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Private medical data - Google targeted ads
(06-07-2024, 01:15 AM)Maxmars Wrote: My insurance company sort of forced me to switch doctors once... I went to the "new" doctors ranch... filled out a slew of paperwork.. and did my business with them.  Directly afterwards, in a matter of under an hour, my email inbox was flooded with dozens of new "advertisers" all very well focused on me and my needs.

Now the doctor didn't do this... but his "third parties" did.  Third parties like "Google."

So this little article didn't surprise me much...

From ArsTechnica: Google accused of secretly tracking drivers with disabilities

This is about a lawsuit.  So the language being used is somewhat inflammatory... but guess what... I still believe it.

Google needs to pump the brakes when it comes to tracking sensitive information shared with DMV sites, a new lawsuit suggests.

Filing a proposed class-action suit in California, Katherine Wilson has accused Google of using Google Analytics and DoubleClick trackers on the California DMV site to unlawfully obtain information about her personal disability without her consent.

This, Wilson argued, violated the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), as well as the California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA), and impacted perhaps millions of drivers who had no way of knowing Google was collecting sensitive information shared only for DMV purposes.

"Google uses the personal information it obtains from motor vehicle records to create profiles, categorize individuals, and derive information about them to sell its customers the ability to create targeted marketing and advertising," Wilson alleged.

According to Wilson, California's DMV "encourages" drivers "to use its website rather than visiting one of the DMV’s physical locations" without telling drivers that Google has trackers all over its site.

Imagine that... "targeted marketing" being related to to information vacuumed up from the DMV... 

Care to guess where else Google get's information to sell?

It gets worse. I lived in a state that was directly caught selling the data to some firm in California. No trackers. They straight up sold the DMV database.

This conduct should be made illegal without explicit consent and by explicit I mean 50 point red blinking font saying "We're planning to sell your data, do you agree?"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Private medical data - Google targeted ads - by l0st - 06-07-2024, 01:22 AM

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