01-12-2025, 08:13 PM
Quote: So while LAs inadequacies may be fact and without debate, and put under a retrospective microscope, it's not changing the outcome, nor would it have.
You don’t know that, that’s an assumption on your part. There’s a lot of city and state failures attached to this one. If they had built what they said they would 11 years ago I’ve no doubt it would’ve changed the outcome.
I know how LA works I lived there for many years through the 80’s and 90’s, was there during the riots and saw what a cluster f that was. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen LA in ruin. Leadership has always been a joke there. LA/CA has always been known for mismanagement of funds for decades while they funnel money for their favorite new chew toys.
For instance they had a 180 million allocated in the budget for “social justice art” and 100 million budgeted for “ transgender cafe’s”. Money that would’ve been much more beneficial for the FD that was having their budgets cut, that’s gross mismanagement of funds to say the least, pure stupidity but that’s the kind of mentality CA gov has and has had for decades. JS