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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
Im of the opinion the schools ought to assign students an ID number and thats all they go by.

Bogging down the rest of the student's day because a substitute doesn't know an individual's proper pronouns is BS. 

A number means they are all equal as they should be.

There are many reasons behind homeschooling, we have public school teachers in our family as well as some homeschoolers. Religion was a minor factor in thier decision to home-school. For the record Im generally against homeschooling, but fully support a parent's right to do so.

Bullying and teenage suicides because of bullying are off the charts...these days if my child were to be seriously affected by this alone I'd probably pull them out of school.  

Claude AI on why parents choose homeschooling
Quote:Here are some of the main reasons why parents choose to homeschool their children:
  1. Customize education: Homeschooling allows parents to tailor the curriculum, teaching methods, and pace of learning to their child's individual needs, interests, and learning style.
  2. Academic reasons: Some parents believe they can provide a better education at home, particularly if they are dissatisfied with the quality of the local public or private schools.
  3. Religious or moral reasons: Many parents choose to homeschool for religious or moral reasons, allowing them to incorporate their beliefs and values into their children's education.
  4. Special needs: Homeschooling can provide a more suitable learning environment for children with special educational needs, disabilities, or behavioral challenges.
  5. Family lifestyle: Homeschooling can better accommodate families who travel frequently, have unique schedules, or want to spend more time together.
  6. Bullying or safety concerns: Some parents opt for homeschooling to remove their children from negative social environments or perceived safety issues in traditional schools.
  7. Flexibility: Homeschooling allows for more flexibility in scheduling, taking breaks, and adjusting the pace of learning based on the child's needs.
  8. Socialization concerns: While often a point of criticism, some parents believe they can provide better socialization opportunities through homeschooling activities and interactions.
These reasons can vary among families, and many parents cite a combination of factors for choosing to homeschool their children.
His mind was not for rent to any god or government, always hopeful yet discontent. Knows changes aren't permanent, but change is ....                                                                                                                   
Neil Ellwood Peart  

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RE: Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns - by putnam6 - 06-14-2024, 04:40 PM

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