12-09-2024, 07:31 AM
(12-07-2024, 06:04 PM)AlienSun Wrote: Given that water is part of the issue with all sorts of our visitors, I assume that it is a galaxy-wide relationship.
Don't think anyone knows if they're visiting or have been here all along (or live underground or in a next door dimension or time travellers etc.) but do appreciate the information. on deuterium.
I was genuinely unaware of most of that and you're not wrong about Google either - it's more like some sort of self indoctrination device than a search engine these days.
(12-07-2024, 06:04 PM)AlienSun Wrote: My assumption was that desalinating of seawater was, of course, a more complex process and that was the entire reason why the UFOs seem drawn (pun intended) to natural waters..
Did you ever catch the compilation involving these objects interacting with the world's dams?
Pretty fascinating stuff and don't know about salinity content but there are accounts of UFOs 'sucking up' water from dams in New York as well as loads of testimony involving UFOs doing something just above the surface of the water.
Also witness accounts of UFOs diving into (or emerging from) the waters of the dam or 'siphoning' power from the hydroelectric stations.