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Evidence Man Never Landed On The Moon - Documentary
(05-25-2024, 10:17 AM)Nerb Wrote: A reflector is not necessary to bounce a laser off the surface of the moon. It was done years before the moon landings without. The information is in the video.

Thanks for the respect. Better a skeptic than having a head stuck in the Moondust.

Did you even watch the video?

The winners of wars write the history. Nobody can prove so many of the "facts" after an event.

You say you"know" so many things which does not force truth. Facts do, and WE weren't there to witness anything.

I appreciate your long reply, but there are still so many unanswered questions that cannot be answered with a few words on an internet forum.

I hope you enjoyed the video regardless. Interesting accumulation of information isn't it?

Well, I was speaking for myself when I said "I know", so I encourage everyone else to do as much research as they feel appropriate to satisfy their understanding and beliefs about what actually happened.  I do not expect anyone to accept my knowledge of what happened, but was merely trying to point out some possibilities and some scenarios where trickery might have been used (if something had gone wrong).

Regarding the video, and many other sources like it, yes, there are scores of anomalies related to the Moon missions which have driven a deeper understanding of things like photography, visual phenomenon (or lack thereof) and many other things.  I always find some of these things interesting to see what people come up with.  I didn't watch the whole 3 hours and 30 minutes, but I did watch a good portion.  I didn't see this particular item in the video (but maybe it was later on), but one of the anomalies I always found curious was a certain famous photograph of Armstrong on the Moon.  The reflection in Armstrong's visor shows the moon, the Earth, the LEM and other things.  The photo in question was going to be used on the famous US postage stamp, but someone questioned the authenticity of the photo before the stamp went to mint.  It turned out the photo had actually been retouched (photoshopped, if you will, but long before the software, Adobe Photoshop, existed) and NASA had to admit this.  It was some kind of a promotional glamor shot done for some reason.  The photo was subsequently changed to a similar but slightly different image for the actual stamp.  It was played off as a harmless mistake, but I always found that curious.  In fact, I think this was my very first proof-positive that the government was willing to dupe Americans, even if accidentally, and that government subterfuge was not only possible, but likely going forward.  It was innocent enough, but just the fact that it happened at all was notable.

To this end, most people today do not realize they see false images every day and they accept these images as fact without any proof.  A great example of this is many of the space telescope images.  Almost all of these images are heavily edited (visually) to portray the interpretation of data in a way that John Q. Public can understand.  There's no malicious intent with these images at all, they are just computer generated images based on raw data.  It's just that many people do not fully understand what they are looking at.  Anyway, I'm off-topic, so I'll stop.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Evidence Man Never Landed On The Moon - Documentary - by FlyingClayDisk - 05-25-2024, 12:01 PM

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