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Poll: Where Do You Stand On The Ancient Aliens Theory
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8 66.67%
They visit Earth, but they don't build anything.
2 16.67%
Aliens don't visit Earth.
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Ancient Aliens Debunked - Full Movie
(11-27-2023, 01:41 AM)ANNEE Wrote: Fascinating subject to me.

But, IMHO, I always find the debunkers stretch their reach as far as they can -- just as those they are trying to debunk.

Can really go either way.

I wonder -- were the pyramids built by an ancient visitor -- then discovered by later inhabitants -- and what we see is repairing instead of building?

Have blueprints of what/how/why the pyramids were designed for ever found -- prior to their construction?

There are no blueprints of ANY building before the Renaissance... there's a few drawing plans of buildings but nothing like we'd say was a blueprint.  I suspect you're thinking of the Gizamids when you say "pyramid" but they didn't really need one.  Khufu's father and grandfather both built pyramids; Khufu's father built three (and possibly four) with a volume greater than that of the Great Pyramid. 

There would have been generations of designer-architects (Imhotep's family, mainly and Hemiunu's family) who worked on these, saw the failures (Bent Pyramid, Meidum Pyramid) and problems (particularly those created by smaller stacked blocks) and successes.  The Gizamids are the result of over 100 years of expert work by stonemasons, construction workers, and so forth, who learned the trades from their families.  They also built other projects on behalf of the king (something that tends to be ignored.)

The stonework isn't at all regular (blocks are any number of sizes; no consistency at all) -- which isn't something an advanced civilization would do.  It's much easier to cut things to a standard size and fit them in (or to carefully break something apart and then put it back together) instead of the very haphazard way that stones are set into the pyramids.

They've got a few stones that are parts of one another, but there's an awful lot of mortar (the white stuff) filling in gaps and a bunch of smaller rocks plugging up holes. 
[Image: large-limestone-blocks-stonework-on-the-...REBCF3.jpg]

In the interior, the King's Chamber is probably the best finished there, but nothing that's seen is beyond the capability of someone with stone tools:
[Image: main-qimg-ba8e1938b51a06dc818c4531328c645e-lq]

Now... if they'd built something like the Amiens Cathedral, THEN we could say that something hinky was going on:

[Image: 3768939432_5721b15856_z.jpg?itok=JHtVAKlw]

You can't do that with granite stone pounders, copper chisels, shadoufs, and ramps.

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RE: Ancient Aliens Debunked - Full Movie - by Byrd - 01-02-2024, 11:54 PM

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