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It's not that there's no justice... it's just expensive.
Well, justice is more than just 'expensive', it is also very much not 'blind' (as the colloquial phrase goes).  Justice should be 'blind', if there truly was "justice" in the jurisprudence sense, but it is noticeably absent today.

What I mean by this is, today's justice depends not only on how much money you have, but also who you are. 

Case in point, when an individual who should be executed for treason and espionage (of the very highest order) is magically set free to walk on the streets by order of the POTUS.  This is not justice.  When this same individual is subsequently granted a 10 year "Tourist Visa" for the United States, even though they are already a US Citizen, in order to avoid paying tens of millions of dollars in taxes...this is not justice!  Not only were they not prosecuted and then jailed, they were given a prize.  This is not justice.

You may be wondering who this person is, and there's a pretty good possibility you've never heard their name, but I assure you, you know "of"  him.  You know of him from movies such as Pretty Woman, Natural Born Killers, Man on Fire, Falling Down and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, among countless others.

Now, I would love to tell you who this person is, and who the POTUS was who let him go (and Secretary of State who brought it to him), and the whole backstory about nuclear weapons triggers, highly enriched uranium, theft, campaign donations, espionage, entire countries who betrayed their own allies, racism and countless other things almost too unimaginable to comprehend, but alas I cannot.  Why?  Well, because you see, in order to do this I would have to stray into forbidden territory here...politics.  (sigh)  The only thing I can say is, trust it is all very real.  And the most aggravating part of all is, they laughed in all of our faces while doing it; they didn't even care.  They knew us 'peons' couldn't do a damn thing about it.  And then the whole thing got filed away in some file boxes stashed conveniently in a mighty warehouse full of millions of other boxes just like it, never to be seen again.

Regardless, justice is more than just 'expensive'; it is all seeing, and twisted at will to suit agendas which have nothing at all to do with justice and everything to do with money and power.

P.S. - Oh, and BTW...the only people who got scolded in the whole ordeal noted above were the intelligence community agents who brought the whole matter to their superiors and insisted the perpetrators be arrested, prosecuted and jailed.  The only ones...threatened with their careers were they to ever mention even a word of it.  The only good news, if there ever was any, is someone eventually found those boxes, and they even wrote a book about it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: It's not that there's no justice... it's just expensive. - by FlyingClayDisk - 06-15-2024, 06:03 AM

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