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Is this the start of a Cold Civil War
Both of you bring up the bases for me concern. What's to prevent a state from shutting down other Constitutional rights. Maybe California sees it fitting to house National Guardsmen in your house due to the possibility of a forest fire, or a whistleblower gets denied 5A rights of self protection from incrimination, then you have the possibility of a state to deny voting rights to individuals for the purposes of an election. 

Hawaii opened a jar of flies here that they don't or can't see the final outcome of. Oddly, if the full outcome Hawaii is seeking is for full Independent Statehood separate from the US, then all those Democrat reps in Congress will have to go home and their votes are worthless. Then we have the China issue if Hawaii goes Independent. Will the US care about Hawaii if China moves in militarily to take control of the islands? (of course, we do since it would be viewed as a strategic location, but will we have to take actions)

This move is just bad, hopefully the SC of Hawaii will see it's way out and fix this statement of theirs.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this the start of a Cold Civil War - by guyfriday - 02-08-2024, 08:35 PM

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