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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
(06-15-2024, 10:15 AM)putnam6 Wrote: Hey Annee good to see you's all about the limited amount of classroom time

I was kind of joking on using numbers, as an extreme measure to get away from school being disrupted and our teachers actually teaching all students. ie the teacher, substitute or not has a list of the students and their number. When calling roll the calls the number and voila no more problem. Much easier than remembering each person's pronouns, especially for a substitute. 

It's not easy being a teacher, we have 3 teachers in our family, one just retired. They have always stressed trying to limit anything that takes a way from actual classroom time. So when societal changes pop up, these disruptions make a difference.

One reason most private schools they were uniforms, it's not to mesh anybody into a mold it's just if we celebrate everybody's individuality there is no time for actual learning. 

Generally, our children's quality of education is dropping lower and lower, some would say thats how they want them to be. But we are falling behind the rest of the world, how does Europe or Asia handle this type of issue?

 10 Countries with Best World Education Rank:
(Score of 1 is the highest possible score)
1. Iceland - 0.938
2. Germany - 0.917
3. New Zealand - 0.914
4. Norway - 0.912
5. Denmark - 0.909
6. Finland - 0.907
7. Switzerland - 0.902
8. United Kingdom - 0.901
9. Slovenia - 0.898
10. Australia - 0.896

I personally don't think its at all reasonable to expect anyone to remember one of the 96 pronouns for each student. Calling people numbers is insulting and degrading. These kids aren't in prison or s concentration camp.

People remember the standard pronouns because there are only two and they coincide with visual appearance.

I keep asking questions on threads on this topic for years now and notice I NEVER seem to get straight answers or more often than not bo answers at all. It certainly appears that members of this movement seem to think they have the right to dictate to others.

Adult life is not a parent-child relationship. Nobody has to follow this movement's edicts by decree.

So here are the questions again:

Where are all the kindergarten activists?
Why was this not in issue in my childhood?
If the gender changes are real, why the need for life long pharmaceuticals?
Why do we need new bathrooms?
Why do we need 96 new pronouns?
Why has the movement hijacked causes related to sexual orientation when the claim is that the issue is non-sexual?
What rights does this group claim are being restricted?
Why is there a causal link between child transgenderism and parents with Borderline Personality Disorder?
Why is the rate of narcissistic sociopathy in this group so high? I read a study that said 87% of this group is diagnosed with a dark triad disorder.
Why does this group claim no mental illness when the condition is listed in the DSM?
Why is the desire to cut off one's hand or arm considered a serious medical emergency but desire to cut off one's genitals considered perfectly normal?

See, I think these are legitimate questions and frankly, they're the same ones a lot of people outside this movement also have. The fact that this movement simply ignores these questions is in my opinion a huge red flag, and the lack of response is a disservice to members of that community.

I think I already know what the answer is though, and I don't get answers because these are very uncomfortable questions for proponents of these treatments because they may shed light on the fact that things might not be as they seem.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns - by l0st - 06-15-2024, 01:47 PM

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