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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
(06-10-2024, 01:57 AM)ANNEE Wrote: So, what is your personal involvement?

Who have you gone to counseling with?

I'm not sure I follow your line of questioning? Why would I be personally involved with the trans movement and why would I go to counseling about it? Am I missing something?

The opinions I have stated are really nothing more than a collection of observations and what my thoughts are on those in the culmination of the last 14 years of experience with this movement on the CT forums.

I have personally known 2 trans people in my life. Both of them had personal issues that went far beyond their gender dysphoria. One did move forward with meds and surgeries and then later cut off everyone they previously knew. The other one never really did anything but continue complaining about it. From my conversations with them over time I gathered that both were rather severely abused by a potentially narcissistic, sociopathic mother. Both of them would be FTM.

I also knew of an MTF that was kinda vaguely in one of my social circles. This person fully transitioned to a female, then decided they were a lesbian and would only date women. Based on the conversations I had with this person and also what I heard from others in the group this person certainly seemed to fit the description of "autogynephile". I mean really had a weird obsession with the genitalia.

(06-10-2024, 12:03 PM)pianopraze Wrote: You’re confused why government sponsored indoctrination centers indoctrinate children?

There is a reason homeschool students numbers have exploded.

No, I'm confused why siciology, a theoretical soft science, is being placed at the forefront of curriculum in schools that ostensibly exist to teach hard skills, and why every other teachable subject matter is being prefaced with it.

(06-10-2024, 12:39 PM)ANNEE Wrote: Majority (not all) homeschooling is for religious reasons.

We've all heard the glowing accolades of homeschooling.

Have you ever researched the other side?

I think historically, you are correct. Nowadays though? TBH, if I had young children today, I absolutely would NOT send them to public schools, but not really because of the Trans agenda per se, but the totality of the obvious Marxist brainwashing being pushed, the politicization by teachers, and the lack of proper educational standards and discipline.

Just as teachers have no business proselytizing their religious beliefs to their students it is also entirely inappropriate to push their political beliefs on their students as well, and TBH that's exactly what this comes down to.

The belief that a government employee needs to do anything but follow the law is preposterous. In fact, one might even argue that failure to flatly follow the law as written might open themselves to liability. This district will get sued, and the teacher will win. It seems to me that calling all of the students in the class by their real, legal names is completely equitable treatment, is it not? The US and state Constitutions all require "equal protection under law." If she complies with the request then she is now giving this student preferential treatment over others.

As has been pointed out, there is a legal process for changing one's name. People do it all the time (hello, marriage and divorce). Costs about $50 down at City Hall.

But really, all this student had to do was raise their hand and say "here" and they would have moved right on with the lesson with no fuss.

I have a name that people screw up constantly. Doesn't bother me a bit. In fact, people call me by the wrong name all the time and I just ignore it because it's not worth my time to correct every person with a hearing or speech impediment. If they really need to write it down or something I just spell it for them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns - by l0st - 06-10-2024, 01:17 PM

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