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Evidence Man Never Landed On The Moon - Documentary
I think the problem is that there has been a concerted effort to muddy the waters of curiosity.

Any "problems" or "objections" to the Moon Landing claims are automatically characterized as equating to "We never went."  

But that is not the image I see coalescing.  The image I see forming is that the government expended massive amounts of energy and technical expertise to avoid showing us what was happening - when it was happening.  The footage was "produced" ala Hollywood, the images professionally treated to convey a "perfect" facsimile of what happened (but not so perfect, after all.)

I maintain my hesitation isn't a "lack of faith" in the fact that we pulled it off as a mission, it's a near certainty that what we 'saw' of it was a façade.  That (in keeping with the prevalent paranoia of all leadership since WWII) they lacked the courage to allow what was happening to be shown to the public.  They desperately wanted to "control" the production and broadcast so badly that an entire generation would never realized what really went down... which they deemed "super" secret because: reasons.

In hindsight, there was hardly any valid reason to "hide" what happened, but they hid it anyway... preemptively.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Evidence Man Never Landed On The Moon - Documentary - by Maxmars - 05-26-2024, 02:17 PM

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