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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
(06-13-2024, 08:19 PM)ANNEE Wrote: Thank you for your opinion.

I personally do not support home schooling -- unless there is a really good reason that is best for the child.

"Imposing their ideology" -- meaning people who have always been -- but were not allowed by law to be -- now openly expressing themselves.

I'm 77 -- when I was a kid the law prevented you from seeing your own school records and medical records. They were considered government records. 

Free to be -- or STUCK in a previously "acceptable" formatted social structure that's losing its relevance.

I'm not sure where you are, but I'm fairly certain that in the US, where the incident took place, had never restricted access to a person's own school and medical records - at least, not within my lifetime... And I've been around for a WHILE now.

"Open expression" of political and religious views has never been allowed in the United States within public schools. Private schools are a different story. It is completely unacceptable and also illegal to teach your own personal political and religious beliefs to a student in a public school in the US and it's also 100% ethically and morally wrong.

No schoolteacher has the right to push their religion or political beliefs on a child that is not their own. It's WAY outside the scope of responsibility for a public school teacher.

Public schools are not and never have been free speech zones. The laws that protect adults don't apply to children. Additionally, the school is recognized to work as a foster parent in the absence of the legal guardian - the legal concept is "in loco parentis." It has always excluded political and religious dogma and this has been backed repeatedly by the courts.

The Trans group may have legitimate gripes and political issues to surmount, but public schools are not the appropriate venue to fight this battle.

Parents who don't feel that public schools address the needs of their children are free to remove their children from school and homeschool or seek private schooling on their own dime, who can legally teach your kids anything they like that you've authorized.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns - by l0st - 06-13-2024, 09:27 PM

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