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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
(06-15-2024, 07:59 PM)putnam6 Wrote: Respectfully as I pointed out to Annee I jokingly suggested the number system, to handle this absurd problem. As for it being insulting and degrading, that's just your hyperbolic thoughts, virtually no different than the person wanting to be called by their personal designer pronouns 

It was a substitute teacher, not a regular teacher. Doesn't sound as if there was difficulty with the regular teachers, so it was likely just a pissy student with a pissy substitute. Substitute teachers get abused a lot of times, even back in the day. 

My point generally is I'm against anything that disrupts or takes away from teachers actually teaching. If we bend to all the individual needs of the students there would be no time left for real teaching. 

As for your points most, valid or not don't even apply to this specific thread. It all comes down to the Wyoming Board of Education standards and practices. You know like actual state laws, and the less the DC is involved the better. Not sure if it was approved or not. 

[Image:] › 2024 › 02 › 27 › senate-passes-bill-that-would-ban-forced-use-of-preferred-pronouns-in-wyomingBill Banning Forced Use Of Preferred Pronouns Passes Wyoming Senate
Feb 27, 2024A bill that would ban Wyoming state and county governments, along with public schools, from forcing people to use preferred gender pronouns passed the Senate on Tuesday and now moves to the House for consideration.

Where are all the kindergarten activists? Does not apply
Why was this not in issue in my childhood? Does not apply the world changes 
If the gender changes are real, why the need for life long pharmaceuticals? Does not apply
Why do we need new bathrooms? Does not apply
Why do we need 96 new pronouns? Applies 
Why has the movement hijacked causes related to sexual orientation when the claim is that the issue is non-sexual? Does not apply
What rights does this group claim are being restricted? Marginal at best
Why is there a causal link between child transgenderism and parents with Borderline Personality Disorder?Does not apply
Why is the rate of narcissistic sociopathy in this group so high? I read a study that said 87% of this group is diagnosed with a dark triad disorder. Does not apply
Why does this group claim no mental illness when the condition is listed in the DSM? Does not apply
Why is the desire to cut off one's hand or arm considered a serious medical emergency but desire to cut off one's genitals considered perfectly normal? Does not apply

And once again, the lack of responses illustrates my points. No wonder this group keeps losing in the courts, government, and public opinion. If you do not want to answer these questions then you're never going to get what you want because nobody understands where you're coming from with all this.

Every time these questions are asked they are simply dismissed by the transgender lobby as being "irrelevant". Well, hate to break it to you, they ARE relevant.

I'd love to see this lobby go to court and tell the judge they will not respond to the defendant's arguments because they are "irrelevant".

Here I am trying to gain a better understanding of the issues only to be repeatedly dismissed by those that can answer my questions.

Groups who refusebto answer serious questions have no credibility, and it certainly shows you're not here to have any kind of serious discussion. You're here to preach your beliefs to others. We don't have to accept your beliefs.

(06-15-2024, 02:53 PM)ANNEE Wrote: Thanks for welcoming me.

Hush Hush Secret:  I didn't really take your number idea seriously  Tongue

Not every child is a "student".  Like for my kid -- academia -- is least important compared to self-esteem, socialization, etc.

What is a teacher today?  How much actual "teaching" do they do?  Almost everything is automated and online.

We've all heard "Square Peg -- Round Hole" -- are we finally doing something about it? 

Are we finally accepting we are born who we are -- and not everyone fits the standard social indoctrinations.

I swear most of us spend our lives trying to rid ourselves of the indoctrinations that were forced on us by parents and society. Trying to discover who we really are.

Imagine -- just being allowed "to be" from birth -- discovering your likes and dislikes without being herded into a "box".

And BTW -- I am actually more conservative than that sounds -- but I'm not STUCK in antiquated routines of social acceptability.

"That which is not earned has no value"

And I support school uniforms  Cool

The only purposes of public school is to be a srudent. Public schools are not a social club. Do kids learn tangentially how to socialize with others? Absolutely. Is this the primary goal? Absolutely not.

"Everyone" has never fit standard social ideals in all of history. That's why we have looney bins and jails. Even if one's problems are not so severe there have always been outliers. This is a fact that is continuous throughout all of history.

Socially, eccentricity is never going to be widely appreciated nor accepted. This has always been the case and always will be. It's a fool's errand to believe that you will change the minds of 8 billion people to match your own ideals.

The routines aren't antiquated. YOU ARE the outlier. You may not agree with current social doctrine but it does remain current social doctrine whether you like it or not. I'm not trying to slight you are the movement here - simply spitting the plain reality to you because it appears this group exists somewhere outside the plane the rest of us are on. You'd do better to accept the social environment and teach these kids how to survive within it than to try to forcibly indoctrinate the entire population with your viewpoints. Hell, this is even a basic tenet of the 12 step program (arguably also outliers) - acceptance of that which we cannot control.

I do have to say that my observation is that this movement exhibits many parallels with Nazism.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns - by l0st - 06-16-2024, 12:29 PM

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