deny ignorance.


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Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns
(06-09-2024, 08:46 PM)ANNEE Wrote: I went to school in the 50s/60s. My kids were in high school in the 80's.  My granddaughter graduated in 2000.

And now I am hands-on, right now, in high school with a 16-year-old.

Needs and priorities change. 

The only pushing I'm experiencing is coming from the kids themselves.  It's a whole new world.

And those kids are being directly influenced by social media marketing droids employed by big pharma pushing the trans agenda.

It is illegal for the cigarette manufacturers to advertise to children, so why does big pharma get a pass?

There is not a single person under the age of 18 who came up with transgenderism. No 5 year old says they want to chop their junk off. Some level of gender exploration used to be considered an entirely normal part of growing up. Just because little Billy wants to know what he looks like in mommy's heels doesn't mean he's definitely a woman and needs to start treatment immediately.

This is absolutely an invention of adults who run corporations looking to hook lifetime customers on expensive medical treatments. There are no other mammalian species with transgender members. This is purely a product of corporate boards seeking profit through hormones, psych meds, and other medical products. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that this statement proves itself out because  NO BIG PHARMA COs == NO TRANSGENDERS. It would be literally impossible to "change one's gender" without the expensive meds pushed by these crooks.

I don't think the pushback we're seeing has anything to do with lobbying by some minor religious fanatic groups. What's happening is that activist teachers in the school systems have subversively injected their personal political beliefs into their students' curriculum without the consent of either the parents or the school districts. Now that the public is aware of what is going on, we're seeing legislation to regulate it.

(06-09-2024, 09:01 PM)AnAlternateOpinion Wrote: Deny Ignorance, you’ve got some decisions to make regarding the direction and tone of your site.

Are you going to be just like ATS and allow transgender topics to turn into hateful opinion filled screeds full of hostile commentary, slurs and basically calling trans folks mentally ill degenerate baby raping monsters?

I had really hoped things might be different here where transgender topics could be discussed intelligently, calmly and respectfully without all the pejoratives and name calling but it appears sadly I was mistaken, much to my disappointment.

Figure it out DI.

And remember what I said about a certain group wishing to control people's speech? Interesting.

Being called mentally ill isn't a "slur." Its a statement of fact in most cases. Read the manifesto from the PA shooter. Would you consider them mentally ill? I certainly would.

Also, not a single person here has called trans people "mentally ill degenerate baby raping monsters" that is entirely your own invention.

I also find it interesting that one with a handle of "AnAlternateOpinion" comes on here complaining about "opinion filled screeds" as though nobody is allowed to have an opinion but you.

The conversation seems pretty respectful to me. You seem to take offense to the "mentally ill" statement, but Gender Dysphoria is listed in the DSM as a mental illness, is it not?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Teacher was fired for refusing to call children by their preferred pronouns - by l0st - 06-09-2024, 09:37 PM

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