all about states' rights and again do not want DC messing around in this particular area, no more no less anything else your garner from my posts is completely your imagination.

If you want to discuss the other bullet points how about starting another thread(s) where the links and news stories are directly related to thread.

Instead, you just regurgitated your talking points for all issues on this subject in a thread about the use of designer pronouns.

BTW what did you expect?

Complaining that nobody will answer you on all these topics on a fairly new board, with probably less than 1500 members, and most generally lean towards your viewpoint. 

Post the same on ATS you will get responses, hell,  go to the Straight Dope board and you will get hammered, if you do let me know I'd like to read along.

Lastly, look at the 2-star rating on the thread, it just doesn't move the needle for enough people to respond. 

Im fairly certain Wyoming teachers will not have to use them/they or whatever pronouns people pull out of their azzes in the foreseeable future. 

Any other topics is hijacking the original thread, and makes it incredibly hard to follow along and comment on ALL OF THEM

Stay focused

Not sure who assigned you as moderator? I don't see a mod tag on your profile?

I ran message boards for years. In my opinion, it's still on topic. We're talking about trans issues and the teacher calling a student "the wrong name". This opened a wider discussion on trans issues in general as they relate to children's school experience. Pointing out that there are a number of issues with the demands made by this lobby, dead naming being one of them, seems pretty on topic to me.

I already stated my opinion earlier that it was unlikely that the teacher has actually broken any laws and she will likely sue and win. Did you even read the thread?

The questions were posed to people who were responding but ignoring the questions posed to them.

Maybe we should define what exactly "thread hijacking" is on this board since it's pretty typical for natural conversations on a topic to evolve into wider discussion.

When you converse with people in real life and the conversation moves to a tangential but related subject do you tell them to stop talking and walk away?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns - by l0st - 06-16-2024, 08:16 PM

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