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How about an Interesting as HECK thread???
My ex-wife received a beautiful bouquet of some pretty expensive (like really expensive) flowers from some dick head.

She worked in a call center for one of the major airlines.  This dick head had experienced a death in his family, and the ex helped him out.  In return, dick head sent her some flowers.

So why was he a dick head?

Well, you see, his actual name was Richard Head ("but you can call me Dick" he told her).  She thought he was joking, right up until he gave her is American Express card info.  Sure enough, 'Richard Head'.


Poor guy!  Thanks, Mom & Dad!  Lol

Messages In This Thread
RE: How about an Interesting as HECK thread??? - by FlyingClayDisk - 07-04-2024, 12:06 PM

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